Ryu thread (how to not defeat sheng long)

Ok let’s talk about dp vs hk as a reversal out of ticks:

Advantages to hk:

-the motion is simpler
-you are in the air longer than a dp, forcing your opponent to use a non-throw counter
-getting hit while doing a hk sometimes allows you to escape the corner, but only if the attacker fails to react and punish you in time

Disadvantages to hk:

-if opponent is doing anything besides walking forward into you, they can hit you basically for free and usually put you back right where you started
-it has much shorter invulnerability than a dp
-hitboxes on hk switch sides making it a shitty attack
-opponent can usually block and throw you for free (though there is debate whether this is 50/50, need someone to do some frame testing here)

It’s fairly obvious that using hk as a reversal out of ticks is almost always a worse choice when compared to counter throw/dp, even if you saw some video of some guy using it and actually winning. Its advantages only outweigh the disadvantages when a certain character (like Chun) doesn’t have a great counter; but even in these fights, it can not be used consistently as a good tactic to get out of ticks. It might be worth it to use it just to mix things up slight in an attempt to confuse your opponent, but a better option is almost always present.

As far as the footsies and fb’s against Hawk, yes you have to be careful when you buffer a fb after a blocked sweep against Hawk, and I would agree that sometimes slow fb’s are better at stopping him from dp’ing through the fb; but you have to mix up fast fb’s as well, or else he will start to jump and dive after blocking a low attack and hit you that way instead. You should usually stick to using only ground attacks or fb’s, rarely buffering them just to mix things up.

Low attack into fb is one of Ryu’s best tools to push a character towards a corner, and cornering an opponent is one of Ryu’s best winning tactics. Having opponents like Hawk and Gief in the corner gives you almost no advantage compared to out in the middle of the screen; being in the corner can give a medicore player the false sense that you will throw more fb’s to keep them there, usually encouraging them to jump or lariat, but discussing non-optimal tactics that are effective against scrubs is probably a bad way to go, so I’ll stop.

You’re saying it’s better to hk for chun?

No, I’m saying that hk is only useful against a small number of characters, Chun being one of them. When she is rushing you down, you can get out almost for free with a reversal hk. If she tries anything besides block, she will get hit, and if you use different levels of hk, you can add a guessing game into her block-then-throw counter.

Ryu’s air hk is also mostly a piece of shit, except against some really tall characters (like Boxer and Sagat), where you can do a meaty cross-up and get some random free hits like Claw’s off-the-wall shenanigens. Anyone know how to spell that correctly?

NKI, how about a frame test as to who gets the throw after someone like Chun blocks a Ryu/Ken hk and then throws when he lands. I wonder if it’s the same as Ken doing a dp as soon as he lands from his, which seems sooner than Ryu but maybe the block stuns are just different… Anything special about these moves or is it just a one frame advantage like most people would guess?

I have a hard time comboing supers like ryu’s is there an easier way to do them at all so they combo in. I just can’t combo in QCFx2 supers constiantly


The low forward into super is the easiest one to learn, in fact it’s hella easy and consistent if you practice just a little. Just do the qcfx2 motion first and when you’re at down or down+forward on the second qcf press mk, then finally fierce. You can also use this method to combo into super from (blocked) low roundhouse, or standing forward, standing fierce etc.

SSFT Ryu VS. CE Guile, strategies, anyone??

Super combo answer: If you want to do flying fierce, low forward, super, then try this: when you jump at your opponent, do a fb motion ending with a fierce to hit them in the air (obviously this will only do a fierce punch and not a fb, but you will have half of your super motion stored at least), then when you land do low forward into fb as normal, but the super will come out instead of a normal fb.

Guile, whether he is CE or not, is not a walk in the park for Ryu, and your fighting strategy won’t change much at all whatever version of Guile you are fighting.

Here’s what Guile wants to do to you: sucker you into jumping in so he can flashkick you, stop your fb with a sonic boom and then backfist you, and jump in with ambiguous crossup.

Your strategy should probably involve not playing into his.

Obviously, you need to learn how to block the crossup short, or he will eat you up all day with it, but many decent Guile’s never learn this game so you might be safe from it for a while.

Of course you should rarely jump into Guile. Don’t get the false sense of security that you can jump over a sonic boom for free; Guile has a huge arsenal of counters that don’t involve his flashkick and usually involve you getting hit for free or at least getting a nice trade. If you jump at all, do a safe jump in (so that you land while he is invulnerable but doesn’t have hit boxes out there yet); this a something you see top level Ryu’s doing against Guile, so don’t feel like you can never jump in this fight.

As for the fb’ing, you have to be very careful, as any obvious fb’s will result in a backfist to your face. Ryu has a great counter to this with his hurricane kick; just like Guile can counter your fb with a sonic boom then backfist, you can counter his sonic boom with a hurricane kick (but only if you are close to him). So, one way to really make Guile feel hesitant about throwing sonic booms during the fight (which is what usually beats up Ryu), you want to get up in his face and dance around, trying to get him to throw the boom; then just hurricane kick on reaction and you will very often hit him for free (which results in a knock down and a wake-up game advantage to you next). Once Guile has second thoughts about throwing his booms, you are free to fireball more often, which usually pushes him back into a corner and spells more disadvantages to Guile.

I felt like I should add this small note: don’t be afraid to just block sonic booms. Getting fancy with jumping straight up over his booms will usually end up with him kicking your ass in the air or when you land. Also, you can do a short hurricane kick or jab dragon punch (if you don’t suck) through the sonic boom if he does it from far away. This buys you a small time advantage where Guile cannot throw another boom until the one you just went through leaves the screen. If you have having problems with DJ as well, this little trick can sometimes cause your opponent a lot of grief as you can reposition yourself to a much better distance without him being able to do much about it at all.

On the whole, you can’t fight Guile as if you were Sagat, throwing nonstop fb’s and uppercutting his jumpin’s. Get out your game of fakes and footsies, and abuse your hurricane kick against one of the few characters in the game that it actually works against…


Thank you very much for taking the time to reply to this, it was so detailed and clear, Eventhough my buddy kept naliing me with his footsies after jumping a sonic boom I just kept doing it triying to find one that I could beat with my Ryu. I will change my strategy from now on considering all these points. Thanks.

Amazing Ryu

Hey guys, are these combos real?? how do you cancel into a super fireball from almost any hit?? I am so confused…

why do people whiff c.sk before doing an fb

If they’re standing, it serves as a fake out…Or to keep them in place by having them go into the block stance for that one second the short is out.

can any one help me with ducking shortx2 super fb with ryu