This balance patch is waaaay more controversial than any other balance adjustment made in SFIV. Or maybe people have more platforms to voice their insatisfaction. I don’t know. Even pro players complain. I saw a PR Rog tweet stating that boxer was badly adjusted to fight season 1 characters and that he was “too strong” now.
I still hope Capcom makes some course correction, but if not, well, I’ll stick to my main.
Also, there’s Tekken and Rev 2 in the horizon. Why suffer?
Yeah things might not be correct if pro players are admitting their character is too good. Usually in most cases players will still defend their character even when they are, but it’s so obvious that Rog has to concede that his own character is too much.
Well, at least for Vanilla AE, Ono did state that they had intentionally built that version of SF4 to have Powerful and stupid characters, hence we got characters like Yun in there. So because it was intentional, I won’t complain, however Vanilla AE also happened to have the absolute worst Ryu of that series as well.
With S2 on here, we seriously got some of the biggest wtf changes in the game, and not just pertaining to Ryu in which case we’ve all already made statements about.
The Season 2 patch feels as though they were made for S1 SF:V during the mid-summer era of 2016, or just Post-Evo2k16. I mean it, just go back to that time frame and you would have seen that many people felt that Ryu was #2 on the tier list (which I disagreed), Mika was rioted with complaints practically all through out S1 (I personally didn’t mind S1 Mika at all, but too many people now a days get too emotional over archetypes that play like her), Nash was prominent with players like Infiltration, Yukadon, and LI Joe, while Guile and Cammy “weren’t as strong” at that time.
Come S2, and Ryu got worse, Nash and Mika got neutered, while Guile and Cammy…got stronger. See my point?
It’s obvious that a lot had changed Post-Evo2k16 and we had a different perspective near the end of Season 1, but once again, the S2 changes at least for me seems to coincide with the results of Season 1 during it’s midlife. What still amazes me is that Ryu got more detrimental hits than someone like Chun in it’s current incarnation, and as to why? I don’t know…
The only possibility we may have that could help out Ryu may pertain to a statement made by Capcom…
So a word to all S2 Ryu players…stop winning and start losing, especially if they’re monitoring character performances. If we’re all still winning than they’ll say “See Ryu is fine!” =)
Jokes aside, maybe Ryu just might get retweaked again before CPT starts getting into high gear for 2017. If so, I would love to see Shoryuken invs returned, or just the inv. AA’s to be changed back to S1 again (Nope, nerfing them for wake up dps was a stupid reasoning, I’m sorry), give Ryu back his range and remove the stupid additional +1 frame that was added on lp Hadouken. These changes being reverted back in my opinion would be all the requirement needed into making S2 Ryu very formidable as a playable character again.
Who knows, Ryu might get some buffs, but if S2 is any inclination on who Capcom is approaching their future changes, than Ryu may get worse, lol. Ask yourself if you would be surprised.
I think they can meet us half way at least. Ryu does not have much uniqueness (any) in his game compared to the other shotos/characters. They could give us invincibility back meterless whilst in V-trigger for example, at least that way it costs V meter and gives Ryu some other threat other than - here block these 6 fireballs and I’m done with my V-trigger. is the dumbest change since Vanilla Sagat changes, that just needs put back as a no brainer, the guy can’t even link a (low damage) combo off his crush counter at most ranges now FFS. Air Tatsu into Super? Yeah, who the fuck has even used that, must be like once out of 10’000 matches by some bronze dude.
Charge fireball could have some interesting changes since it’s almost useless outside of a crush counter, what if in V-trigger you could actually cancel a charged fireball? Mind games through the roof, do they block? will it guard break? What if I jump and he cancels…and I eat a DP? If they want to lump a meter cost on it then fine go ahead, just let me do something that’s not - sweep - fireball, or DP. Why not make the St.HP crush counter launch like Guiles and link into say a meterless tatsu or an air tatsu?
If they want the game to be about 50/50 choices then give us some of that shit. I thought this stuff up in about 30 seconds of typing and it’s more interesting than the entire S2 change log.
I don’t think driving the bus off a cliff is better if you call your shot beforehand. AE was bad. Like half of Asia abandoned their character and just started playing Yun. Daigo, Kindevu, Momochi, Xian. Or they were Mago and Fuudo playing Fei!
I think people forget what a fuck up AE was, Capcom’s been doing stupid shit for awhile.
I don’t wanna complain no more guys. Im just gonna play Ryu and move forward, all the complaining i been doing about season 2 just keeps building up anger so yeah im done, at this point it’s either you stick with him or just pick someone else to play. Most of us here don’t like the changes with Ryu season 2 but these might stick around for the whole year or not but either way it’s not much we can do about it
During the bargaining phase of the stages of grief, I toyed with the idea of having a 3-bar V-trigger for Ryu as long as he could cancel specials into it like Ken and Gouki. Also, maybe not lose it all with a Critical Art? I mean, V-Trigger improves Ryu’s fireball game a bit… in a SF with lots of anti-fireball options. Ken can do a CA and keeps his V-Trigger going. Why not Ryu?
But then I tought: that would turn Ryu’s V-Trigger into an X-Factor, which I personally don’t like at all. I love the concept of V-skill and V-Trigger, but some characters turn into Marvel characters all of a sudden and it’s just dumb.
What are you guys doing after forward throw midscreen now? I see Daigo do a small step and b+Hk sometimes, but this can be beaten with some wake up normals.
Losing all pressure after a throw has been the most frustrating part of S2 Ryu for me personally.
I take a small step back, the opponent usually jabs, THEN I DASH IN AND THROW AGAIN. Sometimes I time a solar plexus strike. It almost never works, but pressure is still mine.
Small step into B+RH is probably the safest option. Fireball can be good, his other normals can ch if they wake up pressing buttons after conditioning. Dash up throw again can work after conditioning.
AE wasn’t that bad, and even for a game that was built intentionally like that, you still had 10 of the top-16 at Evo being non-repeats. Not to mention Vanilla AE also produced some of the Best and most exciting Top-8 Evo sets for a SF match of all time. Latif vs Daigo, Fuudo vs Poongko, Poongko vs Daigo.
We need to stop making the assumption that having powerful options/characters somehow can’t be fun or enjoyable. Considering a greater portion of the older SF games (Some of which I mentioned are still played today) had some of the stupidest things in there to begin with. ST, A2, A3, CvS2, MvC2 (technically not a SF series game, but it fulls in this category), 3S, not to mention having Far more Powerful characters in those respective games in contrast to AE Yun.
On another note, Nemo posted his opinion pertaining to where he feels some of the Season 2 characters stack in the tier listing, and he had Ryu in bottom 5. As much as I feel about how Ryu has been gimped for Season 2, I have to disagree with Ryu being at bottom-5 however.
I might have been a less-knowledgeable player then, but I didn’t feel Ryu was terrible in AE. He got nerfed a lot and Yun was king, yes, but I still felt Ryu had something for himself and Daigo even got him to EVO with decent resutls. This Ryu, however… well, winning feels much more rewarding now
His fireball and DP should both be reverted back to S1. He’s already straight-forward enough as is, has zero “dirt” compared to other characters. Regardless of the nerfs, I still enjoy playing Ryu on the side.
I’ve been playing a bit of Gief. Refreshing to actually have a gameplan with some fun stuff involved. He also seems to shit all over Balrog which is nice.