Ryu Season 2

Looks like the block setups work against shoto meterless dp’s which is nice.

Infiltration said it best what I was trying to point out. Those who complain about fireballs and SRK’s are scrubs. This generation always needed to be spoon fed that’s why they will never learn.

Hello fellow Ryu players!

Like a lot of you guys I’ve found Ryu much more difficult to play in season 2 while a lot of characters became stronger against him. I don’t want to tell you guys to go check out my Youtube channel, but I’ll post here when I publish my video about some season 2 strengths with Ryu that I feel are practical. I personally feel he is among the worse characters in the game now primarily because of how strong others became. Daigo’s been using the second hit of the Back Heavy Kick into a Special like Hadoken or Tatsu. It’s decent chip damage and safe pressure from a distance. However, it is slow and has lengthy recovery for the chip damage you get from it when blocked.

What’s your channel?

Whoever disagreed howbout trying to play against mika, gief and laura. Get knocked down and see what happens.

Ryu thread is gonna be silent for awhile.

I would rather play against those three, than having to play against Rog and Rashid.

Get use to finding a secondary for the Guile MU. I don’t see Ryu beating him in season 2 unless you psychic jump a sonic boom and land a jump in

It is a lot worse with Akuma.
With Ryu, you can at-least parry and get VT really fast.

Hard-zoners like Guile are the hardest MU for Akuma for sure, he just don’t have enough HP, and then there is Rashid.

At least you can compete and win the fireball war with him, if you mix up with a few red fireball, shakunetsu xx v-trigger also helps to get in, you can follow and use the fireball as a shield like Nash.

You have to get to a range where you counter the startup of booms and normals with sweep and st.mk/cr.mk, jumping isnt really the answer even though it overwhelmingly feels like the thing to do, if anything a psychic tatsu is better.

If you want just general tips a lower level/online etc you will find that Guile players can’t hold the zoning pattern for long as they back up to the corner - they will be the ones that actually want to jump in over your fireballs, my strategy when playing a Guile player like that ( which is mostly everyone) is to usually sit and block/parry with fireballs and wait for them to jump in, rinse repeat and walk forward til I can get to that uncomfortable will i won’t I push something because some of Guiles poking normals like back fist only hit high and you can low profile it. Once you get him in the corner sit at the point of about a st.mk/cr,mk and just throw out staggered pokes. The idea is just to keep him there.

I still think it’s a bad match. I think Rog and Guile would be considered hard counters for Ryu now, especially Rog. In Season 1 I was mixed, but it’s clear cut now, Rog in particular exposes the design flaw in Ryu spectacularly ( the flaw where Ryu doesn’t control any range well). He controls the range where you can fireball from with V-skill on reaction, he controls the range where you can poke from with better normals and better crush counters, he controls the “random” anywhere on the screen with unreactable EX moves. He controls the pace of the match when he get’s his V-trigger stocked ( because you’re giving up half your bar even thinking about pushing a button). His corner carry is laughable, with Rog somehow able to start a combo in one corner and end up sending you to the other corner.

The st.lk nerf just tops off Capcoms inability to balance shit because now you’re left with scenarios where you’re unsure - will that st.lk hit that rush punch? will it whiff? Shout outs to pointless changes designed to gimp characters. My particular favourite now is that our Crush Counter that only hits high now can’t be linked to st.lk if you hit it at a larger range. Great job.

In short with Rog, you gotta outplay him ridiculously well and still probably end up with a loss at any moment, whilst he’s sitting on a goldmine of possible options at any one time.

If Nash was designed to beat Ryu in Season 1 then Rog is the powered up version of Nash in Season 2.

Pretty spot on, yo.

Daigo doing just that in the first round.

Err, I timestamped it for 9:54 but the link is being a dick.

Yeah, vs Guile I’ve just been using parry vs booms and trying to back him to the corner for the most part. Rog seems to be a pretty bad match for the reasons stated above. I’m not a fan of the Ryu changes.

Guile vs Ryu should be a decent matchup now. Looking forward to how it plays out with the new parry gauge buffs.

Akuma shouldn’t be too bad either considering parry helps deal with his air shenanigans with big punishes and he has low health/stun.

I would be suprised if daigo would not be using guile against Tokido/Sako.

Ryu beats Akuma imo at the very least it’s even, I can just feel it when I play/watch Akuma. Guile not so much. It’s fine to say “you can build v trigger now” but what do you do with it? Control the zone for 6 or 7?fireballs …now what. Ryus trigger doesn’t have enough application to make it super scary. The thing with Guiles booms aswell is that you can’t parry the chasing booms that he follows, only the zoning booms which means you’re already standing too far away.

You pretty much have to save Super, that’s the only equaliser I see. Guile doesn’t need to worry about not using v-reversal now and the fact he gets a trigger cancel from a boom ( why can’t Ryu get this!) makes his trigger better for me, it has much more application.

Interested to see it develop but I think it’s a bad match. I don’t think Ryu actually has many advantaged match ups now if any.

Shoto life is rough in season 2

Yeah wish ryu had better range on some of his normals and a better fireball. Capcom should make the shoto stuff actually better instead of making them sub par or worse ( no more meterless DP, stubby normals, more recovery on fireballs)

We will prevail… or something!

I don’t know if this is worth doing but on the Ryu discord someone said the first hit of Ryu’s B. HK when v trigger cancelled puts him at +16…eh not sure really

Remember when sfv was announced, capcom said that instead of nerfing they will make weak characters better. It’s like a politician during the campaign period.