Ryu Season 2

I’m also waiting as well. I haven’t been on S2 as much simply because in a few days I’ll be traveling to Israel for about 2 weeks, so my priorities have been getting prepped for that. However I would hope that Capcom doesn’t also directly nerf the characters whom are considered strong in Season 2 as of this moment with the possible character patch (Guile, Urien, Cammy, Laura, Rog etc) but simply buffing the characters that were so ungraciously wrecked from Season 1 to becoming more viable again. Examples like Nash, Mika, especially Fang, and yes I’m including Ryu in here as well.

As earlier, my three changes for Ryu (revert s.lk back to S1 range, remove the additional +1 frame on lp. Hadouken, and give us back S1 AA invincibles again), whether you all agree with my statements on those three buffs is clearly opinion.

However, I’m sure we can all agree for the most part that Ryu doesn’t need any real drastic buffs, but just simply giving him some of his S1 tools back would be all that would be required. They should also Remove the stupid aerial hurricane kick cancel into Super nonsense, that is still one of the dumbest so-called buffs ever implemented for a character.

From my take, the so called potential changes will possibly be announced at the end of this month as they had eluded to some “Big News” around that time. So I believe if they weren’t simply baiting us than we’ll most likely be hearing something about it around that time, just my two cents anyways.

What do you guys think of BRH xx Charge fireball? The first hit leaves you very close but gives a good amount of frame advantage. At worst you can get hit with a reversal and at best they press a button and eat the fireball, I really don’t use it like that. The second hit (around mid to max range) leaves you further away, I usually do a short charge and release in that situation but it seems pretty good overall. I’ve been using that a lot to finish off block strings.

I think the problem with this buff is that it sort of fly’s in the face about what you’re supposed to do with his V-trigger. The V-trigger is primarily used as either a full time zoning/footsie buff or a combo extender. It feels like st.hp buff means we’ve got to put ourselves in spots where Ryu’s just not comfortable playing in. Like you pop V-trigger against Laura or Balrog, do you really want to risk eating herp derp bullshit into death back? Same with Urien.

If it were up to me, I’d make the recovery on the fireball retarded, like 29 frames or I’d make it so he has more guard break situations ( smaller charge?)…something. I want what the other bullshit characters have got, when you pop trigger - people shit themselves, with Ryu right now it’s just not up to the game standard.

You know what would even be a buff, lowering the scaling on a guard break fireball so that the follow up shit would actually hurt and not tickle.

Right now he’s just a bad character with bad tools.

I think a big issue is we are playing a game where you don’t have the luxury to really do a normal cancel into a v trigger like some other characters can use theirs ( he has st mk but mostly thats only when Ryu has a CA on deck) so characters like Laura, Urien and Rog have an advantage in that regard. And then when you factor in the st LK change, the throw change, anti air shoryuken can possible trade as an anti air, shorter range normals and a fireball game where this game is heavy anti fireball on some characters you have to play with your hands tied behind your back in the neutral game in certain MU’s.

I personally don’t think a patch is coming until the end of this year but i hope im wrong. Here are my changes for Ryu: Revert St LK back to season 1 status, V trigger: Faster normals, better hitbox on normals, or if their adamant on keeping his normals stubby then a better fireball game but really i just wish the input lag went further down in this game and also make Dp’s not trade against a jumping normal that would go a long way i think

I agree that he’s bad, really bad.

I think Capcom is afraid to make Ryu good because of his parry. They’re afraid of someone mastering the parry and then wrecking the competition. Still, they should revert him mostly back to his S1 form. Give him back everything except the j.lk, that was just stupid. And no AA jab.

Honestly, the Parry is such a trash tool in this game. I’d prefer we just got the donkey kick as his V-skill or I’d even be fine with a Focus attack.

That or give us a tool to have an actual zoning game like Guile can because right now, I feel like you would need to give Ryu an AK-47 to actually be fun to play in this game…

Parry’s ok, but it’s like most of the V-skills, just a part time match up dependant tool that only get’s used for single moves ( Mika drop kick, Cammy V-Skill, Alex stomps etc). Honestly I’m stumped on that one, I don’t think you can make it better without breaking it.

Personally I’d like to see his zoning tools improved because I don’t think Ryu can hang with anyone with decent buttons - Rashid, Balrog, Cammy, you’re just taking your life into your own hands if you decide to press buttons. With Ryu now it feels like you can be hanging around with a decent life lead until the inevitable WTF moment turns the whole round because you thought you’d press cr.mk.

It’s like walking on eggshells almost every match.

I don’t see why they can’t just reduce the recovery, it already recovers slower than LP DP while being equally punishable

if Capcom wants the game to revolve around tossing out moves and hoping for the best, why shouldn’t Ryu be able to do that effectively with his parry? it STILL wouldn’t be as good of a “yolo button” as a good CC since most of those are safe on block + barely whiff punishable + beat a wider variety of actions than parry + offer more damage anyways. but it would be fun being able to toss out an ume-parry once in a while without likely losing the match if it whiffs. I’m not talking about giving him 3s parry or any such nonsense; just make his parry recovery a little harder to react to so that you might catch a sleeping opponent off guard on whiff. rog/urien have insanely hard-to-react-to high-priority specials that traverse the whole screen, are even or + on block, and can cancel into some of the best VTs… is a slightly faster parry really too much to ask for?

barring that I’d like it’s CH state removed at least.

I agree, it shouldn’t be a crush counter punish but Ryu get’s the worst of everything - written in stone. Meterless Dp’s should also not be CC punishable, they can’t have it both ways…although in Season 2 anything goes. Honest I don’t think there’s much you can do with Parry. I think V-triggers where its at. He also really needs his st.lk back. I feel like there’s some kind of prophecy with me and SF characters, pick Sagat in SF4 - gets raped (with st.lk also one of his biggest nerfs), SF5 - same shit.

I disagree with everyone’s assessment about Parry in terms of its designed use. If Ryu was a complete character and had Parry, then I’d say it’s fine. The problem with Parry is that it’s terrible compensation for the package we currently have with Ryu as it doesn’t plug up any of this holes.

It’s supposed to be a pressure option if you look at how it’s designed. It’s supposed to say I will just eat your FB’s and walk forward. It’s supposed to say using long-ranged normals is dangerous because I will punish them with Parry. Parry is supposed to be the compensation Ryu gets for having stubby normals and lack of other pressure options. It’s supposed to be a a tool that dissuades people from using their favorite poke too much. An opponent is supposed to respect it. That would be the only logical reason why they made it as such and made Ryu as such. The problem is the risk/reward profile of even a successful parry is trash tier sans a couple of moves. It’s the fundamental flaw with counter moves in general in 2D FG’s, if I know what my opponent is going to do, I would already be winning and therefore don’t need this tool. It’s why most counter characters tend to be either broken or trash. Better to just have an offense that doesn’t care what your opponent is going to do, or that forces your opponent to have to take poor risk/reward actions to counter your offense.

Excluding Guile, Fang, and Sim to a certain extent, SFV basically doesn’t even feel like a 2D FG anymore to me. If you don’t have the ranged game or more interesting vertical footsies, it’s basically a sub-par 3D FG game without the lateral moves axis. If you don’t have invincible reversals, you’re basically living in a 3D FG in terms of options defensively. Since moving forward is the best idea like 99% of the time, it becomes a time-control game far more than a space control game. Some match-ups have a space control aspect, but the same can be said of 3D FGs as well.

I wouldn’t be surprised if my Virtua Fighter would improve more playing SFV S2 than my SFV.

I much rather have buffs on his v-skill than his v-trigger. I can think of a bunch of improvements that could make his v-trigger an actual useful tool, but the problem for me personally is that I really don’t like the x-factor-like quality of this mechanic. With Balrog, for example, you can only fight at your leisure up until you reach half of your life. Once you get there, you must be ultra careful and change your plan accordingly, because one whiffed button can lead to instant KO and that’s just dumb.

I liked the v-skill/v-trigger set for Ryu when this game was first announced. The v-skill was okay and the v-trigger was not OP. It changed the game, but one as a player had still to earn the comeback. But then came the other v-triggers and nullified Ryu’s mechanics.

Could Ryu have some crazy v-trigger comeback potential like Urien or Balrog? Sure, but I don’t want it. I want overall tools for overall matches. That’s how I used to play Street Fighter before. No gimmicky comeback mechanics. Also, get out of my lawn.

I’m in the if you can’t beat them join them camp. They nerfed an already mediocre set of normals even further in season 2. Asking for longer medium kicks or 6 frame sweeps looks like a pipe dream now. They just want this game to be about guessing.

Don’t get me started on Ryu’s VT in SF:V. That V-Trigger activation is laughable and at the tail end of the tier list for VT’s, and I’m still boggled as to why it hasn’t received any real significant buffs. I would Love to see some Real potential guard break options being given to Ryu, however in order for that to happen, Capcom would need to cut the time frame down on a fully charged fireball.

This would at least make it an effective and viable V-Trigger activation, and yes, I believe one could implement this without making Ryu ridiculous. Just make the VT so that if the Ryu player plans to charge the fireball for a guard break that you’ll completely spend your entire VT meter vs if you’re simply throwing out fireballs, launching DPs etc.

You would have to make it so that the bar doesn’t deplete like it does right now in order for this to be viable. That way the Ryu player will have the choice to either use the full VT meter for just One Guard Break opportunity or else simply use the meter for more enhanced fireballs, dps etc like it currently is.

Of course, another addition to add on so that it becomes less abusable is to simply raise the VT meter from 2 full bars to 3 full bars instead. I would be perfectly fine with a 3 bar VT if Capcom gave Ryu the capability to effectively guard break an opponent.

Just imagine the potential for some SF:3 Denjin Hadouken like setups, which would open up a completely new door for SFV Ryu (As much as I despised and hated the SFIII series, 2nd Impact Ryu was Deliciously fun to play).

This would also not be anymore gamebreaking than the things we’re already seeing when Urien activates VT, Necalli etc, etc, I mean heck, Urien at the moment can practically almost win the round when he has VT and meter to spend, and someone like a Necalli makes you scared to death of wanting to press a button. Heck, Balrog right now is nearly ST. Rog like in how fast he can wipe your health without VT, however with it activated, he’s insanely powerful offensively.

Watching those Smug vs KBrad matches in which KBrad would be up by like 80% health and have it all vaporized from One Hit. I mean, seriously, even a guard Breaking VT Ryu wouldn’t even come close to this type of nonsense.

Not to mention it would also justify Ryu players in actually wanting to get it in close, considering as it stands with the way normals are for the poster boy it’s like flipping a coin.

So now that I think about it more, you can mark me down for the bandwagon of buffing the VT for having realistically viable/effective Guard Breaking Options.

I myself would love to see or would rather have a powerful and methodical footsie and zoning Ryu, however as it stands with Capcom and how Combofiend himself wants SF:V to be, I highly doubt this would ever be possible, so a VT guard break option would be the best bet.

Just give him his donkey kick back. I’ll take that.

Ryu is gimped. He feels incomplete now. S.hk into s.lk sucks. Stubby leg man. Can’t wait for changes.

Not sure if there’s another character in the game that gets less from crush counters.

St.Hk Only hits high (why?) and links to nothing if you’re too far.

St.Hp - spin animation

At the very least if St.Hp launched ( like Guiles close fierce) we could link a juggle in there.

Just a boring boring character now. I pretty much play him as a counter attack only now because the risks are too great against most of the top tier.

Yea and when the new patch drops we have to get ready for more disappointment like sf4

Well a patch is coming so im glad i was wrong about it not coming until the end of year but i have no faith in this patch. Just have to wait and see

getting dp stuffed when you do it late is annoying and shouldnt be allowed. Another thing that annoys the hell out of me is that it seems like most of the cast has an ex wake option that if blocked they are safe. Try getting your ex dp blocked and see what happens.
He needs to get something back. Either his damage, range or some extra options. The current versions feels not good.

It is like Ryu is a constant up hill battle even when you do something right.