I’m also waiting as well. I haven’t been on S2 as much simply because in a few days I’ll be traveling to Israel for about 2 weeks, so my priorities have been getting prepped for that. However I would hope that Capcom doesn’t also directly nerf the characters whom are considered strong in Season 2 as of this moment with the possible character patch (Guile, Urien, Cammy, Laura, Rog etc) but simply buffing the characters that were so ungraciously wrecked from Season 1 to becoming more viable again. Examples like Nash, Mika, especially Fang, and yes I’m including Ryu in here as well.
As earlier, my three changes for Ryu (revert s.lk back to S1 range, remove the additional +1 frame on lp. Hadouken, and give us back S1 AA invincibles again), whether you all agree with my statements on those three buffs is clearly opinion.
However, I’m sure we can all agree for the most part that Ryu doesn’t need any real drastic buffs, but just simply giving him some of his S1 tools back would be all that would be required. They should also Remove the stupid aerial hurricane kick cancel into Super nonsense, that is still one of the dumbest so-called buffs ever implemented for a character.
From my take, the so called potential changes will possibly be announced at the end of this month as they had eluded to some “Big News” around that time. So I believe if they weren’t simply baiting us than we’ll most likely be hearing something about it around that time, just my two cents anyways.