I think it’s natural that more serious players play on ps4 since it’s official tournament platform.
Sorry, I did not explain it well.
When I am playing on ps4 I am fighting better players although they have less points that the pc crew.
I always have both pc/ps4 enabled.
I was that one, i used to like that combo and as soon beta was out i’ve tried it
I’m not even pissed anymore, i’m kinda happy with Ryu straight sucking as new 2.5 stuff so (hopefully) they will be more willing to drop some new fun tricks with the next big patch
I’m almost okay with the changes, except for two things: that H.DP/M.DP nonsense and
Yeah, same here… I wish they kept the original for v-trigger :tdown:
Not sure what happened but it looked like I gained an extra 1000 lp since I last played. Oh well. Anyways, I won a fw matches and ended up making it to platinum. s.lk is probably the bst change. I transforms him to a weak version of Ryu instead of being a worthy Dan.
Give me old cr.HP and make new one b+HP with launch property pls
I’m happy they changed it because his 3s crouch fierce is visually similar but has more range to it(it can protect the top of your head), and coming from that to this neutered version really fucked me up.
With the new animation it’s easier to visually gauge it’s uses now, for me anyway.
The new cr fierce no longer hits low normals as easily (or at all in Sim’s case) and makes me sad. I used to use down fierce a lot to try and whiff punish the barrage of low forwards in this game, but now it doesn’t work that well. I don’t need another AA if you’re gonna make DP work as a real AA now. I don’t get why they would nerf the lower portion of it’s hit box at all in the first place. Who was complaining about it or even using it that much?
Well if you guys want a better Ryu it’s gonna have to wait until season 3
As if we will ever get one. I won’t get my hopes up again. I will just see what new characters come into play instead of hoping Crapcom does right by the main character of their iconic franchise…
Vanilla S2 Ryu is equivalent to someone serving me a skunk to eat, while current S2.1 Ryu is another skunk, but with salt on it. Didn’t make much of a difference.
Many of us whom are Purist Ryu players, which will unfortunately sink with the ship, but at least S3 may bring better fortunes for us. Current Ryu is better, but not by much, still, I hope this is enough that Daigo may possibly go back to Ryu.
I doubt it. To be honest, S1 Ryu would still be lower tier in the current state of the game. Maybe good enough for Daigo to pick him up, but S2.5 Ryu is not going to win him any tournaments.
I also am a Purist Ryu player, as you said, and it’s not the nerf that pissed me off as much as the re-learning of the character. To put in in another way, if S2 Ryu were the Ryu we were to get from day 1 in this game, I would just suck it up and play him anyways. The real problem for me is that everything I learned and created in S1 were ditched in a way I’m not too compelled to learn S2.5 Ryu or S3 Ryu for that matter. What’s the point if it will all go to hell in the next patch?
Tbh what piss me off is that other characters get absolute random buffs/nerfs/balancement with no fucks given, while when it comes to Ryu they ever seem like they feel under the spotlight and they must “justify” everything
Like for every minimal thing gained he need some lil nerf in return, and anyway the buff must be on the modest side… fuck that
S3 Ryu in a fair world deserve only buffs and new fun stuff to spice him up, but it’s like they fear some retard internet group will accuse them of favor Ryu because posterboy and shit
The whole “Ryu as the balancement standard” sound everyday more “pls focus on all the +1 -1 we give to Ryu, while we do the fuck we want with everybody else”
My theory why the made the shoto’s sub standard is because they are going to be the most popular characters regardless of how good they are. I think this time the game is very E-sports, DLC $$$ orientated. Why do you think Ryu has the most alt costumes whilst some characters only have one or two? Because that’s where the money is.
So why does that matter? Well, if you make Ryu and Ken Top tier, it means even more people are playing them making the game imbalanced character wise and there’s nobody buying all the other characters and costumes. It’s all about the cash and the E-sports league having lots of characters for viewers and fake hype so that dummies can watch the game and understand whats going on.
The leak mentioned changes to existing mechanics and new supers. I hope they give Ryu donkey kick or at least something to reliably hit crouching opponents. The nerf to fierce DP’s horizontal range means even jab jab xx DP isn’t a good go to option as of late. He needs something else to work with. I also wonder what his new super would be.
Probably a Metsu Shoryken or something like that, that deals a lot of damage, but it’s next to impossible for it to be practical.
This is really logical. I was convinced with S1 that shotos were perfect, they were just going to nerf how hard it was to blocks Ken’s regular Tatsu and Ryu was gonna get a slight damage nerf and his st.lp AA removed. I never thought they would be touched like this. S1 Ryu and Ken IMO would still not be the best characters in the game right now. Screw Capcom for the shoto neutering man.
The H DP change was supposed to help us deal with the projectiles of our opponents. Has anyone been able to successfully use this or am I completely messing it up? I mess around with Ken in training mode and he’s able to DP nearly every projectile with ease. Laura can’t run her normal fireball strings on him, Guile can’t lock him down anymore with booms, Akuma can’t just jump fireball his way in, so on and so forth. However, Ryu still can’t get through any of this or if I do get the hit, I trade a lot. Anyone else having the same issue?
So is there a reason Ryu’s normals and SRKs get stuffed by a cool breeze, and tgat he isn’t safe on fucking anything? Feels helpless against the likes of Cammy unless she drills in like a retard.