Ryu Season 2

Cammy MU is tough, but the key to remember is that she is really linear and doesn’t have many unique was of opening you up. It’s not a fun fight though as you’ll constantly be on your heels.

I was revisiting this jewel: https://www.polygon.com/a/street-fighter-2-oral-history/chapter-3

And run into this quote:

"To a developer, a bug is shameful. Total shame. And if the game sells a lot, that makes it even worse. Street Fighter 2 happened to be a game that went out with a lot of bugs. …

One is that, most people didn’t realize it, but Ken was stronger than Ryu. They were the exact same program, but because of one factor, Ken was stronger. We had this idea that after a player does a Shoryuken, we were thinking of adding a weak point so their guard would be down and the other player could inflict a lot of damage with a single hit. We were going back and forth on whether we should include that in the game, and we decided not to do it, but we forgot to take that out of Ryu’s code. So in the end, Ryu and Ken had exactly the same code, except for that one point."

Who would’ve thought the bug would come back to terrorize Ryu 26 years later.

edit: double posted, site was lagging for me, apologizes.

This is a funny, yet honest and realistic take on Ryu in Season 2 by Sanford.


The S2 Ryu bit starts at 7:05, so if you don’t want to watch the whole thing, just skip to it. Yes, it’s hard to take, because what he says is absolutely true involving Ryu, however it is also a very real assessment of Ryu’s situation currently in S2.

One of the most important aspects that he points out to me is the minuscule damage on Ryu’s Super, which in normal Shinkuu Hadouken does 320 damage, however with VT and full resources, it only does an extra 30 more damage.

I’ve never, Ever understood this and have debated with some cats who say “Well Ryu’s special gives him greater utility so it can’t be that damaging” which is complete garbage, because of all the start up, and heavy recovery on it…you whiff, or miss, you’re done.

Almost everyone does use Super will only do so during a link…this isn’t ST. Ryu Shinkuu-Hadouken we’re talking about here where the utility was Massive, not to mention the Special did great damage on top of that.

This is why I’ve always been annoyed by multiple other characters, such as Necalli who has one of the most damaging Supers in the entire game, and I would argue that it has even more utility uses than Ryu’s in SF:V on top of that, and when you add the fact that with VT activated, it does INSANE damage.

Come on?.

The Best thing about? That S3 is just around the corner, so here’s to hoping that Ryu isn’t trash anymore, because he really can’t go anywhere but up.

It’s a little hyperbole in Sanford’s take on Ryu. I agree with the sentiment but still.

I will say Ryu’s character isn’t built around the meta in 5. His crush counter buttons are negative on block, he doesn’t get anything from his throws, his v-skill is more risk than reward and his pressure is weaker than the majority of the cast. However…

[] EX fireball is a 11 frame poke that does chip damage. It’s a positioning tool that sets up other stuff. you have to block it or jump over it.
] His v-trigger super does 350 plus stun. It’s the only super in the game that does stun, it guard crushes and it comes out in 4 frames so if you do it close enough to an opponent they can’t jump over it after the super flash.
[] Daigo dropped Ryu in 4 and 5. If Daigo ever played Ryu in 3S, he dropped him for Ken.
] Poke xx v-trigger xx Super is amazing damage off of a stray poke. He can do that off of any medium or hard button. I don’t think there’s another character that has that.

I’ll be honest, watching AMKidd restored my faith in this character. He made me think he was at least playable, but then again I’m not ever gonna compete in Capcom Cup or Evo.