Ryu Season 2

Yeah, I don’t understand their approach to this Ryu: he is the second character with more costumes in the game. He is in every freaking piece of promotional art. And yet Capcom made him complete, utter trash and keeps pushing him underground.

I’m keeping with all the updates of this, my all-time favorite fighting game franchise, to see if there’s anything that can pull me back, but for the most part I feel venomous against it and I can’t seem to help it. I tried the CFN beta once, played with Ed a little bit, tried the horrendous new cr.HP with Ryu and called it a day. I might have to wait for season 3. It’s only half-year away, I guess.

I feel the same way. I will checkout season 3 when it rolls through. It sucks to constanly play on your heels.

I guess that he is already too popular. Imagine if he was good as well.

Hello i read your post about Ryu since many time now and i decided to come say u hello :wink:
I m a Ryu s user and ofc i m also disapointed with all the nerf he got from s1.
But i kept playing him and ofc it s like your are fighting constantly on your heels…
With keeping fighting with him i adapted a lot and the mu who first seemed to be very hard , seems now more easy , for ex vs guile.
But i get very very big issu vs Rog , it s just impossible to do something , vs a decent player.
So do u have maybe some advise to help me ?
Thx you for your next answer.

Hey if anyone wants to play my Ryu well my CFN is the same as my name on here JustinAkatsuki. Once June arrives will no longer be playing sf V until season 3 hits um the patch didn’t really do anything to make me enjoy season 2 more. Ryu needed a bit more in my opinion even with his st LK coming back and just not looking forward to all of this for the rest of the year so yeah. I tried and became a decent player at this game atleast

SFV Season 2 in a nutshell.



So did anyone get in the lab yet? Any useful things Ryu can do with his old st mp and st lk range back combined wit his season 2 buffs? I haven’t had a chance to play yet.

I played like 20 min before work and didn’t look for anything useful really, however, medium DP and hard DP still do the same damage and stun. I’m a Super Gold scrub so I can’t figure out a valid reason for this design choice. Any guesses?

Considering the patch is less than 24 hours old, it’s more than useless to complain, but I would definitely “forgive” SFV if they kept Ryu as it is now but with some crazy hard DP property. Like crazy stun or crazy damage at the cost of some equally crazy punishable state as a trade-off or something.

Im comparing hit boxes tonight, doesn’t feel like there’s anything playing but you never know. I thought his walk speed felt slightly faster but I think I’m imagining it.

I did some experiments with his V-Trigger and it’s exactly the same. Should last a bit longer, in my opinion. Drains too fast.

Spent a little time in the lab before work (like 30 mins), couldn’t find anything that felt like a ghost nerf/buff. s.LK range buff allows for some more punishes if you’re willing to risk s.LKxxHP DP to get any meaningful damage.

I think the invincibility properties of MP and HP DP’s are different IIRC but their damage and stun are the same. I think MP DP is invincible to air attacks (probably the game triggers off high attacks) and HP has low attack invincibility? For some reason I remember LP DP being throw invincible or something.

L Shoryuken attacks – maintain throw invincibility
M Shoryuken attacks – added airborne invincibility
H Shoryuken attacks – added attack and projectile invincibility*

LP DP has always been throw invincible. Like Juri, HP DP is good for far ranged jumps from a distance like Alex’s j.HK

Whoever was the guy who said that Ryu couldn’t do F+HP, B+HK, st. LK, DP anymore was right. They actually removed that combo LOL. It did a smidge more damage and more stun but I guess that was a bit too much. Honestly I’m not even upset that it’s gone. I’m just surprised that Capcom thought something this minor was worth removing.

Outside of that, it’s nice to have st. LK back but I doubt that will help too much. It’s just nice to punish certain stuff and be able to hit links at certain ranges again.

I hate to say it but it’s a loss cause for Ryu this season. Yeah st Lk is back but that’s it the rest of the stuff isn’t enough to help him he still lacks the tools to be better offensively and if capcom wasn’t a bunch of morons and actually knew shit about this game they would buff his v trigger state and give him frame advantage off of his forward throw or even make mk tatsu combo on non standing opponents just like ken and akuma tatsu’s can.

So apparently the reasoning behind the combos not working is because of the change to H DP. The notes say they adjusted it because of it being a more reliable AA now.

A friend laid this gem on me. That sounds logical and retarded at the same time. So I lose combo-ability because my DP now does what it has done in literally every SF game ever? Good job Capcom. Overall, I think Ryu is a bit better and even Daigo is running matches with him now. So that’s always a plus.

I like how his buffs were just revisions of some of his nerfs. And by like, I mean “bleh”.
But the change to his strong dp is a godsend. I think it’s mostly psychological for me, but no longer being afraid that my AA is going to get stuffed by a jump in helps me dp more on reaction.
Having st.short xx ex.tatsu is a nice tool to have in footsies again, too.

I played a little bit in season one and was sitting at around 2400-2700 lp. S2 dropped and I fell down to 1800-2200. I can’t say I put in the honest effort to improve (lag and slow matchmaking really ruin the fun for me, and I live in Canada where good connections seem to be somewhat few and far in between).
But with some adjustments to my gameplan over the last few months (more patience, less fireballs, trying my best to AA, and paying attention to opponent habits), yesterday and today I shot up from 2100 to 3100lp with roughly a 75% win rate.
This is my first time out of silver and I’m pretty stoked. I think I’ll plateau again once people learn how to use Ed, etc… But I’m actually excited to play for the first time in a long while!
Hopefully the new CFN will encourage me to play on a regular basis (I’m at just over 1600 combined online matches since the game dropped). I think I have what it takes to become a shitty gold player!

Hope y’all are doing well.

I was around 7500 during s1, switched to Akuma in s2 and I am at 13k now.
Akuma is so much better than Ryu.
I do think Akuma loses to Ryu, though.

I don’t play Ranked much, but made it to 12000 with Ryu S2. Problem is I can’t get many games now.

Funnily enough I’ve unlocked Akuma with the free FM. I’m thinking of doing an alt account and starting from zero again.

Strange, the only thing i like about this patch is that i can (again) connect st.lk whenever my st.hk hits, no matter how far. The feeling of losing that irked me the most when season 2 came out.

More cr.mp >> st.lk and st.lk buffer into ex.tatsu are great too. Haven’t felt much the impact of a buffed st.mp. What new should i look out for? It forms string with close-range cr.lk cr.lp now, doesn’t it?

Our fucking throws into zero setup still stinks af though.

I get plenty of games in Europe against 10-30k players. It’s even better since I can blacklist people from Algeria/Turkey.
Funny thing is that the competition is tougher on ps4 than on a pc. I guess that a bunch of people play ps4-only.