Ryu Season 2

for whatever reason in beta i can’t SPS>bHK>LK>HSRK

SRK whiff


Stealth nerf is my guess.

Why nerf though? Maybe it was an accident or maybe it’s capcom being dumb as usual. Tried the beta and i still think Ryu needs some form of a tool that can make him be aggressive effectively such as a buff to his v trigger mode or frame advantage on his forward throw

I am being really negative that is why.
Anyone notice any stealth buffs?

We’d be going insane if one existed. You can assume that no news, no change :wink:

I’d would honestly be shocked if they took the time and effort to remove the tiny bit of extra stun and damage gained from this new combo possibility because they felt he shouldn’t have it. It made absolutely no difference for Ryu players.

I did play the beta a little and I actually thought DP was hitting from further away. Which is contradictory to what you just said. But I haven’t played the game in a while so I guess it’s just in my head. As for his buffs, I’m glad to have them back but it’s not really something you’re going to notice until you use them in situations where they didn’t work before. The only thing I noticed was that wacky new cr. fierce. I actually forgot about it so I was surprised to see it. So yeah, that’s about it. I’m crossing my finger for better stuff in Season 3 already lol.

So that Cr.HP new animation… usless cosmetic change? It seems to me its reach is just as bad as the original.

I’m going to give it a shot tonight, see if I can find anything, doubt it though.

SPS >bHK > LK > too much space, HP SRK whiff

i may be wrong as i’m a scrub, but impression is LK push too far for H SRK to connect

Consider that more forward hitbox for LK was one of the confirmed beta buffs so this may be why it create more distance ruining the combo

I can switch to Tatsu i guess, but i preferred much more HP SRK

The SPS back HK combo barely does more than just SPS cr.hp xx DP anyway which has better oki if you finish with mp or Lp dp.

Doesn’t seem like that would really be a big deal.

The bison vs ryu matchup is such complete and total bullshit. Fuck that matchup.

Not saying what you said is’nt true, but not a fan of Ryu losing combo options tbh, specially when i wich he get more

Example i will really like see them give him stHP special cancellable, like already is on VT

I did it tonight in the corner on Ed - didn’t connect, so yeah it looks like that combo is toast unless it’s Eds hurt box.

Other things I noticed that might just be in my head -

Target combo feels strange, like they shortened the window to press HK.

Cr.fierce whiffed a couple of times after st.mp, again this is possibly eds hurt box ( I only played against Ed in a large set)

St.lk feels decent again.

Really didn’t notice much else.

st.LK is okay. Never really got into the habit of using it much during Season 1, so I don’t have much of an opinion on the nerf or incoming buff.

That cr.HP animation is going to be rough getting use to. One of the things I dig about Ryu is how much ‘oomph’ it looks like he puts behind each strike, with cr.HP looking like he really dug deep into his opponent. Now it just looks flacid or something, like his Round Victory fist pump.

I doubt it’s Ed’s hurtbox, i noticed it on a Ryu vs Ryu too

I agree at previous crHP looking much more violent/heavy strike

Said that, i think they did to make clear the visual distinction of crHP with SPS or SRKs

Previously the animation of crHP kinda visually overlayed after SPS and even more before a SRK, now it change arm

Target combo window is definitely shorter. Used to be able to confirm CC s.HP into TC. Can’t do it anymore.

I didn’t notice any change there. I’d be strongly opposed and almost shell-shocked if this were true.

This is what I noticed too, although I couldn’t tell if it was laggy. We will be able to tell when V2.1 comes out - next year…

May be the lag is worse on my end, but I’ve noticed it to be much more difficulty to do any s.HP confirms into TC. Granted, I don’t have the best reactions for confirms, but my consistency plummeted from S1. I figured the window reduced as the cause, but with input lag + general connection lag, it’s possible it’s near impossible to do it on pure reaction.

Went into training mode and tried it to just to be sure, and it at least “feels” much tighter (not scientifically tested since I don’t have access to S1). That said, I haven’t played that much in a while, so it may just be rust as well.

I just don’t understand why capcom is against giving Ryu range and a good fireball. Instead they give him buffs that mainly benefit his V trigger that runs out way too quickly considering it’s not even very strong. V reversals also completely destroy any attempt to really use the B.RH and S.HP cancel up close during V trigger. If you do manage to guard crush it does shit damage. It just doesn’t compare to what other characters have.