TriggerSFV is definitely a bot. It’s almost impossible to throw him or jump in on him. This thing always buffers in a special from a normal that lands with 100% success rate and can react to stuff at a inhuman level. Mix ups don’t work either. Left right, high low, doesn’t matter, it always knows. Still I find it very entertaining to watch against top players. I just find it interesting to see how the best minds in this game try to solve this puzzle.
After watching a few the matches, it looks like this thing isn’t as good as it was in the beginning. I actually think that’s intentional to make it appear more human. And lol at Hiro for realizing that it doesn’t know how to deal with headstomp so Hiro just started spamming it knowing he can’t do anything else besides land lucky scissor kicks when the thing is whiffing normals(that are being buffered into specials) from mid screen.
You know you’re watching a bot when the Ryu player is capable of controlling Smug to the point where he’s hesitant to make moves or jump. He tried V Trigger dash into overhead and already had the METERLESS DP out before the overhead even started coming down LOL. Truly the ideal Ryu
Finished off the video. This is a long talk and if you like snappy quick information it’s probably not going to be your cup of tea. It’s more for people interested in game theory and tactics. I think this might blow out to a 4 or 5 part series because there’s just simply too much information to get into one video and I miss out a lot of important questions, but I think making them an hour long is just too much information to digest before it simply becomes me rambling in your head. Even 20 odd minutes is quite a lot!
Good vid man. I have come to similar conclusions in that you need to have perfect defense in this game or you lose. THe main problem is the reward youget for Ryu is small. You have to be perfect just to do ass damage in return. Ex dp is greaat but its better to do it on your heels as a defensive option. wantto be plus on any move better use an ex because nothing is given to Ryu. If you are going to want RYu to play this way then cacpcom needs to make it fair.
Make ex dp do 170 dmg, or make lk tatsu hit crouchers, reverse recovery frames on or make it hit crouchers, make fb do 70 dmg on hit. Lastly, give us a Donkey kick.
One last thing about your video. I feel this style fits Ryu having a parry. If you can sit back, defend yourself and make that solid read then parry is good. I use like that at times. The other times I use parry is those who abuse meaties on wake up in whichi I parry and combo afterwards.
They would have to add more recovery to jumps or make parry recovery near instant or completely instant. And that’s not going to happen. If it were up to me I’d suggest two things. Nothing crazy to make him seem broken, I think these would be reasonable buffs. First is for his MK tatsu to hit crouchers like it did during the beta. It would help him improve his mid range since you can rely on buffering that special and it’ll always work on hit whether your opponent is crouching or not and leave you in a pretty good position afterward. Plus it’s a reliable combo ender without having to rely on meter for a knockdown.
That itself is already a pretty big buff so the only other thing I’d ask for is what I already mentioned in the previous page. Buff his V Trigger to make a full charge denjin do more stun and the follow up combo to scale less when the full charge denjin is blocked. I know everybody has their own suggestions about buffing Ryu, those are just my ideas. Their are other things I’d like to see to like making his st. HP special cancelable all the time, but if he received those other two then I’d be happy with him.
EDIT: And this can’t be too much to ask but come on. If we land a crush counter st. HP in the corner and finish with the target combo, make the opponent airborne longer so Ryu can juggle into SRK without having to V Trigger cancel. Let that be the one cool ability of his CC st. HP that actually makes us want to use it. Otherwise why should we ever use it when it’s not that rewarding compared to some of his other buttons.
I am not liking this game methinks.
Not sure how else to put it.
There are like 4 or 5 bottom chatacters that are fun to play against.
I am not sure what capcom meant when they “intended to make ryu dangerous up close”.
This makes no damn sense.
I ask, what character in this game is not dangerous up close?
And you do this by reducing his damage, cutting his limbs off, and making him useless after a forward throw?
There’s always a chance of stealth buffs. I don’t think the changes are going to change a hell of a lot, if you don’t like him now, the buffs are not going to change that.
I usually am a lurker as evidence by how old my account is compared to others.
With that said this version of Ryu is probably one of the worst I have played with ever.
Grant it, I am not a SF pro but I have played different versions of him since I was 7 years old.
This Ryu make SF4AE Ryu more fun to play, and maybe, even agianst Yun or Yang.
I have not played in a coupld of weeks. When the beta drops I may try again.
I put over a year into the character and pretty much dropped him a few weeks ago due t how bad he is in season 2. I’ve been playing guile for the past week and even while I still have a lot more to learn with the character I’m getting better results than s2 Ryu. People just respect my options a lot more, I don’t get that feeling with Ryu.
I think this Ryu is just designed for a different game quite frankly. I forget who but someone made a good point that even S1 Ryu wouldn’t really cut it.
I’m sure there are some people who can make him work as there always are, but ain’t no point if it isn’t fun. I switched over to Guilty Gear and Overwatch and have been having far more fun.
I tried a couple of other characters and found that if you want to play a zoning control style, I’d say Guile or Akuma are your best bets. Ultimately, I think SFV is only really fun if you’re winning (just like any other game) and handicapping yourself with character loyalty is just going to diminish any possible value you can get from the game.
Watching some high level play, the strength of 50/50 is so strong that it’s not uncommon for just one person to get put in the corner and the match just ends. Maybe I’m just old but watching 50/50’s in the corner forever is pretty boring IMO.
I respect that you are playing games that you want to play. Dude in another thread is like “I want to like this game but I have all these problems” and that’s such a stupid concept. You shouldn’t want to like a game. It should just be something you like or move to a different game that you will like. It’s not like being in jail where you have to learn to like it because your alternative is to still be in jail any way. If you don’t like brussel sprouts, don’t eat brussel sprouts. There’s a lot of other vegetables, no need to want to like them.
Another dude whined about Ed’s command list after “no longer playing the game” and then 10 minutes later said he thought too hard and maybe will try him blah blah. Figure out if you like the game or don’t like the game. That’s all it should be. Don’t pretend to like the game and then freak out over the next thing about the game. If you don’t like the game, something is going to trigger you eventually any way so why stay?
As for 50/50’s. 50/50’s are common in 2d fighters. Most old school players like the whole “you die if you land in the corner” thing because you pay for losing positioning. There should be no long survival in the corner and there isn’t much any 2d fighter you can find where you’re not going to die fast or really really fast if you hit the corner. ST’s arguable best character ST Claw can set play you from mid screen and kill you in seconds if you don’t guess right. Not in the corner, middle of the screen. Fatal Fury Special might be one of the only exceptions since there isn’t a lot of ridiculous pressure in that game and it’s basically SFV without mix ups minus a few cheap things. You never really throw or overhead anyone often and jumps are so slow that you can usually see cross ups on reaction.
I personally like that the pressure in SFV is organic feeling and there isn’t too many defensive or offensive options to mix things up. Yet at the same time unlike early SFIV you don’t have these vortex situations where you’re always stuck in the exact same wake up dealing with the exact same cross up/unblockable until you lose. The pressure is more typical frame trap/throw stuff with a couple wake up options which is more normalized IMO.
I’ll agree with the argument that a good amount of the characters have to play more risky due to not having great buttons or walk speed, but the better characters I feel are capable of controlling what happens on screen and then get strong reward for a corner push. Characters like Karin, Cammy, Rog and Guile are all capable of this for those reasons. All have good walk speed, good buttons and pressure gets strong in the corner. I don’t blame people for not playing characters like Ryu, Alex or Fang who have options, but not the core options you need to command space and not get crush countered all day.
This wasn’t much different in Season 1 though. Nash was probably the only outlier character, but generally the characters who could control the most space and force the most momentum where high tier. Chun Li, Mika, Cammy and Karin definitely made up some of those best characters. Ryu was up there, but in general he wasn’t quite the threat they were either.
Yup, I agree. I dropped SFV entirely and I’m waiting for REV 2 and Tekken. To be honest, though, the mess this game has become (not only for Ryu players, but in general) could be the best thing that happened to me, since I have some projects I really need to focus on. With SFV out of the picture, I can work on them withtout feeling I’m missing out : P
Sometimes people commit a lot of time to a game and don’t want to let it go. In my case I liked s1 better but I’m just bias because Ryu had more bullshit in that version. I’m enjoying Guile though so it’s a lot more fun now that people respect my options. Maybe when Ryu gets some of his range back he’ll have some more options to close the gap and use his new buffs. In his current state he does ok vs some characters but the upper tier really limit his options to the point of frustration.
Thanks for the response. I never really liked it when people are toxic about a game but then still play it. It’s one thing to say, “I don’t like this part of the game and wish they fixed it, but overall I’m okay with it” versus, “THIS GAMEZ SUX! RAWRAR!” and then continue to play it…makes no sense to me. That said, after taking a little time away, I’m starting to enjoy SFV a bit more. There are definitely blatant problems (every game has them) but it’s not a bad game, just a game that I don’t think is very inviting to as large a crowd as other games. As they say, “Different strokes, different folks.” Plus, why ruin something for other people…there is plenty of negativity already. I find it refreshing when other people like something. Some positive vibes would probably do the FGC a lot of good.
As to the corner stuff, I think when you’re cornered, it should definitely be risky. My opinion is that the corner is too deadly however because I feel that too many games are determined by it. While it’s true the answer of “don’t put yourself in the corner” is something that should definitely be considered, many times, a really random poke will put your there because of CC. Also, corner carry isn’t really that hard in this game, so all it takes is one opening. I’m a crap tier silver at best and have beaten golds and platinums simply by getting them in the corner. I guess that could means my 2D fundamentals suck but my 3D fundamentals can absolute decimate the average person with oki, or that the corner provides such an advantage that once there, the game does get reduced down to a simple guessing game. Might be something I’m not seeing, but that’s just how I’m interpreting it.
Watching Punk versus Hitani GFs was basically a clinic in how the corner is death.
I think there are some good things in SFV, but a lot of it just feels very unrefined / not logically coherent to me. I think when matches can be determined on such a razor’s edge, it really does come down to how well you can control your opponent and what are your rewards for doing it well like you mentioned. That and straight damage potentially because if I only have to guess correctly twice, and you have to guess correctly three times, two guess character will have a monster advantage. Honestly, I think the development team did a really good job with the system, but I think the design and play test teams dropped the ball substantially. They’ll have time to improve upon it, but if I were Capcom…I’d seriously reconsider their designers and balance testers.