Honestly at this point, the input lag makes 2D FGs tougher for me than anything else right now. Why they need that level of input lag is well beyond me. My assumption is to make the lag online not be as jarring, but FFS, it makes reactions oriented play near impossible (and my reactions aren’t even that good, it just makes it impossible to react to anything.) Yeah, I tried out KOF XIV and noticed the same input lag, which was really disappointing.
If I had the FM, I’d consider Guile or Akuma, but the reality is that when you’re as low skill as I am, the character shouldn’t matter that much. Better to learn the game and beat people with fundamentally solid play. I’m pretty much a firm believer that “tiers” only really matter when you’re talking top tier players like yourself who can even think about making it out of EVO pools. I’m also a firm believer that I shouldn’t have to buy a character to enjoy the game, that’s just F’d up. If I did that with Doomtown as the lead designer, I’d get my head lopped off.
Yeah, I’ve noticed more success just not even using Ryu’s specials except for AAs and combos, and just literally brawling as opposed to doing anything like “footsies” or zoning. Ironically, treating SFV like a 3D FG has made it much more fun for me. Go forward, play annoyingly safe with lights and mids, never move backwards. “Forget everything you know about 2D FGs and just treat it like a 3D FG” seems to be best advice I was given about SFV…which is sad because I was considering switching to DOA after the VF scene died. Perhaps I’m just not seeing it, but while I was shit at SFIV, at least I could see why I lost on things and understand them in the framework of a 2D FG.
At this point, I’m about to just load up DOA2:Hardcore on the PS2 and just do survival mode forever lol.
Yeah it’s just if you save up some money you can play Guile or Akuma who do play better at the farther range than him with more options. There’s no point in sticking with Ryu if your style demands playing “2d fighter neutral”. Guile pretty much gives that to you within SFV so still playing Ryu when Guile easily fits your style more is just beating your head against a wall. I don’t see what you could specifically like so much about Ryu that you have to play him over a character that does what you want to do better. His bandana is nice, but stop beating yourself up and just play Guile.
Even if you don’t have the FM just spend the cash. 6 bucks isn’t that much if you’re already only playing one character that is weaker at what you want to do than Guile. Single cash purchase is perfect for people who only play one or 2 characters any way.
It’s not even about making the game more fun, pick a character that fits what you want to do better. SFV Ryu is a different Ryu and there’s no point trying shoehorn SF2/IV Ryu into V Ryu. It’s a different Ryu .
Main thing I was told was that if you really want to learn SF properly, learning Ryu is the best way to do that. Once you have Ryu down, you can pick any character and learn them. The key (I was told) is that learning a “honest” character first was the most important thing in SF because you’ll have a much better understanding of the game. I’ve been trying to stick steadfast to that advice…although I’m starting to wonder if that’s necessarily true anymore or even good advice for anyone. I figured once you start getting to the higher ranks with a character, then it would make sense to switch, but I guess at this point, why not try something new.
I actually wish I could learn characters easily as I love variety, but I always find learning new characters the hardest thing on Earth for me. Usually the commands just all get mixed up (as well as my reactions). It’s a miracle I was even capable of learning 3 character for marvel.
That said, thanks for advice. I’ll give Akuma and Guile a try and see what’s up.
Ryu is a terrible character to recommend to a new player, he used to be in SF4, but not this game. If it was my friend I’d recommend Cammy since she has easy mode buttons, AA and the same type of combo’s with medium medium links, she’s basically Ryu without a fireball and her game plan is linear.
Saying that everyone new should just pick Balrog, you get insta top tier for little effort. Charge up dem taps and let the rip to your hearts content. Press CC and AA with one button.
I agree that Cammy is a great pick for new player, because of b.MP mostly.
But for myself i would recommend Necally. He is good overall, he has all the tools: pressure, good confirms, CC, oki, zoning, antizoning, command grab, mobility (in VT). And he has all types of inputs except spd, charge moves included. He is maybe harder to start with than Cammy, but not much. And learning him will teach you much more fundamentals and inputs.
I actually wanted to start with Necally, but got annoyed by how he speaks and didn’t like his tentacle hair. If he had werewolf costume when i got to SFV i would be playing him i think.
My guess is that they were probably under the assumption SFV Ryu was going to be similar enough to previous iterations that he’d teach fundamentals. Good intentions but misguided.
After playing him for this long…I’m not sure I’ve learned anything in relation to SFV other than having a V-trigger that’s an Ultra like Balrog is Top Tier.
Fundemtals are now less important than they ever were. If you go through the classic sonic hurricane footsie guide, you can’t actually apply a lot of the techniques to SF5 because of the game lag ( unresponsive) and the poor normals (longer start ups and less active frames). Like the classic walking in and out of your opponents range to bait attacks and whiff punish isn’t really present anymore, a whiff punish in SF5 is usually because you just stood there and waited for it.
I’d say it probably goes more like this now - Reactions - Frame data knowledge - Reads - fundamentals.
I can get behind that prioritization of “skills.” Does explain a good chunk of the tier list. The characters that don’t care about your reactions are usually the ones that can either force you to guess or do so much damage that all it takes is 1 or 2 bad reactions for it to be a K.O. Those are right now the characters that are on top IMO as well.
Yeah, it’s why treating the game like a 3D FG has made SFV much more enjoyable for me…since that’s usually how 3D games works in terms of “git gud.”
That is hilarious. I had a reply in here basically stating how I hate this game and capcom needs to fix it.
But, showcasing a bot using a weak character and being effective at it is even funnier.
Anyways, i have been solving some of my Ryu problems by using more heavy attacks trying to phish for crush counters.
And for that bot. It plays sort of how I believe Ryu is meant to be played inthat you need a lot of patience. Cant be aggressive too much because Ryu just doesn’t have the tools or frame data to do so.
Its like play honest or you will lose being dishonest
I’ve got a vid coming up about how i think Ryu is played. It’ll be out tonight/tomorrow on my channel if anyone’s interested. Itll be long and it’ll take more than one video so I’m going to do a few of them to elaborate.