Ryu Season 2

Increased range on c mk would probably help a lot.

Also ex dp still consistently whiffs the 2nd hit. A good example is using wakeup ex dp against Bison’s DF HP from far away.

If you left the season 2 changes but buffed up his V trigger he would be decent. That’s the real problem overall with the game. He has one of the least threatening triggers in the game. Random Crush counter sweep into charged scaled fireball…who cares.

The reason why I dropped Ryu isn’t for his lack of defensive options… it’s because he can’t punish anything anymore, can’t compete with Balrog, Karin, Cammy etc, he has no zoning game and is just ass. I was getting rekt by every Balrog I vsed and I got sick of it and I picked up Laura(my original main) again and found out shes pretty fun and stuck to her. I think I’ll be a Laura main but I love Ryu… hes so fun and they nerfed him so badly…

Once he gets buffed again I’ll train my Ryu again bro…

I agree. His V-Trigger looked like it could actually give him an edge on the early trailers, but it’s just laughable how quickly it drains compared to other triggers. Also, why is it all depleted with a Denjin Hadouken? It’s not like you cand do that much damage after a guard break anyway.

In other things, have you guys seen this Sasaki guy? I didn’t know him, but he seems to be holding his ground with Ryu pretty decently:


He was the best Cody player in SF4 (Momochi was the best overall, but Sasaki had more tech).

A really good player from what I’m seeing. If anything, I’m jealous of the ability to convert a random s.MP into c.HPxxDP.

Must be nice to play against people who just don’t dash forward / jump forward like maniacs all the time. I know how to deal with that stuff in 3D FGs…but fucking hell…this shit is miserable to figure out in 2D FGs.


Quick Q: That shimmy at 7:23 he did (looks like f.dash -> b.dash -> cr.MKxxTatsu. Was the cr.MK into Tatsu an actually hit confirm where he saw contact and cancelled? If so, I’m quitting right now because I do not have the ability to do that nor will I ever most likely lol.

I think it’s a confirm.

I’m much more impressed with his corrected DPs on cross-ups. That is very hard for me to do.

Whelp…I don’t see the point in trying then :frowning:

Yeah, those DPs were pretty tight.

You can do it! Just practice!

Sad thing is I do practice my confirms…I’m no better today than I was when I first started practicing when SFV first came out. That said, words of encouragement are always welcome! :slight_smile:

Look, this IS a sick confirm, in my opinion:

(It’s at 9:48, not 9:08, but the link is not working properly)


s.lk xx ex tatsu is a buffer not a confirm. In season 1 this was one of his main tools in midrange but since it was shortened in S2 its very much less useful :frowning: We should have it back in the next balance patch.

Honest it’s not as difficult as you think if you buffer the move. Try it with EX fireball to begin with if you have meter since it’s safe regardless if they block or get hit. Also you can use the easier - fwd dash/backdash - st.fierce xx HK, especially in the corner, I use that a lot, again the st.hp is safe and you can confirm the target if you press it slightly late. If you think you can’t hit the second part of the target, just use st.fierce since again - safe but a CC if you hit.

Not everybody has great execution but there are some adjustments you can make. The st.lk xx EX tatsu that steveysee mentioned is very easy since it never comes out unless you hit them ( if you space is properly).

True, I guess I’m so used to not buffering motions that it feels like a hell of a lot of commitment.

That said, if you think about it, a cr.MK is like 20 frames from start to finish so buffering a Tatsu is basically making time you don’t control your character more meaningful.

I really do wish his V Trigger was more useful. With all the nerfs he’s suffered the least they could do is buff his V Trigger to be more rewarding when you do land the full charged denjin. I’d like to see the scaling of the follow up changed from 60% to 80% after a blocked denjin and for the stun to be increased 300 to 400 after landing one. Basically if you get put in a unblockable set up you have to choose between taking a little more damage vs taking a little more stun.

And though it’s gimmicky, at least it would make going for fully charged denjins without a set up more worth it. To me charging this thing up in front of a blocking opponent is like a going for a level 3 focus in SF4. Landing a fully charged focus was very rewarding, a fully charged denjing(hit or blocked) isn’t despite the fact that you’re putting yourself at the same risk of getting blown up by a neutral of forward jump.

B RH xx (first hit) ex charged fireball is a pretty solid setup imo. The frame advantage is pretty massive so you get a good charge before they can press anything. It gives less time for them to react if they don’t commit to a reversal poke. Still in order to use this you have to be right on top of them. It’s really hard to get that positioning with the way everyone disrespects ryu.

OtaniRyu is another strong Japanese Ryu and Bonchan has started playing Ryu online again

I’m curious to see what happens with the balance patch. I may give him another whirl but I’m not too keen on it.

If anything, I’d do a backflip if they just got rid of 6-7 frames of input lag.

KOF has 6.4 frames of lag too so it’s all good.

Ryu is worth it if you’re like really skilled and can keep the character working, but otherwise you can play Akuma or Guile and get better results with a mid range character for less work. Characters that also have better overall offense.

Ryu having 1,000 health will probably be his only pro over those 2 characters. At least he’ll function more properly in 2.1. Ryu is meant to be more aggressive in this game any ways so might as well play the shoto that can fireball zone while having better offense and arguably better AA (Akuma’s b+HP AA is ridiculous). Or play Guile who’s also better at those things.