While I agree with that (I only play for fun on occasion), I guess for me, I’ve just filled my time with other things. If KOF had better online (and America ever got good internet), I’d switch to that. It looks like GGear may be good enough to consider getting XrdR2.
To me, if people don’t vote with their time/money…then it’s just whining (not accusing you, but general population at large.)
I think it’s the standing heavy punch. It’s replaced the traditional sweep for the best poke - it’s safe, hits even low like sweep, plus it crush counters.
I think we can advance as Ryu players by focusing on using this move more, like st.lk to st.hp, in place of the traditional cr.mk to fireball.
Try it out. I spam it all the time (just like cr.mk or cr.hk is earlier games!), and it works wonders - you just have to “aim it” at where the opponent might push buttons - even if they don’t you’re perfectly safe plus you netted some gray damage.
I’d say it’s a pretty top-tier normal, actually :lol: Maybe that will change the next time around everything including st.hp fails me, but right now I’m feelin’ the power of that punch.
Of course it won’t work so well in footsies, where Karin has her st.hk and Laura has her st.hk, etc, but that’s just the same problem we had in earlier games where even Ryu’s sweep was oftentimes outranged - it’s no different here. Go for it. It can still hit even Karin’s and Laura’s st.hk hitboxes with the correct timing.
I think our “footsie game” has changed from just sweeps & cr.mk combo to fireball, to primarily st.lk, st.mk, st.mp, st.hp and b.hk.
If I had to go with grounded normals I’d rank them as follows.
S.MP -> combos itself, can combo sweep on CH, great meaty option, slight advantage on block, and decent range. Good speed as well.
Cr.MP -> Great range, +2 on block, combo itself in certain situations and can be meaty combo itself, decent defensive poke.
B+HK -> Excellent AA and can give you oki, good at stuffing some things, probably strongest meaty option still, can fight off a lot of moves
S.LK -> If they buff it, will probably be core punish tool and checking certain ranges. Not much you can get safely off of it, but not bad poke.
Lights? -> All of them are okay. S.LP has really crap range though.
S.HP, cr.MK, or S.MK -> Not sure which is better. On CH, HP is okay IF you can get target combo to add the damage. Otherwise, MK has better range and feels safer if spaced properly.
S.HK -> Without a doubt his worst grounded normal. Whiffs crouching, CC only gets you good punish of close. Give up turn on block
Granted, I’m a shit tier player so it’s possible that I’m completely wrong. Not really sure where to place sweep. It’s fine for what it is, but unless your opponent doesn’t protect their legs, it should be used very sparingly IMO. Cr.HP is pretty much just combos and AA, I can’t imagine using for anything or than the most specific of OS’s maybe based on match-up?
My PS4 has deleted the game without my permission twice! Even my console doesn’t like it!
To be honest, I want to like the game. I really do. I’ve always liked Ryu and he looks bad ass in this game. Too bad he doesn’t play that way. I don’t know. As time goes by I just see game flaws piling up. And the S2 balance was the icing on the cake. That’s not how you should work out balancing adjustments, just flipping the tier list and calling it a day.
So, to answer your question: yes. I haven’t actually played fighting games in a while, actually. I only occasionaly boot SFV just to grab some easy FM in case something worth buying comes up. Too bad, since I just bought a beautiful Hori VLX red last December.
So, for now, I’m waiting for Rev 2 and Tekken 7. Meanwhile, I have Dark Souls and The Witcher to spend a couple of hours. Maybe I’ll try playing those with my VLX and see what happens.
st.lk in S2.1 will be the best button. Personally I think sweep is underrated and I use it quite a bit from just outside the hitting range to catch movements and buttons.
I don’t think Ryu has a go to option really. St.fierce is a good button and much better than f.HK (button is basically void now due to the st.lk nerf) at the minute although that will change a little when we get st.lk back. I’m interested to see if crouch fierce change will make some slight differences, I doubt it though.
Yes I guess st.lk might be the best button. SFV is amazing in this regard in that if we want a high priority move we can go for st.hp, if for a faster poke that allows a follow-up and necessarily a direct combo, then st.lk, and for a middle ground the st.mk is good.
They ever gave an official explanation on the cr.HP -animation only- change?
I’ve my little theory, that was just to make it visually being readable/stand out more if used after a SPS or before a SRK
Currently for all these Ryu use the same arm (being 1P side, the right one), with similar (specially in second case) movement
As now SPS>crHP>SRK is right-right-right, after patch it will be right-left-right arm
As stupid it sound is the most logic reason i’ve found to change the animation alone… i think if there was some actual gameplay change/buff we will know by now
Will be nice if end april give us some last minute surprise though
You’re closer than you think with this. If you compare SF4 Dan to SF5 Ryu, the frame data is almost the same. I compared them a few months back, wasn’t all that surprised.
Ryu is pretty much good at doing nothing. His st.mp pressure gets blown up by anyone with a 3f normal, fireball is ass, damage and stun nerfed and VT is shit. Idk wtf Capcom was thinking Ryu was gonna be able to do after the balance patch…
Sad thing is a lot of minor tweaks to Ryu and he’d probably be balanced, fun, and a much more interesting character if you don’t want a hardcore zoner and someone who works in the system. I’m even fine with the current crap DPs.
Let him get pressure again off forward throws. As of now, getting a s.MK that only touches if they throw out a button is just giving up your turn. Opponent just wakes up, and rushes in off your whiff…yay. Without throw pressure, he is really lacking in offensive tools.
Increase advantage of s.MP advantage on block from +1 to +2 to it’s frame tight against everyone, and possible increase frame advantage on hit from +7 to +8. This way, he can at least consistently build up opponent’s grey life on block and increases his pressure ability. Having your offense respected goes A LONG WAY in making you a better character.
Increase the range of his sweep so he can at least consistently punish everyone elses’ sweep when he blocks it. Ryu can’t make his sweep safe with spacing yet a decent chunk of cast can be safe against him, sometimes with just normal block strings, which is annoying and seems to break the design paradigm.
Just make his hit boxes match his animations for s.LK, cr.MK which would give them increased range and not break them.
V-trigger needs to change. Juiced up fireballs while nice, don’t really help when you can throw like 3 max? If it were me, I’d make a it a 3-stock v-trigger but make it give you at least a fixed amount of juiced up FB’s instead of being time based. This let’s him at least compete with Guile who will dominate the zoning battle initially and makes the match more dynamic since the role of zoner switches throughout the match. I’d be fine with it expiring if you throw CA, as I think that’s balanced and flavorful as well.
V-skill Parry just doesn’t really work in practice. Risk/Reward is really poor as of now in a game where you need to minimize your risks. The only real times I’ve seen them used to any great effect is to punish moves that are safe or advantageous that come from like a mile away (Cammy v-skill, Nash Flip Kick, etc.), and you can just as easily punish those with simpler tools like neutral jump. If it were me, I’d expand V-Skill to be the following:
MP+MK: Current Parry for the specific situations that it does work.
F+MP+MK : Parry that only works on physical attacks and does no damage (maybe a little grey life) but knocks opponent down and drags them in front of you, so you can get oki going. I’d make the recovery really bad on it though so it was easily whiff punishable and should be counter state hit against you.
B+MP+MK: Maybe state buff (like Alex) that allows him to throw a red fireball to match Guile.
Obviously, balance testing needed and I’m not sure I’d do ALL of these together.