Are there any Ryu players playing the beta later tonight 03/30 or 03/31 after 7:30PM CST? I wanted to create a battle lounge and test ideas with character changes against and for Ryu. I’ve seen people making lobbies of first to 5 or 10 and just trying new ideas. There isn’t much to Ryu’s changes in the update, but still wanted to reach out.
Is Ryu’s st lk back to where it was in season 1 in this beta version?
yes, I believe so. I was able to connect a st lk after a st rh from almost max range. It feels good to be able to convert off that again.
Can anyone confirm a change in ryu’s I feel like the move is whiffing when it’s supposed to hit. It could just be me but something seemed off about it.
His C.HP looks like Akuma’s B.HP
Can someone confirm if Ryu’s MP DP and HP DP still do the same damage?
It’s a pixel better than S1 according to the numbers, nothing noticeable I would imagine.
Oh wow they gave ryu a spankin new cr. Hp animation…
Wait haven’t I saw that animation before?
Oh it was in sfXt lol!
The buff will make his mid range a little bit better, however overall, he’s still going to remain where he’s at currently in S2, irrelevant. I mean, at the absolute best, he may get closer to mid-tier possibly, however imo he’ll be around low-mid. Not to mention with the most prolific Ryu player switching over to Guile now, we will no longer be seeing Ryu being played at the extreme high levels which saddens me, and imo for the game of SF:V in general.
I guess that’s not too far off from late game SFIV where regular Ryu was just counter pick tier at best. It’s funny because in the Evo panel for SFV they said they were balancing the game around Ryu, but may not be the case now.
With that said, I’m pretty sure Daigo is going to be messing around with Season 2 Ryu. One of the big issues with Ryu in Season 2 is QoL issues that they didn’t think about going into the new season for him. Now that he can properly cover the air again and punish in mid range which is necessary for his archetype, at minimum you should see him play Ryu online again. You don’t stick through Ryu’s worst times like that and just never go back. He is Ryu.
I hope Daigo stick with Guile personally, unless they make Ryu strong. Ryu even with buffs isn’t strong now and with current level of competition I don’t think it’s wise to use him in tournaments - too much of an uphill battle. I like watching tournaments and like to see players show their capabilities fully - for that you need a good characters with good tools. I don’t want to see player showing an amazing play and still lose or at least looking hindered by his character, like it was with Xian in S1. And Guile fits Daigo preferable playstyle too. I think when character loyalty hurts your results (for pros) or fun (for casuals) it stops being a virtue, if it ever was.
Also i don’t think Capcom will make Ruy strong any time soon. Comments on this thread often say that only idiots could balance Ryu the way Capcom did, like they don’t know what they are doing. And i think they know perfectly well what they are doing and they made Ryu weak on purpose. He was the most popular character with almost 18% of people playing him. That’s a lot of people who can buy DLC. So they gave Ryu nerfs that he didn’t really need to give people additional incentive to buy Akuma. And they gave Urien, Balrog, Guile buffs that they didn’t really need and made them kinda easy to play on low level so people would switch to them too.
It worked, at least for Akuma. He was most popular for two months and is now second place. But Ruy is still first with 10-12% and he will always be popular, just because he is Ryu. And that’s a lot of people who can buy DLC. So there is no point in making Ryu strong and taking away that incentive to switch.
They will keep Urien, Guile, Balrog and Ibuki top tier and tournament viable, so pros would show a good results with them (even maybe Juri). People will see that and will switch. At some point they will release Sagat, i guess next season like Akuma on S2. And they also want people to switch. And people don’t like to switch from strong characters.
But at least Sagat being DLC gives good chances that he will not be nerfed too hard, so Highlandfireball’s curse of his characters being nerfed will be lifted. =)
Personally I think they are taking a massive risk making all the shoto’s shit. Because lets face it Ken is also pretty rubbish, looks like he’s getting worse and Akuma is probably Mid tier at best. Making possibly 30% of your player base hate their character because shit hawks want to smash their head off the controller with Laura and Balrog is a bad move.
I’m actually surprised that Akuma ended up mid tier at best. I was pretty shure he is gona be OP.
Shotos go aginst the new design philosophy for SFV, and that is safeish moves that move forward, are spamable and mixups.
Basically fireballs are irrelevant, tatsus are combo enders(ryu still has to confirm standing to use) and srk’s high risk low reward special moves.
Look’s like capcom should faze out shotos instead of having them languishing in the game just for fan service
A 2D fighting game without effective zoning is just a bad 3D fighting game with no horizontal axis IMO.
Capcom won’t bring Ryu,Chun,Alex,Fang,Ken, or Nash closer to their season 1 selves and to me it’s obvious because Capcom won’t admit how much of a failure season 2 has been balance wise. Now onto Ryu yeah i don’t see him getting better much even with st lk coming back, i still think he should get a buff to his v trigger mode and his throw game right now everything is just too rushdown heavy
I am trying to be positive about this.
The way I see it is that overall he is better because his footsies are better. I mean having extra range on your main combo button is a good buff. Having more range on a fast light that can be used for punishes is another good buff. Considering the buff to B+HK ( This is a situational buff that i feel works well against certain characters) and little extra range on c.lp I think Ryu can play just a little better than before.
In a nutshell the abuse that some characters had with there normals and specials should die down a step or two because they will have to respect that they can get hit with something
Oh yeah, with longer reach players will tend to jump in more to compensate allowing you to to AA more.
I am tryin to be optimistic here!
Highland is correct that shotos overall are pretty bad in S2, with Ken and Gouki being more viable than Ryu, although Ken will be getting a nerf as well with the April patch lol! Some of the changes makes no damn sense at all. I guess Cammy must’ve been so weak in S2 that she needed an Air throw now? Capcom, what?
Guile is one of the shining moments of S2, because I actually see zoning that it outside the sweep range, and so I’m hoping that the nerfs he got with the soon to be patch doesn’t hurt him that much.
Sadly, when I watch S2 matches of Laura, Urien, Rog popping a character for making one mistake and I ask myself the question as to why someone like Ryu who promotes real SF play is put on the backseat burner.
I mean, I just got done with SF4…a game where we had to deal with stupid Vortex characters, dive kick galores, and here we are in a blender of new characters whom are once again doing nonsense things, but with no strong Honest characters like Ryu who could balance the character archetypes out.
No, I’m not branding hate on character archetypes like Laura, Balrog, in fact I don’t mind it one bit. However if Capcom ascends these types of characters than they should try to follow previous SF games like Super Turbo who also committed into putting Powerful fundamental characters to be on par so that it would make the game at least in my mind more enjoyable.
On record once again, I’ve been so salty with S2 (Yes, you guys can call me a whiner, I have no qualms, but I’m just being honest, that I sincerely don’t enjoy S2 all that much) that I’ve barely clocked any hours in, and with me being out of state, it just puts me at ease knowing that I won’t be at home to be tempted into to touching the game until at least the end of May when I came back.
They should make st.jab link to without a counter hit so we’ve got a brain dead 3 frame hit confirm into target combo that’s safe if you stop at That way it would fit with the game design - lots of stupid shit thats safe on block but does good damage if it hits and is basically low/no risk.
I’ve done ok in season 2 even though it sucks donkey dick, but my gameplan is just the same for most characters/players - block and wait til they’ve burned their stupid shit then counter that, rinse repeat. If they’ve got meter - block, if they’ve got V-trigger - block. Only throw fireballs if you’ve cancelled off a normal or are outside jump distance.
Basically I play like the most simple game you can imagine and know all the frame data counters so I just try and collect damage from their negative gambles. I beat a Rog in the top 500 today twice in a row by just playing him like he was brainless. I also stopped teching 90% of the time and just block. I figure I can take 5-6 throws and reset the situation since most of the cast don’t get midscreen pressure ( at least not real pressure). If you’re in the corner your pretty fucked though.
I really don’t care though, I think the game overall is quite bad, but I still thought the game was bad when Ryu was good, it was just more manageable.
Sincere question to everyone who is not enjoying SFV. Would consider switching to let’s say KOF or maybe GGear if you’re looking for a 2D FG?
What irks me is that when people get up in arms about a game, calling it bad, but then continue to play it and and give time/money to Capcom instead of voting with what counts.
Just my opinion, but unless people are actually willing to walk away and say, “Make this game better or I won’t continue to support it,” I feel like it’s an inability to not put your money where your mouth is. If no one is willing to actually change their habits, then I guess there is no reason to believe Capcom will actually change the game towards something more geared towards what Ryu players would like.
The main problem at least for me and my region and personal life is that fighting games are very much a free time hobby which I get about 5-6 hours a week on and if getting games on SF5 is hard, then it must be worse on other less popular games. FGs are generally a small categorie. If anything I’d see myself switching genres completely.
I played SF4 yesterday with an old sparring partner it it was thoroughly enjoyable, but the SF4 scene is quite quiet now.
I guess the way I show my stance is that I’m not willing to spend a single cent on SF5 ever again, be it costumes, characters,content etc.