Ryu Season 2


Got pretty deaad around here. I was looking at the the rankings the other day and I saw a couple of Ryu’s in the top 100 the closest being at 44. He got nerfed badly but he may definately not be at the bottom.

Eh, I’m not the best player (hardly a decent one), and obviously there are great players out there who can make him work, but this version of Ryu just isn’t even fun to play.

S1 Ryu was pretty close to perfect IMO. He maybe needed some slight tweaks here or there to round out his super bad match-ups, but at least you could do fun stuff.

This Ryu just feels like an incomplete character. When you can’t even zone Zangief…You know the designers F’d up.

New Ryu crHP animation

Visually i definitely prefer the previus one, hopefully this one at least offer some kind of improvement combo wise

At some point it connect in counter too, but nothing flashy happen


It’s me or new crHP seem slighty longer forward?

Does’nt previous crHP whiff from that distance?

same horizontal range, the first active frame hitbox’s got moved vertically a bit. It may not hit the tip of some low pokes anymore. I dont see any other effect on that change, its a nerf in my opinion, a minor one.

So it’s really a nerf? Ha why am im not surprised it’s capcom after all

Well, bigger upwards hitbox is a buff for it as an antiair. And I don’t think that higher hitbox below will influence practical applicability of the move. Calling that a nerf is an overstretch I think.

It’s pointless is what it is. Only thing I see it useful for in any capacity is close cross ups but with the MP DP AA back you’re probably just better going for that.

I’m starting to question the design team on this game. It’s one thing to let a couple of things through that need to be addressed, fine. People make mistakes.

At this point though, it’s like the design team legitimately doesn’t know anything about 2D fighting game design or anything about their own FG.

Agree with highland…A useless change.

I agree that it’s practically useless. Only maybe for newer players for whom it’s easier to antiair with a normal than DP. Just not a nerf. =)
What is really strange that they desided to spend resources on that. Changing animation is definitely more expensive that just changing a hitbox. And there is not much point.

I kinda had trouble seeing if cr.hp would connect or not with the older animation during punishes/combos, maybe they thought it will be easier with the new animation, hence the change?

Having a hitbox upwards is a nice buff, hopefully it’s as good as Balrog AA normal, close jump-ins that don’t crossup are the hardest to deal with.

He walks slight forward, it was always like that for max punish combos.

Why the fuck did Capcom waste time and money redoing a perfectly good animation? Don’t they have new characters to make? Must be nice having that kind of money to throw around…

That animation looks wonky as hell, right along with Cammy’s air throw. Just undo it and put back the way it was. Useless fucking change and a change for the worse IMO. Bad enough he sucks now you have to make him look retarded.

Will have liked it if they keept old one as crHP, and gave this new move as back+HP with launch property

Kinda like this

Now that will have been cool, imagine MP->bHP-> launch ->stuff

Will have loved that


Cr.hp a worse Anti Air in V-trigger, smh.

That’s an odd way to “enhance” something in v-trigger…

Cr.hp at close range is a better anti-air than shoryuken against Cammy in my opinion, because cr.hp will hit her out of the air (peak height) regardless of whether she delays her airborne attack or not, meanwhile the shoryuken would run of out of active frames if you tried shoryuken in place of cr.hp.

I thought the combo looked pretty sick with st.mp to cr.hp where he punched 'em in the gut, followed up with a shoryuken to the chin with the same arm, so I will kind of miss that and it was a perfectly fine animation in its own right too.

If the properties change then maybe we can get some extra damage while in v-trigger on cr.hp, and change the v-trigger animation to the old one… :how_interesting:

Don’t use Cr.hp for AA anyway, might aswell axe kick if your going to use a normal because it juggles and has a better hit box from memory.

The axe kick is two frames slower though.

Don’t forget the potential knockdown Axe Kick gives you as an AA. Since Ryu has crappy offensive options, getting some oki for an AA is about the best thing Ryu has going for him.