Ryu Season 2

Welcome back boys. So which of you changed to guile before the balance patch was released?

Changes are ok, with the nerfs to characters like Guile I think Ryu will be somewhat pulled back into line.

If you discount simply getting shit back that you already had before. St.mp extra range might be something we can play with.

I’m interested to know a couple things - can we now target combo from further out from a st.mp ( decent buff) and I assume that the 2 x st.mp - into target combo now connects much more reliably, before you could only go for one st.mp in some situations.

Other applications could include now just going for st.mp x 2 Hp ( stop if they are crouching) which gives us two mediums and a heavy regardless if they are crouching or standing without having to input a special.

My gut feeling is that it’s a decent change and I’m usually right about this stuff since I already called the S2 buffs as being average.

And just like that…

Daigo picks back up Ryu

It’s interesting.

I’m curious as to how good a poke st.strong will be. Maybe good enough to fish for counter-hit st.strong into sweep?
I feel like ryu’s poor options after throw are still his main weakness.
Capcom said they want his neutral to be weaker to focus on more rushdown, but seeing as how his throws just return him to neutral (where he’s mediocre), the opponents can just block him out and take the throw.

And with the changes to his frame data in s2.0, he doesn’t have many frame traps that beat good 3-frame normals like necalli’s st.jab (cr/st.jab into st.strong?), and those frame traps don’t give him much…

So he’s got slow-ish, stubby normals, so-so frame-traps, and a throw that isn’t very threatening…
Am I missing something here?

We’ll have to see what his new cr.fierce is like. Unless it has bigger range to link off of st.strong/towards.fierce/back.roundhouse from much further out, I don’t know what’s special or fun about ryu anymore.

They want Ryu to be more rushdown but don’t even bother to change the framedata on st.mp for frametrapping, throw game and v-trigger still pretty weak if they stay the same.

Glad they buffed Akuma health at least, and thanks god i don’t have to spend a bar to auto correct anymore.

St.mp won’t work for the counter hit sweep, it doesn’t work as is from some ranges, the problem is the sweep not the st.mp.

There could be stealth buffs though ( or nerfs).

Him still having the worse throw in the game sucks a bit. I’d rather they done a Karin, make him toss them to the other side of the screen rather than this awkward range we can’t do anything with.

The only thing that has me smiling is s.lk, that’s pretty much it. All the while someone like Necalli still continues flying under the Capcom Radar.

What if they made Ryu’s overhead pretty fast (like 16 or 18 startup frames, down from 22)?
Keep the damage and stun at 60/100, keep the frame data at +1/-6, or make it +0/-4 or something, and maybe don’t make the animation telegraph itself so much, so it has a “react-able” startup of 12-14 frames, like USF4 Dudley’s Dart Shot.

This gives him a quick, consistent way to dip in on opponents who are happy to down-back all day. Let him pester opponents who want to block him out to get back to neutral. I want to jyobin all over some people. I think this would be fun.

Landing overhead doesn’t give Ryu massive damage or sick oki, but it let’s him chip away at defenders.
People can try to react/guess the high/low mixup, which is hard and opens them up to the throw, or…
People can press buttons/throw to punish the actual slow 16-18 frame startup, opening them up to Ryu’s frametraps.

I feel like this would still be pretty honest, as it’s not that safe on block, not that easy to land (without conditioning the opponent to block), and not that much reward (60ish dmg and neutral-ish frames).

Would be nice :tup: In SF4 Gouken could use his overhead in footsies because his hurtbox shrunk a little while using it, and it was a swift one hit attack that kind of flowed better in footsies than the two hit overheads like Ryu’s.

I’m salty about Cammy getting a buffed cannon spike too though yo, damn… Feels like never catchin’ a break from that character… At least Akuma is no longer a constant pain in the ass like her, and a character like Laura doesn’t have Cammy’s v-skill to bypass fireballs even without meter… :bawling:

Wasn’t st mp range nerfed in the first s2 patch? I thought he was just getting that back as well.

It was.

You know what you’re right, I’m an idiot.

Really depends if they are just straight swapping it back or making it better. Still having extended hit boxes is never a bad thing.

Getting s.mp range back is big especially since s.mp is Ryu combo start fro Neutral. More chances to land combos especially super.
Too many times in S2 I have landed s.mp, s.mp ahh damn it wiffed. Now I have to start blocking because I wffed a normal.
WIth s.lk range increased we can punish moves more often. That results in less abuse of specials which in turn lowers agression which was the problem with RYU in S2.
Once things got heated he had very little to defend him self.

I am not sure what this c.hp animation is for. My hope is that it extends it more horizontal so that we can use it as a FB block string.
Do anyone have a reerence from another street fighter game that capcom would most likely recycle the move from and use it for Ryu in SF5

Maybe the new c.FP is going to have horizontal range instead of being an aa as it is faster but redundant with hk and less potential damage do to not being a cc button.

Not sure, it just says change in animation, if it had its boxes or data changed you’d think it would say that. Not sure what that one is all about really.

i think they maybe will use his animation of close successful hit (the body shot) also for the not-hit version, wich vertically seem to stop at stomach level… maybe faster recovery to do crHP>stMP>stuff ?
at 0:41

Who know wtf capcom thinking they want Ryu to fight close so the nerf the hitbox on his moves and don’t give him a reliable way to get in, if that was their real intention the would give him a 15 framee sps that was +1 on block to get in and make people just scared shitless , as of now Ryu is just paying a popularity tax and getting nerfed for no good reason.

Maybe they make it link into s.lp into s.lk if they let it link into s.mp its goint to rek people with the force stand into tc

Well played Sir.
