IMO, he just needs his old throw and back to be in a decent spot again, of course he needs more than that to even be a contender to top 5 tho.
Would be nice if they added new stuff, having a v-trigger cancelable fireball like Akuma would be awesome, now that his current v-trigger cancels are even worse.
inb4 they just add back the old and make it 5 frames(so you can’t punish thoses -4 moves) without anything new ;_;
I just wish he could play neutral better. All these fast ex moves into pressure and other nonsense make this game feel more like MKX than SF. I feel Ryu is forced to lay on his belly with his butt in the air.
I really think getting meterless reversals back should also be a priority. This game has some of the craziest offense and people literally don’t have to worry about the option anymore when you don’t have a bar. There’s way too much confidence for the attacker. Even with a bar it’s now more risky than it used to be.
This! How was it agreed upon that being endlessly pressured is fun? Ryu has nothing to counter act except reall great fundamentals and the easiest way to stop Ryu is just to block. He only has so much tricks before you get your chance to rush RYu’s ass down.
Speaking of meterless reversals I did a meaty on akuma and he performed a meterless wake up palm Vt combo into his ultra. I LOLed pretty hard at that because Ryu has nothing near of that.
It would be nice to VT from FB like the other shotos.
Forward throw feels like I have 2 ton weights on my feet after. After I move what can I do, Solar plexus?
And those stubby normals feel aweful.It is really annoying how much of the cast have a low hitting move that reaches far. At least for Ryu their moves seem like they reach far.
You can’t do anything after throw. You can do a stationary axe kick canceled into fireball which will connect if they push a button, but really nobody decent should be pushing buttons after Ryus throw.
I did that or sometimes I just used to delay a fireball slightly.
I think xx vtrigger also works but it’s probably a waste unless you’ve got critical art.
Without a doubt his throw damage should be increased by 20-30 hp if it’s to remain this shit. You can’t give half the cast throw loops that also have good attack then nerf defensive characters because reasons.
Like some of you have pointed out it seems like turtling works. Well at least having good defense does. It looks like they took away Ryu the offensive powerhouse and made him more defensive “balanced” version of him. I want to point out some changes I have made to the way I play Ryu.
So I noticed that his c.lp has pretty good range and priority. I will useit in footsies when I am feeling pressured. I also use it to mix in overheads.
Thee use of over heads is a must even though they nerfed his. So Now i have a mix up game where I can alter my timing to overhead, xx fb, s.fp or grab.
I know spacing involves all characters but with RYu its more crucial because he doesnt have any momentum changing tricks, With that being said now when my opponent blocks my heavy jump in I now give just a little space before pressing anything instead of immediately going into x fb. It keeps them guessing.
finally, I want to add that since Kolin was released I couldnt help but notice she has a Gouken type parry that deals a good amount of damage.
It had me try to parry more often. thus far its hitor miss. I feel as if the best way to use it is to phish for CC and parry those.
Once you successfully parry they are less likely to spam moves moving the game in your favor.
In the end I feel they made Ryu is an moderate to advance character and what I mean by that is theere are a lot of characters where it takes a lot less to win.
One easy buff is to give back the distance on his and revert back the overhead changes that they made. I can only hope.
The jump in - block - walk back a step is a very good way to open up tougher players or tech mashers, it’s just an all round solid option. Once you get some confidence go for the - hp - hk target combo to beef up the damage.
Another benefit is that it’s a built in bait if they are mashing reversal since the walk back step will block the reversal.
I’ve got lots of little things like this in a video but I’m not releasing shit til the patch. No point they might fuck us again.
I can say the one thing I’ve been using far more is parry since they took away MP DP. I don’t like doing it, but it’s probably one of Ryu’s best ways of blowing up frame traps now.
Burning the meter for EX DP isn’t worth it (unless for wake up), and the only thing you don’t cover is walk up throw or super delayed attack. Granted, it’s not great, but it can be worth it if done strategically. Forcing your opponent to respect it does help (a little).
Personally I think walking up for just a st.MK after a forward throw is just fine. To me it feels like I still have the initiative and that’s really all I want, and I don’t think he should have bigger follow-ups either, unlike characters like Karin or Kolin who have to make their way in. I think the st.MK is guaranteed, so it opens up for f.HP or dashing in or jumping in, etc.
But I kind of wish the parry was 2-frames of start-up instead of 3…
Otherwise I enjoy Ryu a lot now, including the meterless shoryuken.
However, I really wish they’d match hitboxes to the animations, namely on our cr.MK and sweep. I really dislike that meaningless st.MP nerf too, I guess the much-debated st.LK… This would kind of have to include things like Cammy’s cr.MK so hitboxes are accurate across the board, but I think it’s a huge burden to not be able to rely on what the fuck the animations look like but rather have intimate knowledge of what the hitboxes behind scenes behave like.
Diago still losing with Ryu. S2 Ryu is Middle Mid tier at best. He needs more damage or range or at least a DP that had invincibility on frame 2 or something. Late DP getting stuffed feels so weird.
Maybe v-trigger cancel from overhead. Something! Anything!!!
I noticed another down-side to the meterless shoryuken last night aside from the obvious loss of defense… I was in v-trigger and tried getting something out of those beefed-up fireballs, so I charged one and made the opponent jump, and I shoryukened when I recovered just in time, but — it lost to the jump in
I envy the start up & recovery of the sonic boom, and the fast release of Zangief’s charged st.HP when it comes to hadokens in v-trigger.
The concept behind Ryu’s initial Season 2 adjustments were that we wanted to encourage players to engage in closer combat by giving Ryu stronger in close tools, while in return, his midrange was weakened a little. Although his tools in close were strengthened, due to the shrinkage of a few hitboxes and increased attack startup, he now had a bit more trouble than anticipated fighting from the midrange. This, in turn, made it harder to get in close, making it more difficult for Ryu players to experience his Season 2 adjustments.
We hope with the additional adjustments made, Ryu will be more well-rounded than he was in Season 1, while also feeling that much stronger.
Standing LK
Expanded the forward hitbox
Standing MP (Normal/V-Trigger)
Expanded the forward hitbox
M Shoryuken
Added a hurtbox for frames 3-6F
Added invincibility for airborne attacks for frames 1 to 6F
H Shoryuken
Added attack and projectile invincibility for frames 3 - 6F
It’s funny that, considering it feels as if they had two people working on this game, they still had the time to add new animations or moves. Dhalsim and Zangief got a couple and Ryu’s Cr.HP has a new animation now? I wonder how it is and if it has an effect on its usefulness.
Also, HP DP’s new invincibility to attacks and projectiles could mean the return of the ume-shoryus, but will it work against some frame traps or meaties?
Yai for the LK and MP changes. I hope Ryu will have much less trouble getting in, now.
I hear the Invincibility change on the HP shoryuken one is frame 3 and not frame 1 so i dont think invincible dp’s are back but it’s good we can now anti air without MP DP. Rog still will be bad but atleast St LK is back