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Which DP is the best for AA? Every time I do it it freakin trades

EX is best. But to answer your question, use mp.

Two things you can do to help it not trade. Make sure that you’re holding down when you complete the dp motion. And try to press the button as late as you can.

You can also abuse the shortcut and never press the full forward direction at all. Just do df, d, df.

I’ll try to give some tips:

  1. Your fireball totally beat his air slasher, since he have to charge. No reason why you should fear his air slasher. It’s not sonic boom, which have reduced charge time and fly faster. Ex-air slasher is inferior in speed to ex-sonic boom.

  2. There are only 4 ways he can get pass your fb.

    i) U1
    ii) rolling sobat
    iii) Slide
    iv) Jump

You only have to take note of his slide distance and ex-rolling sobat distance. Make sure you throw fb outside these 2 distance, or throw them in a unpredictable way which when thrown near, he would be forced to block it (can’t slide) or when thrown far, you be able to block the 2nd hit of ex-sobat kick and U1. You can punish a blocked ex-sobat kick if you are near enough. I don’t remember for sure, but I think only 1st hit of Sobat breaks armor. If it’s the case, then you can fadc the 2nd hit to punish. It’s been long time since I play a dee jay. Normal Sobat goes through fb also I think, but don’t bother about those. The range render it pretty useless as dee jay have to throw them in anticipation. Miss = heavy punish and strike = only limit damage scored. All you need to worry about is really the slide (which happen to be about the same range with jump attack), the ex-sobat (which happen to be about the same range as U1) if he have it.

  1. All sobat when blocked, can be punished if you are within range.

  2. DO NOT jump in on dee jay when he is grounded, or when he have charge. I’ll not get into the details on why this is so. Just don’t jump and be cautious using meaty ground attack on him during wake up situation.

  3. Slide, when done on the wrong range can be punished. Even when it’s done safe (tip distance), unless he does a invincible reversal, you can cr.mk combo on block to zone him away again.

The easiest way to beat dee jay is actually to zone + footsie the hell outta him. There’s no way dee jay can outzone or out footsie ryu. Try the above. He have no answer to ryu’s fb and footsie actually. Just throw plenty of fb and poke him to death. I almost never jump when playing dee jay.

I was a bit reluctant to post initially, because you mentioned he out footsie and out zone you, which cannot happen if you have good fundamentals. To beat dee jay you must have good fundamental in fb and footsie. Hope this helps you…

This was actually prety good… except…

Pretty certain only EX Sobat goes through FBs.

Slide and jump ranges are not the same. DJs jump is reaches 2.9, slide is 2.0, that is actually quite a big difference.

Also… and I know youre aware of this but yuo havent mentioned it. Deejay’s jump is totally different to everyone elses. His knee shot means he can alway avoid FBs and can also mess your AAs up badly by faking you.

you can jump on Deejay if he doesnt have charge. Just use air hurricane kick to take down his C.FP and S.FP AAs so he feels insecure using them, then you have a mind game you can get damage from. I only use this sometimes, but it certainly is worth considering. UNLESS he has U2, then it simply isnt worth the risk (slide into U2).


… this is like saying “to be good at SF you have to be good at SF”. You need decent footsies and fundamentals to be good at SF… full stop.

pretty good stuff on the dj match up.

maybe i can add:

some basics:

for punishing sobat, i actually like to use lp dp from any range that isnt max distance. it hits in an ugly style when it isnt close - but it still hits. i have trouble punishing lk sobat with other normals because of the timing.

ex sobat will go through fireball and can be done easily on reaction from a far distance, so i personally think that this move is really good against ryu even better than ex sonic boom.

his cr.MK is a knock down move that dee jay will try to use to counter your cr.MK. basically he will throw this out just before he thinks you will throw out your cr.MK in the hope that your foot will hit his and you will get knocked down. if he is trying this - use sweep instead of cr.MK.

slide is easy to punish on block. it is slow with bad recovery.

never jump at dee jay when at a range where he can anti air with slide. just go into training and figure out this range, only takes a minute.

you can safe jump all his wakeup options, and he doesnt have any non-punishable escapes. DeeJay is fun to play when you get him with a untech knockdown.

HP is his other anti-air, it trades a lot and doesnt come out fast. there is an ambiguous spacing that will allow you to take a risk to get in. learn it in training mode.

you slowly force deejay into the corner. if he stands in the wrong range, go for a jump in because his anti air HP is slow and will trade or not hit at all a lot of the time. when he gets EX you need to stop FB and spam and wait for better opportunities.

for guys that like to do rush down dee jay with LK sobat: use lp dp and it will end that shit pretty quick.

i could write more if this isnt helping you… don’t feel bad about getting beat by dee jay. when you first face this match you think it’s supposed to be easy for ryu (because of lame tier lists), but if you dont know the ins and outs this match is really tough.

Thanks everyone i dont play the game much but ill try to remember.

Btw I know ryu can outzone him but its not as big as you would think. his normals and slide cover a lot of spacing.

i didnt know s.hp came out slowly but i did notice it was way easier to jump in on him in the corner. sweep instead of c.mk, i learned the hard way. lp dp against sobat kicks is something new to me. that helps a lot.

His jump arc is strange and his jump in angles down. Very deceiving.

dee jay is not as free as some of you would like to think.

Thanks for the help. I hope I play that guy again someday.

Just do whatever that works for you against that guy.

wats the option select daigo does when hes getting jump on wake up.because when he does it a backdash always come out and i know its a os because the commentators say it.

OS into a backdash when jumped on during wake up? Is there a link to the video?

OS into dashes are general OS that can be done by all charc, but I don’t know any practical use on jump in during wake up especially for ryu. There are so many creative ways of using OS though and maybe we could all learn from the video. So far OS into dashes are more used by grapple charc offensively.

One OS into dashes when using ryu I can share, is that after a successful air-air attack, you can do a cr.lk then OS into {forward dash/cr.lp}. If the cr.lk land, then dash would not come out and cr.lp come out. If the opponent backdash/jump, then you will forward dash to pressure him again.

The general principle for OS dash is about the same as jump in OS. When the cr.lk land, the extra frame cause the dash not to come out and cr.lp will come out instead, but when it whiff, the cr.lk end fast enough for the dash to come out.

I have some doubts about commentator saying option select as I sometimes feel they over complicated over what the players were doing during live games. Saw a video some time back that commentator was saying that Daigo was throwing a fireball OS into super and dp depending on whether the opponent blocked it. That was no OS. I remembering the commentator retracting his comments and clarified he made a mistake afterward.

Just a side talk… For some match up, OS maybe essential (a must know fundamental technique which are situation specific, in order to have a chance to win as ryu for those match up) but I don’t feel that it is dominating the general play. Don’t really understood why there’s so much focus on OS though. A lot of things may look like players are using OS but it well may not be. IMHO OS messes up with your own rhythm and timing so it’s probably only useful during setup play such as wake up situation. Can’t really use it in the heat of engagement.

Also, certain strict timing OS is not really practical and possible during online play. Like Ryu’s OS jump in on Dictator into tatsu/lp dp to beat his ex-headstomp/devil reverse/psycho crusher. So it’s almost impossible to beat a good dictator online IMO. Non strict timing OS like jump in OS into tatsu against Claw’s backdash and backflips works well though.

It can be said, that it’s extremely hard to beat charc like Claw, Dictator, Dhalsim etc without using OS. Then again, it’s not like OS are game winning tools. From ryu’s perspective, so far it is mainly used to prevent charc with good escape tools from doing cheap escapes. There are some offensive uses of it though. Like OS into ultra… which can change games.

I know for other charc like Zangief OS are like the essence of their game… OS itself are game winning tools for them. Not for ryu, he still gotta work very hard despite using OS.

When opponent cross me up or he does a deep jump in , do you think its a good idea to block high, hit lk+lp, then go into a crouching position.

I am asking this since I ve notice I often get grab instantly when I miss my cross up mk by an air or mistimed a safe jump.
Is it a good habit to incorporate this lk+lp just in case ?

IMO, I won’t recommend it. You’ll get hit easily spamming that. I have tried this concept before.

It should be easy to reaction throw/tech if the person miss his deep jump in. Que to look out for, is to prepared for a block when he jumped. If the block didn’t occur, stand tech immediately when he reach ground. You get a tech or throw.

Same concept applies when you jump in. If u think u gg to miss, you might wanna tech immediately on landing.

this is generally the best way to block. you want to time the standing lk+lp so that if the opponent attacks while in the air you will be in hit stun when you press it. if they dont attack (empty jump), you will tech their throw or throw them during their startup of a normal when they hit the ground [for the theory fighters - yes there are counters to this - which is why the word generally :)]

this is very important against akuma with people who know how to use vortex strats. against some characters, it might not be the best idea -> ie, sakura can be tricky…

daigo, does this style really well.

online this type of blocking is very hard though because of lag and it might hurt you more than it helps depending on the connection.

Yes Pieton, this is the right things to do. Its basically an OS tech that works like this…

  1. Theyre jumping on you
  2. You wait till the last moment *whilst * blocking and then tech
  3. IF they attacked in the air you will be blocking
  4. If they dont attack in the air you tech. Your tech will beat all normals, meaning Bison will have to use a special. Unless Bison was walking forward prior to jumping and then crosses you up, he wont have charge for any special. the only thing he could then hit you with would be a very risky, guess U2.

so yeah. Last minute tech is good. Just dont make it obvious in certain matches otherwise you will eat a reversal.

EDIT : make sure of the spacing too. You dont want him to jump to a point out of range and make your throw whiff. Thats gonna = pain.

Thx for your answers,

Quick question about DP strengh. After blocking a move that is -3 , are there exception for not using HP DP ?

When I am trying to to Reversal between an unsafe block string I am correct to always use MP DP ?

I was wondering also how much of a gap in blokstring allow for someone to backdash, and how much for a jump ?


There are no exception so far for not using hp (and using other version of dp) after blocking a -3 frame move.

There are many exception and consideration on whether to use DP at all though.

Regarding gap in block string, 1 frame gap is all it needs in theory I think. In practical, it’s an entirely different story.

Maybe you could be a little more specific in what you like to know?

There is one exception: If you blocked a -3 frame move on the ground and still is just beside your opponent in spacing, you might want to use a lp dp which allows you to do a deep safe jump or empty jump on quick wake up.

Thx, you did answer my questions perfectly. I got into a bad habit to punish moves with MP DP, I am trying
to change that. I will usually use DP to punish move that are like -5 or less since you need close to perfect timing
for other normals.

Tried to find here soime stuff about using U2 in general. I know that the only real way to fully combo U2 is off a regular hadouken which is pretty hard to do, but I don’t really think it’s THAT hard. I mean I’ve done myself numerous times an cr.mk to EX hadou FADC into U1 which is in my opinion waaaay harder to execute and hit confirm.
So is it that unpopular? I mean I absolutley go nutts about it’s bad ass animation and sound, it feels sooo damn amazing, I just wanna use it cuz of the way it looks lol.
Thats not very practical, but to be fair I think hit conferming it off of mp link into mp canceled into Hadou FADC into U2 should be fairly good. And not to mention the damage output is waaay higher then U1.
So the quistion is - are there any really good players that constantly use U2 in their game. I would like to see some vids of those if there are any ofc ):

I think c.mk xx Ex Fireball xx Ultra 1 is actually pretty easy compare to landing U2.

hi guys, I face a lot of high level blanka and Abel and for some reason I have problem dealing with the rushdown blankas. Those using mixup like - hop electicity or hop lk+electicity combo or hop grab or hop then up ball. What normal can I use to beat out of the air the hop motion ? Is it reliable ?! Note that they usually do the hop that cross me up.

What is the best option when dealing with the standing foward mk of abel ? I usually get caught when I try to back dash after I block, is that normal ? What normal of ryu can beat the standing lk of abel and what normal can beat the standing front mk of abel ?

Can I punish the sweep of balrog if I predict it with a quick focus attack dash in ? If so can I do a combo or just srk ?

thanks guy,

It’s not used because there is no reliable way to combo into the full animation. There are some ground combos that will lead to full u2, but they are very spacing/character specific. The fireball has to hit very late in order for it to combo. Late enough that if your c.mk is blocked, they can do all kinds of things to punish the fireball. Have you ever played someone that would ultra or focus after c.mk and punish you? That can be done from the spacing where fireball xx fadc, U2 would work. You won’t ever see a good player using it, unless he is much better than his opponent and he is trolling.