Ryu General Thread: Eternal Wanderer

Watching the videos up there ^^^ I noticed that FourWude likes to keep his distance a little more than Daigo. Daigo seems to like to play footsies where FourWude tends to zone and takes pokes when he can. Overall though I think I need to play the footsies game a little more, I have a habit of being to aggro jumping in and stuff. I think I need to be more patient and just walk towards the opponent and look for openings.

Tokido’s Ryu


Use for fireball from just outside the range of ALL your opponents pokes. Mid screen at most. Make sure you don’t throw fireballs in patterns. At this range they are very hard to jump on reaction and it makes them a great poke.

After a while your opponent will likely try a ‘hard read’ (aka guess) be ready to anti air them when they do…

then get in that ass.

1000 LP just underneath I kept getting matched against 1000+ LP players so my points dipped back and forth but definitely made up for the other day. (Went from like 600LP to 300LP) I’m starting to to figure out how to play Ryu in this game. Just gotta keep up on watching replays and practicing. I earned a few legit wins tonight. Some of my opponent were free though lmao

I beat a Zangief player ranked 12000 I’m almost sure that was a legit win. That match was scary. Always afraid to go in on Gief

Yea I was doing that a lot tonight, throwing out EX fireballs just outside of poke range. Sometimes they got blocked but the knockdown is worth it. Then tick throws galore. I have a hard time anti airing but I’m getting better at it.

I’m determined to get good at this game in this one night I noticed a lot of improvement in my game. I gotta be a tiny bit more defensive but I like to rush in and apply pressure.


Delaying punishes for stronger mixups.

I cannot be the only one who is extremly unhappy with the state of Ryu’s c.MK.

Being punished for doing c.MK xx Hado on block at max range in the later stages of USF4 was one thing… but being punished by Karin players that mash EX DP when you hit her with c.MK xx Hado at max range is just a sad state of affair (granted you only get hit by the first hit of her DP but still… that is just BS in my mind, im quite sure there are others that can hit you out of it aswell… prob Necalli) Not to mention that the Chun’s i’ve been practicing with have been extremly proficient at punishing it on block with EX bird. it just seems like a risky string to do right now… way to risky for the pay off.

Im starting to miss e.Ryu alot these days…

prob should mention, the problem isnt c.MK, its the fireballs being having too many startup frames or just being to slow moving to make c.MK xx Hado a true Combo at MAX range.

Here’s a list of moves i know that punish c.MK xx HP.Hado.

Chun li: Reversal Super (on hit & block) EX Bird at any range (on block)
Rashid: Reversal Super *it will counterhit the arm hitbox of ryu when he does hado (on hit & block), EX spinning mixer (on hit & block)
Karin: Reversal Super (on hit & block) EX DP (on hit & block)
Gief: V-Trigger (on hit & block) Reversal Super (on block) at 1~2 pixels closer than max range (need someone who’s better at SPD motions to test this stuff)
Ken: m.SRK (on hit & block) EX.SRK (on hit & block) Super (on hit & block)
Dictator: Reversal Super *it will hit the arm hitbox of ryu when he does hado (on hit & block)
Dhalsim: Reversal Super *you will trade with the hado (on hit & block) *you can reversal teleport, but close teleports are punishable by 3f normals and far away teleport catches the Hado with your front teeth.

  • i’ll update the list tomorrow with the rest of the cast. I’ve run out of time today…

It’s a cool idea but…
You still needed the same amount of mixups in both scenarios. The difference is that by delaying you needed that extra mixup to get the stun in the first place.
You get a little more damage overall but it’s risky to not stun a good opponent when you can. V-reversal is a thing in this game. Stun also goes down pretty quickly if they block and a counterpoke a couple of times.

Besides, delaying doesn’t work on a good chunk of the cast who either recover too quickly or go in a crouching position while recovering from the dp (Karin and a couple of others,) making your st.HK whiff.

A lot of those moves you mention only work when done at point blank range I ever close to it. If you simply spaced it out with a st. MP and then do cr. MK > fireball then every normal or special will whiff. Supers will punish though no matter what kind of block string Ryu uses, including his own super in the mirror match.

You just have to be aware of their meter and more careful about throwing out your fireballs.

Im sorry to say this but this is just plain ignorence. everything i’ve tested has been at c.MK’s maximum range and the only move that dosnt connect at that range thats listed, is giefs super.
Your making the asumption without testing it out, you think its safe because you feel it should be safe… it isnt.

You dont believe, test it out your self. c.MK xx Hado at c.MK’s maximum hitting range is not a combo and its punishable by everything i’ve listed so far… and the same is true for block.

The only “pro” Ryu player i’ve seen so far that has a grasp of just how unsafe c.MK xx Hado is has been Daigo. Look at his set vs Kichijojiken and notice how much potential dmg he is throwing away during the first game to ensure that Kichijojiken knows he’s willing to not complete the string, then notice at the very end of the video where Kichijojiken has no life at all. Daigo chooses to EX Hado in a block string that looks spaced 1-2 pixels from max range, with no potential gain outside of making sure the string is solid as that is the only Hado ender that cannot be uppercutted with reversal timing from Ken as every normal Hado from a c.MK at every range isnt a true blockstring and should be punished by Ken players if Ryu’s are blind to this fact.

I’ve tested them to, apparently your copy of SFV works differently then mine. Here are two videos I put together in probably 5 minutes or less showing Ryu’s st. MP, cr. MK, fireball string. That string both combos and pushes away blockers from punishing him with their specials. I didn’t go through them all but chose Ken and Chun because they probably have the two furthest reaching specials that you mentioned above


Each move was done at reversal timing so they came out as soon as possible after block stun ended. I didn’t bother with Supers because i know they work already. I also didn’t bother showing them punishing the gap between cr. MK and fireball because I know it’s not a true block string. I was talking about on block only and it’s safe against probably everything except certain characters Supers.

Fine i’ll make a video and show you. gimme 10-20 minutes to get fraps up and running and check back because i cannot space out c.MK at it’s maximum hitting range without it being punishable by EX bird.


Appologize in advance for the music embeded with the video (feature not possible to turn off) and the horrible framerate, fraps decided not to want to have anything to do with SFV so i just got the fastest option to record something asap and that janky record software was the first thing google gave me.

Forget the first bit, scroll to 0:45 you can see the exact same blockstring you used being interupted by Ken’s SRK with reversal timing and 1:55 to see c.MK hitting Ken but still getting blown the fuck up by a EX dp.

s.MP -> c.MK xx Hado dosnt push ken out far enough to hit c.MK’s maximum range (thus it is a true combo) but the last clip at 1:55 is c.MK’s absolute maximum range and at that 2 pixel range beyond what the first clip pushes ken out to, c.MK xx Hado isnt a combo anymore and from my own experience juding that distance in a match when your swaying back and forth is just brutal, one wrong guess and i get a one way trip on the ss EX Bird to the corner and in the matchup with chun, that sucks.

Sorry to be the one to break this to you, but you made a noob error in your rebuttal. Being unsafe means unsafe ON BLOCK where not otherwise stated.

CR mk is -2 on block. If you cancel it and go into the start up of a new move, you do get hit by everything he said… The player would need to read it though and it’s a big risk on their part tbh since all said punishers were very very unsafe.

Your video is on hit… And even the standing MP to CR mk is not safe on block. Jabs or DP will beat the CR mk from coming out.

C’mon son.

c.MK is SFV is the worst incarnation of the normal in context of what it can do and what it should be used for.


Here’s the set between Daigo and Kichijojiken. How Daigo uses it, is how it should be optimaly used, if you see players like Alex Valle they simply havnt been tested on that normal on a consistant basis but judging from that video the japanese players are. Daigo never cancels into hado at around max range of the poke prob because he knows what i know… if your spacing is off by a pixel your eating a DP from Ken for free (ok, you can bait that out by not not cashing in the damage from c.MK hitting but i highly doubt your going to see consistant mindgames like that for the forseeable future) after the initial few cancels into hado he completly stops in an attempt to bait out reversals from Kichijojiken and when he needs it to be solid, he spends EX bar on it.

And that is what i’ve been trying to say, its one thing that the block string is unsafe on block (it is) but having a string thats exsisted for 25years be unsafe on hit… is like turning back the clock to WW days where hp.SRK was unsafe on hit and would get you a return TOD combo.

Im all for the offensive minded rushdown style you basicly have to play right now but come ON capcom… this is something that should be fixed.

Sorry to break this to you. In your effort to put me down, you failed to realize why I’m wrong. I’m not wrong because I tried to prove what he said was wrong and failed. I’m wrong because I misinterpreted him. I thought he meant on block as in the fireball, not the cr. MK. I see that’s what he meant now by the video. And I already knew all that, it’s similar to how it was in SF4. Next time just let me know that I didn’t understand him instead of going on and on about shit I already know. Really son?

Im sorry if my somewhat broken english caused you any issue Rice, that wasnt my intention. After reading it again i can see that i actualy say exactly what your meaning with “c.MK xx Hado” … i should have worded it better by clearifying that i meant the link between them and not the string it self.

You just gota use single hitting cr.mk mixed in with fireball cancels. I’ll stick out cr.mk twice or three times in a row without a fireball.

It’s all good, just a simple misunderstanding.

Highland made a good point, throwing out cr. MK’s with no cancel into fireball can be used to bait people looking to punish the block string. Unless they have very good reactions, they would have to commit as soon as they block the cr. MK.

This pseudo frame trap has been working wonders for me.