Ryu General Thread: Eternal Wanderer

Seriously :’(

Survival mode blows. I made it to 39 on Hard after that I kept getting disconnects so I give up for the night.

I’m just looking at the Prima guide one on the App Store, it was 5 bucks download but surprisingly better than I thought and easy to use. The invincible frames, high/low and notes after each special move are a nice touch.

I wouldn’t recommend using parry in frame traps, as you’re risking a counter-hit set up for a pretty uncertain reward. One of the main points of frame traps is to scare you into blocking, so the opponent can throw. Parries lose to throws. So using a parry in a situation where you know for sure the opponent is thinking of throwing you seems like a losing bet.

With the shorter throw ranges if you want to get out of frame traps just block or take a punt on a DP. There’s no need for parry there.

Parry to me seems more like it’s supposed to be used for a reaction punish or a part read punish. Like if you were using focus dash in SF4 although a bit riskier.

I’m interested to see how a character like Balrog is going to go up against parry, seems like parry/DP punish all day long against rush punches.

That is interesting, anybody know the data for a quick backwards (roll) wakeup? Thats one time i think it might be very useful as opposed to the regular one if it can catch them on a quick rise. I suspect it would if you vt cancelled out of a sweep and started the charge straight away.
Issue would be if they didnt quick rise youd fire it off over their body and most likely get punished. That said certain characters like Birdie will backwards quick rise 9 times out of 10 :stuck_out_tongue:

It scales… a lot.

By the time the guard is broken scaling is down to 50-60%

Maybe good as a closer but not too much raw damage off of it.

That was after a sweep, VTC though. Not sure about after a kd when already in denjin.

I feel like It’s 5/5 for eveyrone right now except cammy, bison and sim. I think against zangief its like 5.5 or 6, probably his most favorable matchup. I’m not sure who is worse, sim or cammy though. Cammy just feels like a better ryu without a fireball. Her footsies are faster and have more range, and you can’t quite zone her because she’s got all the tools to react to it or hard read without terrible consequences. Sim just has to not be dumb and chuck random fireballs to get outzoned.
The birdie matchup I find hilarious. It’s played from midscreen like half the time. You can’t mindlessly chuck plasma so it’s fairly footsie oriented.

For guard crush fireballs, the most onsistent thing I’ve seen people do is MP, 2HP, VTC, Charged EX Hadoken or press buttons. Basically a 50/50, though so many seem to freeze up after the cancel and eat the fireball.

Why would they remove ryu cross-up tatsu. Its not like he top tier or anything like that.

You mean the air tatsu? Probably viewed as cheap I’d imagine, cross up tatsu into critical art is a newbies wet dream.

In SF4 cross up tatsu was a real go to for lower level players because it was easy and safe. That said it would be good if it did something else, not sure what, but it is kinda useless.

Anybody have a good use for air tatsu? It can let you jump in from a farther range than they expect, and you can cancel it from either hit of jump mp for loads of damage from an air to air. Those are the only uses I can think of.

Daigo’s Ryu



I watched Daigo ( probably those matches) he’s still playing ST/SF4 Ryu by the looks of it. Same with Bonchan, he’s a little better but playing a bit like a zoner.

Fourwude is the only guy I’ve watched that plays more like I think he should play. More dashing, better use of traps etc

Yeah I agree. Haven’t seen a parry yet either.

In the first video Daigo throws a fireball at Neacalli, Necalli pops VTrigger, then punishes with CA. He’s playing SFV lol!

2nd Vid Daigo loses every game I think.

He really needs to make some adjustments

Fourwude fir comparison


Ex guard break hado in v trigger is absolutely real.

Rasid and Karin ex dp recovers under HK crush counter. You can hit Rashid with it but you have to wait. Too risky.

If you end a combo in mk tatsu you get second hit f HP meaty vs quick rise. On counter hit you can link stand HP for a v trigger swag combo.

when guarding karin ex dp, best punish is to, after bloking, jump straight then hk or hp when coming down them walk forward, st mp cr hp hp shoryu.

easy this way and no more free ex d for karin players.

You can s.HK CC Karin’s EX reversal, but it’s a very small window. She does not recover in a crouching state immediately.