Ryu General Thread: Eternal Wanderer

Still trying to wrap my head around why the Japanesians are putting Ryu at top tier. He’s got a solid fireball and dp. But that alone doesn’t translate to overwhelming best. He’s got good upclose pressure. His footsies are just average to even a bit stubby. His VSkill and VTrigger are nothing to gloat about.

Very strange, but I like it. Finally the top character doesn’t have anything overly powerful, cheap, or lame. It’s like this is the first top character who is that way based off of good all-around ability.

I don’t think k it should be used like that too often. If you guess wrong you will get crush countered for sure.

If you stand just inside round start range, the combo of hp fireball and lp fireball makes it hard to jump without getting DPed.

Hp fireball comes out so fast from this range that the opponent needs to preemptively jump. They won’t be able to see the fireball and react without getting hit on the way up.

This is where lp fireball comes in as a change up. You want them to see that there’s a fireball on screen and try to jump over it. The recovery is lower so you’ll be able to dp a reacted jump

Also from just outside round start, if you can force someone to block lp fireball you’re at enough plus frames to follow with a mp fireball and they can’t punish with a jump even if they were to hold up forward coming out of block stun.

Then there’s match specific applications where if you get a half screen lp fireball blocked and follow with hp fireball you stuff anti fireball moves or you stuff reversal fireballs.

Basically the move speed gives you plus frames on block and allows you to set up situations.

you can punish a max range karin sweep on block with a lp dp

Unless someone is really digging for it, most people won’t suspect it and it can be tough to punish. Granted, I don’t think you should use simply because of how horrible the reward/risk is for doing that it but that’s the only use I really been able to find for it.

I feel like this describes Ryu perfectly in SFV. He has all the means to win, but he’s only gonna take you as far as you can bring him (if that makes any sense). He has very few braindead things i feel like,
so you need to be on point as a player constantly, much more than with other chars.

How much white life/chip is that doing before the guard break?

55 from white life, 40 from chip. And just in case anybody was wondering, the Super does 60 chip while the follow up is 124.

Have to be careful on chip/guard crush setups. 225dmg builds a bar of V if they have 1000hp. This seems fairly efficient though. I’d probably switch st.MP for cr.MP just so the string is tighter but cr.HP can whiff against some if they don’t crouch block.

Ok one more…! Analysis of Tokido’s playstyle.

I’m at work and these things pass the time for me. I won’t bombard the thread/channel for a bit so enjoy. If anybody wants another player analysis give me a shout!


Not sure if mentioned before:

SP > st.MP > cr.MK xx LK/MK Tatsu. SP makes the combo work differently.

The tatsu for both strengths always hits meaty, so you get one extra frame of advantage. After MK Tatsu, dash cr.MP will hit 2nd frame and be at +3 on block and +5 on hit. Empty jumping after LK Tatsu is safe to 5f reversals.

Meaty St.Hk mid screen is something I feel will help against Nash. Has anybody here had any luck with it?

Funny you mention that, Tokido uses that a couple times in this video


The timing is quite hard to get down though. At least for me it was. Any tips on getting that consistent meaty?

Hey do we have a discord lounge for Ryu?

Highlandfireball just teared me a new one.


Mate, you were going to spoil my whole day in that last match. I set myself a goal today of getting to 7000LP, and when you took that game to last round and life lead all i could think about was how much points I was going to lose lol.

You adjusted quite well!

I’ve been away for about a week and my execution has dropped a little. I missed at least one cancel into CA.

I enjoyed it though. Your buttons are really oppressive esp s.HK. i have to add more elements like this to my game.

I was lost at sea for the first match and then dared to believe in the 2nd. SF V is a cruel bitch sometimes.

Yeah I think because I baited so much DP, you let me buy that throw at the end. That’s the hard part about Ryu, you gotta play in the range that feels akward.

I still find I’m having to concentrate a lot on the little things. Execution, punishes, oki etc.

I need more experience to get that shit into muscle memory so i can step back and see the bigger picture when playing.

Teching throws is an achilles heel of mine.