Ryu General Thread: Eternal Wanderer

Which characters?

Well, cr.mp has less range and doesn’t hit low, so it isn’t as good

I tend to think of it as how hard you want to commit and the context.

Block strings -> let’s say cr.LK, cr.LP and the next option

cr.MK is best used as a tool IMO as a means of keeping your opponent honest. Instead of just holding back once out of range of cr.LK, your opponent has to crouch block because of cr.MK, which opens up throw as an option. Your opponent can just hold back and basically remove all your options except cr.MK and sweep. Sweep is a risky option because if you get block, you’re getting punished hard, which I would consider a full hard commit read. cr.MK gives you a much safer (but lower reward) option to poke your opponent at this point.

I look at ending with fireball as a means of ending the block string safely. If you get a hit with it though, you can keep up offense pressure since you have frame advantage. I also hate that it isn’t a combo, but you can also think about it as some successful chip damage.

I’m a crappy player so take it for what it’s worth, but I’ve found a lot more success not ending all cr.MK’s with fireball as it forces your opponent to have to think. Especially if they start mashing cr.LP to counter your throw walk-in attempts, then you can start looking at use Axe kick to open them up to more brutal damage.

Yea it’s not a bad tool at all, but the cr.mk xx hadouken is so deep in me that i hate not being able to hitconfirm it (fucking sfiv D:). Anyways, conseidering how little range the cr.mk has in this game it’s shouldn’t be a bad thing to make it aways combo

I think it’s a deep design philosophy of SFV. I think what the lession they took from SFIV (whether for better or worse) is that by making defense too solid, and damage extremely linked to execution, you get a game where close quarters mind games are diminished and everything comes down to match-up knowledge.

Nash, Bison, Rashid, Dhalsim, Cammy, Alex, Zangief.

Made a thing…


Will this work as a counter or it has to be a meaty st.mp?

Good job btw, you rock

No it’ll work as a counter, has to be crouching though, must be something to do with their crouching boxes. Can’t see you landing it in any situation but a meaty though really, you’d have to be right on top of them.

Crouching hurtboxes are wider as a general convention.

Oh what a pity that Karin isn’t one, you could punish her Ex reshensa with really high dmg.


Actually you will be able to do the combo on Karis since she ends crouching after her reversal. Nice!.

Btw, How are you aproaching the Birdie match up? I know what to do about his shenanigans, also i know the range where i should be but i feel that he gets a little bit too much dmg from 1 single mixup/read while you can’t fail anyone :s

Also, Is the can into that jump grab a guarateed thingy?

Just something I wanted to put out there should you ever find yourself in this situation. If you have your opponent cornered and you have V Trigger and they don’t have any V meter(or don’t like to burn it on V-Reversal) you can get as much as 307 damage from a combination of white life, chip damage, and the follow up punish after a Denjin guard crush if you do all this

j. HK/HP, st. MP, st. MP, sweep, V trigger, F+HP, cr. HP, HP SRK, guard crush Denjin, cr. HP, HP SRK

Yes I know half of these steps can be interrupted depending on your opponents character or if they decide to mash jab after the V Trigger cancel. But typically most decent players won’t be pressing buttons during block strings and these are common Ryu strings so I don’t think most people would be aware of what a Ryu player is up to until it’s too late.

What are the chances we ever see something like this in a big tournament match, especially to win a match? Not likely, maybe never. But the potential to land over 300 damage without ever landing a legit hit is there. I don’t think we should pass it up if the opportunity presents itself in the right situation.

If someone can pull this off in the finals, I’ll kreygasm

I think Nemo now saying Ryu is definitely the best due solely to lp hadoken. What situations make this so good?

I really want to see that happen because it would confuse people at first as to why it did so much damage because the follow up after denjin is heavily scaled. But once people look into they’ll see why.

But anyways, I actually change my mind about the block string I posted. I think it has too many holes. I think something simpler the one below would probably be a better idea.

j. HP/j. HK, st. MP, cr. HP, V trigger, take a step forward, cr. HP, HP SRK, Denjin, cr. HP, HP SRK

It still does 279 damage and sets you up for a overhead.

Probably just means the recovery frames and speed. I don’t think that’s what makes him good though personally. At least not that one thing.

I mean he plays Vega ( I think?), so he’s probably having a shit time with his unsafe approach and high jump arch.

Is there a sadder sight than a Ryu player who doesn’t anti air?

Why you creeping my replays?

Is light dp usefull for something?

Punish -3 stuff

mm Yeh, but usually is better to do st.jab xx Hp. Shoryu. I haven’t found where i would rather use lp shoryu than a jab punish but maybe there is a time when you should

lp shoryu is really good at catching those spaced out cr.MK for a lot of the cast. In addition, can be tough to punish (hard) since it’s relatively quick

Other than that, I don’t think I’ve ever used it.