Ryu General Thread: Eternal Wanderer

If you’re getting jabbed out of frame traps, you’re obviously playing jab mashers with turbo on, nobody’s risking a jab there for what pay off? What if I shimmy back and crush counter? What if I use st.jab instead to meaty… then you’ve got the frame advantages on late meatys and cr.mp.

Ryu has footsies, they involve fireballs and his good mobility.

Fuck turbo then. Yes you have “footsies” but i find the fireball dmg quite bad considering the risk it involves

What risk? It’s data is just as good as any game, if not better. St.mk…st.hk…back…HK some buttons that reach just as far. Sweep - free sweep into V-trigger.

Cr.mp buffer because of the massive hurt boxes on normals means you can buffer buttons from crazy ranges. Dude, experiment or pick Chun, pretty much every Ryu player on the planet is happy with him.

Holy shit man, read frist. You said that the fireball is a good footsie tool, and i say that considering the risk the fireballs have in this game it’s damage is quite low

You want the longest reaching poke in the game with chip damage and 179 active frames to do good damage as well? This aint SF2 dude, although I doubt you were even born when I was knocking out Hadoukens. It sounds like you just can’t play fighters mate. Check out my vid on fireballs if you want to see how they are applied.

God dam I’m ignoring my own advice now lol.

So to clarify this out. Fighters maybe not my games, or maybe they are, since i play almost everyone of them , particularly in SFV i have more points that you have, which should make you wonder why would you put in doubt my knowdlege of the game. If i give my opinion about how much dmg fireballs do it’s maybe becouse i understand the game quite well.

Second, fireballs do really low dmg, they do 10 less than in SFIV where fireballs were REALLY good.

The chip dmg is ok, the travel speed is decent, but Ryu’s fireball isn’t anything spectacular. If we talk about Nash fireball then yes, fireballs are super good.

If you are in Asia or Australia I’d be more than happy to play you if you’re putting cred in points. Considering I work in the mining industry and have played about 200 ranked games for a total of almost 6000lp, I’d say that qualifies me for your little points criteria lol.

At this point I’ll accept that you think Ryu is bad, I respectfully disagree, he’s one of the best characters in the game in my opinion, not SS like people are making out, but easily top 5.

Man I’m getting trolled so hard ha ha

xD I never said Ryu is bad, but people gives him more credit than he deserves. Tokido has shown that Ryu has the potential, but man, some QoL buffs would be very appreciated

Whats your CFN? I want to look at your play before I comment, you could be totally legit. I’d still disagree with you, the only buff Ryu needs is for cr.mk to connect to fireball on hit at all times IMO, but even then you’ve got cr.mp.

If anything Ryu might get some slight nerfs, I can see his j.lk getting a hurt box adjustment and his damage getting tweaked back a touch.

Tokido is playing Ryu, the idea that Ryu is a bad or even lowish-middle-tier character came and went.

Yes the j.lk needs a nerf so people can antiair it properly. MMmm I also don’t like the fact that his crush countrs are a bit lackluster. st.hp couses a knockdown and st.hk doesn’t hit crouchers. You can’t punish hard some blocked reversals like Karin’s Ex

Consider it the advantage Karin and Rashid pay 1 bar of meter for and move on. The characters don’t even have reversals, meterless.

That and you can still st.mp - cr.fierce - Dp for a decent chunk of change. Rashids is an 8 frame start up. Personally I didn’t like that st.hk whiffed on crouchers in the beta, then I realised how far it reached, it would be completely broken if it hit crouching. Spam all day, combos on crush counter or no crush counter, million years to hit confirm.

Still no CFN… :wink:

Watch your privates. Yea well maybe you are right there, i didn’t thought about that

Ryu is fine.

Reason Ryu is hard to win with at higher levels is due to MUs requiring specific gameplans, plus having to work out the player on the fly. Other character’s gameplans almost never change and are set in stone. They don’t have to adjust to Ryu’s game; it’s always the Ryu making the adjustment and they can just run their train.

Having the ability to play in various different ways/playstyles isn’t always a strength; it can also be a weakness, at least early in the game’s life.

[quote=“Highlandfireball, post:486, topic:175459”]

Meaty game video up for those that want to see the how,why and when’s of meatys. Small error at the start that i forgot to edit out in the final cut - the hurt box is not yellow, but the green outline. It doesn’t really matter to the point and ends up serving the same purpose, but just to keep it accurate.


These are maybe the best tutorials I’ve seen on Street Fighter, great work. I’m going to pass these on.

Here is a shit ton of set ups
Sweep> Dash> St.MP/Cr.MP etc. (Quick Rise Meaty)
Sweep> Dash> B+HK (Quick Rise Meaty 4F Jabs/ Back Roll Meaty)
Sweep> Dash> 2F~3F Delay> St.MP/Cr.MP etc. (Back Roll Meaty)
CC Sweep starting at video 3:48 min
CC Sweep> St.HK> N.Jump HK (4F Reversal safe jump)
CC Sweep xx V Trigger> B+HK> St.LP/Cr.LP> N.Jump HK (4F Safe Jump)
CC Sweep xx V Trigger> St.MP> Charge Hado (Meaty, Guard Break)
CC Sweep xx V Trigger> Step back> Charge Hado (Meaty, Guard Break)
CC Sweep xx V Trigger> St.MP x2> EX Charge Hado (Meaty, Guard Break)
CC Sweep xx V Trigger> Back Dash> 2F~3F Delay> EX Charge Hado (Meaty, Guard Break)

FWD Throw> F+HP (Quick Rise Meaty)
FWD Throw> Step FWD> St.MP/Cr.MP/Cr.MK etc. (Quick Rise Meaty)
FWD Throw> F+HP> Dash> 1F~2F Delay> St.MP/Cr.MP (Meaty, No Quick Rise)
FWD Throw> F+HP> Dash> B+HK (Meaty, No Quick Rise)
FWD Throw> St.LP/Cr.LP> Throw (Corner Meaty Throw)
FWD Throw> St.LP/Cr.LP> St.MP (Corner Quick Rise Meaty)
FWD Throw> Cr.LP> Throw whiff> St.MK> Throw (Corner Meaty Throw, No Quick Rise)
FWD Throw> Cr.LP> Throw whiff> St.MK> Throw (Corner Meaty, No Quick Rise)
FWD Throw> Cr.LP> Throw whiff> Cr.MP> B+HK (Corner Meaty, No Quick Rise)

LK.Tatsu> Dash x2> St.MP/Cr.MP etc. (Both Rise Meaty)
LK.Tatsu> Dash> St.LP/Cr.LP> B+HK (Quick Rise Meaty)
LK.Tatsu> Dash x2> B+HK (Quick Rise Meaty 4F Jabs/ Back Roll Meaty)
LK.Tatsu> Dash x2> 2F~3F Delay> St.MP/Cr.MP etc. (Back Roll Meaty)
MK.Tatsu> Dash> St.MP/Cr.MP etc. (Quick Rise Meaty)
MK.Tatsu> Dash> 2F~3F Delay> St.MP/Cr.MP etc. (Back Roll Meaty)
MK.Tatsu> Dash> B+HK (Quick Rise Meaty 4F Jabs/ Back Roll Meaty)
HK.Tatsu> B+HK (Quick Rise Meaty/ Back Roll Meaty)
EX Tatsu> Dash> Step FWD> St.MP/Cr.MP etc. (Quick Rise Meaty)
EX Tatsu> Dash> St.LP/Cr.LP (Corner Meaty on both rises)

MP DP> Dash> B+HK (Quick Rise Meaty/ Back Roll Meaty)
MP DP> Dash> Cr.MP/St.MP (Quick Rise Meaty)
MP DP> Dash> Small Step> Cr.MP/St.MP etc. (Back Roll Meaty)
HP DP> Dash> St.MP/Cr.MP etc. (Quick Rise Meaty)
HP DP> Dash> B+HK (Quick Rise Meaty 4F Jabs/ Corner Back Roll Meaty)
HP DP> St.LP/Cr.LP> B+HK (Corner Quick Rise Meaty)
EX DP> 1F~2F Delay> B+HK (Corner Quick Rise Meaty/ Corner Back Roll Meaty)

Denjin Hado> Dash x2> Cr.LP (Quick Rise Meaty 4F Jabs)
Denjin Hado> Dash x2> 2F Delay> Cr.LP (Back Roll Meaty)
Denjin Hado> Dash> St.LP/Cr.LP> B+HK (Corner Both Rise Meaty)
EX Hado> Dash x2> St.MP/Cr.MP etc. (Quick Rise Meaty)
EX Hado> Dash x2> 3F Delay> St.MP/Cr.MP etc. (Back Roll Meaty)
EX Hado> Dash> St.LP/Cr.LP> B+HK (Corner Quick Rise Meaty/ Corner Back Roll Meaty)

Super> Dash> B+HK (Corner Back Roll Meaty/ Quick Rise Meaty 4F Jabs)
Super> Dash> 2F Delay> St.MP/Cr.MP etc. (Corner Back Roll Meaty/ Quick Rise Meaty)
Super> Dash> B+HK> Dash> Cr.Lp> B+HK (Corner Meaty, No Quick Rise)

TC> Dash> B+HK (Corner both quick rises)

The fact that cr.mk xx hadouken isn’t a combo at far range is starting to irritate me. I can’t count the amount of times that i lost my super just becouse of this

Just use cr.MP xx Hadoken. Its a true blockstring.

Ok, so the following link is possible on some characters - Meaty counterhit st.mp - Axe kick - st.lk - tatsu.

I’m assuming these characters have some sort of extended hurt box? Thats some beefy damage if you land it.