Ryu General Thread: Eternal Wanderer

Playing Ryu makes me feel like a badass.

Kinda things discussed during the stream. I found it useful.
Daigo’s Notes (Volume 1)
Written by @daigothebeast
Translated with Daigo’s permission by @jiyunajp
(THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE ESSAY/ARTICLE, JUST NOTES THAT WERE WRITTEN BY DAIGO. Please be aware, this is not meant to be an essay; these are literally just Daigo’s preparatory notes that he allowed me to translate and post online. This is a direct translation; the interpretation is up to you. More notes to come every week; check out https://www.twitch.tv/daigothebeastv for the full breakdown.)

"First, I’d like to speak about my thoughts on the 6 Main Skills for Fighting Game Players. They are…

  1. Execution
    The ability to input commands quickly and correctly.

  2. Discovery Power
    The ability to discover strong moves and techniques.

  3. Reactions
    Not just simple reaction speed, but the ability to keep up in a fast paced game world. You could also call it Thought Speed.

  4. Willpower
    This is not so important in everyday matches…but in tournaments or other high pressure situations, this is extremely important.

  5. Memory
    The opposite of Willpower…this is not so important in tournaments or other short term situations. but in long sets or casuals this is very important for maintaining a positive win rate.

  6. Power to Construct Strategies
    In Fighting Games, this is generally the most important skill in order to win. If you can beat your opponent in this aspect, there is no way you should lose.

For this stream, I will explain how to construct a proper strategy. Discovery Power has become somewhat of a meaningless skill with the spread of the Internet since players cannot copyright techniques or strategies. As for Execution and Reaction, their importance depends on the game; for example, in SFV execution is not a very important skill at all. Finally, Memory and Willpower are skills that every individual already possesses, so they are difficult to teach over a stream. Therefore, the best skill for any player to focus on developing is the Power to Construct Strategies, so I would like to explain that now.

First, you must seek out the correct winning strategy. The more strategies you possess, the stronger each individual strategy becomes. For example…

STRATEGY #1- Sealing your opponent’s movements by saving your meter until you bring their health down to the point where they will die to a Super Combo.

[Good Points]

  1. Even if you lose the round, you will have meter for the next round.
  2. You lower the chances of your opponent activating V-Trigger twice in the same round.
  3. You don’t have to deal with a “magic pixel” opponent.
  4. Since you are only focusing on bringing your opponent down to a certain health threshold, this is an easy strategy that anyone can implement.


  1. If you win using this strategy, you won’t have any meter for the next round.
  2. Since you are saving your meter for the kill, your meter efficiency will be poor (because in this game you gain meter even if you are being hit).

STRATEGY #2- Carrying your opponent to the corner then winning with throw 50/50 mixups.

[Good Points]

  1. Very meter efficient.
  2. Easy to aim for dizzy.
  3. There’s a chance to win without letting your opponent activate V-Trigger.


  1. Since it’s easy to take damage while carrying your opponent to the corner, if you fail to carry them there or let them escape, you chances to win drastically drop.

STRATEGY #3- Use fireballs in neutral to bring down your opponent’s health, seal their offense, and win. The focus of this strategy is to not let yourself be cornered.

[Good Points]

  1. You can easily observe the battle while executing this strategy, so you can safely adjust and succeed in this strategy even if it’s just for the short term.
  2. You can easily switch to Strategy #1 while executing this tactic.


  1. If you don’t win with Super (Strategy #1), then the odds of your opponent activating V-Trigger twice in the same round are high.
  2. You are more likely to end up fighting a “magic pixel” opponent.
  3. There is the risk that you may be cornered then quickly lose the round.

Now that you know some strategies, you need to choose the proper one based on your opponent’s game plan. For example, against characters like Dhalsim and Nash, fighting them midscreen is difficult so you have no choice but to bring them to the corner (assuming your opponent is playing the match properly). On the other hand, bringing characters like Mika and Cammy to the corner is difficult, so you have no choice but to use Strategy #3.

After you select a strategy, you need to think about how to make that strategy succeed. How can I successfully bring my opponent to the corner? How can I successfully prevent myself from being cornered? The important thing here is that once you decide on a strategy, you need to stop focusing on doing immediate damage and instead focusing on succeeding in the strategy. For example, if you choose Strategy #2 (Corner Carry), you cannot use your Heavy Tatsu (because you will switch places with your opponent) and even if you are in range for a Shoryuken combo, you must sacrifice damage and use Medium Tatsu (for corner carry). Don’t think about opening up your opponent in neutral, just focus on making them block and bringing them to the corner. Once you have them in the corner, that’s when you focus on breaking their guard and winning.

If you choose Strategy #1, even if you have the opportunity to land your Super Combo, you should not use it unless it is going to kill."

(End of notes. Check the stream for the more conclusive ending.)

Well I feel pretty fucking stupid right about now. I’ve been using LK tatsu as a ender because depending on the spacing it gives Ryu a ambiguous cross up if you forward jump immediately and your opponent does a quick rise. When I tested it out I found that I could cross up or not cross up depending when I hit the MK button. I played a bunch of matches using this tactic and it never worked. So I went back to the training mode and tested it again, this time with Ryu doing it to me. And that’s when I realized that no matter which timing I used for the cross up, my opponent will block it whether they hold forward or back. It’s like the anti-unblockable, you always block it regardless of which direction you go in.

Welp, back to doing meaty’s again. I feel like Capcom already knew about this and set it up this way in case anybody thought they found something cheap. I wonder if all ambiguous cross ups in this game from a set up of some kind ends with the same result.

Don’t beat yourself up too much. Sometimes I can’t tell if their jump in is a cross up or not.

They do. There’s some kind of anti unblockable protection. Don’t lose hope tho. There may be setups where you can make them block cross up and land in front or vice versa.

Meaty game video up for those that want to see the how,why and when’s of meatys. Small error at the start that i forgot to edit out in the final cut - the hurt box is not yellow, but the green outline. It doesn’t really matter to the point and ends up serving the same purpose, but just to keep it accurate.



Ryu cannot VTX his s.HK on block.

Yes he can. Input vtrig after the active frames. It’s also +12; difficult to tell with how the dummy stays crouched after blocking.


I don’t get why you get mad when someones say that Ryu is bad. Ryu is so bad that his cr.mk has less range than Zangiefs cr.lp.

Buff his fckin bad normals please

It’s ok that he doesn’t have a safe on block special like the whole cast has, nor safe on block reversals like characters with v-trigger activated, but he also has to have bad frame data? Almost every character has good frametraps from mediums to mediums or heavies to mediums but Ryu has to do them from a light attack, which sucks to meatie someone and the frame trap them

It’s not that people get mad when someone says Ryu is bad, it’s that your trying to sell it with such conviction and not really for anything of value. It would be more appropriate to say, “I’m finding Ryu’s normals lacking in comparison to the rest of the cast. I’m curious if others are finding the same thing.” Then list some things:

Reason 1
Reason 2

which allows people to comment. Being civil, precise, and robust in posts like that go a long way in making people actually want to engage.

His normal set is pretty good. Yes, they aren’t the “best” but they get the job done pretty well. Grapple characters need to have longer range on light attacks because they are slower and (in theory) don’t have the approach ease that characters like Ryu have. If cr.MK had further range, Ryu would have like a 10-0 match against Gief.

cr.LP and cr. MP are both +2 on block. cr.MP -> cr.MP is technically a frame trap (as is the case for almost the entire case.)

Low attacks in SFV have a different role than most 2D FGs. It’s better to think of them as a means of keeping someone from being able to hold back and walk away from pressure. This is important because if you force your opponent to crouch guard, you make it so you can walk in on them and throw.

I will definitely agree that for Ryu to get his damage off of normals, it’s certainly tougher than the vast majority of the cast. That being said, if you can successfully AA your opponent and dissuade them from jumping, close range fireballs can be considered OP.

Thanks for that, I’ve always wondered what each one were on block and hit. Too bad st. HK > V Trigger isn’t at least +10 on hit. It would have been nice to have for those moves and situations that are punishable but are spaced out of range from all our buttons except sweep and st. HK. And that’s at a range where you can’t link st. HK into st. LK.

Well yes, you are right, there are better ways to say it, but in the end, we are agreeing that Ryu’s normals are kinda “bad”. A 3 frame gap is quite dangerous, i think you don’t have buffering if an attack is blocked (i may be wrong on this) so your 3 frames frametrap is only achieved if you “hit” a 1 framer so you will agree that it it’s kinda hard.

On low attacks, well, that may be Ryu’s case, couse with Karin, Nash, Bison, Chun-li and Laura to name a few the cr.mk is still a VERY good poke and bufferable normal.

Ryu just needs minor tweaks, he’s not that “bad”, but he is definetly not in the top tier of the game.

I think it’s a little tough to really pick tiers yet, but I’m pretty convinced Ryu is not top tier. Like you said, he has some very tough match-ups that make him not great in some instances.

I haven’t noticed too much difficulty with frame traps but it is tough to really get much out of them. It will be interesting to see how the close game evolves. Ryu’s oki game is top notch, but the neutral game is the bread and butter of top tier characters

Why are you tier fishing?
Either play a character that you like and want to excel with or quit him.

I don’t see how a 3f gap is dangerous, even if it were 2f or 1f gap it could still get blown up by an invincible move. Even if a character has a 3 frame jab, their jab and your medium will connect at the same time and your button will counter hit theirs thanks to the new priority system. This isn’t like SF4 where grabs were 3 frames and crouch teching made 2f and 1f gaps so desirable.

It’s explained why the gap is dangerous. If you don’t have the buffering time on a blocked attack you will have to “hit” a 1 framer for the frametrap to beat 2 frame jabs. If you don’t hit it then you will probably eat a lp on counterhit and they can combo you out of the frametrap. Not many chars have inv. reverlsas, that’s why a 2 frame frametrap is rally good.

There are no 2 frame jabs though. Unless you mistyped and meant 3. Either way I’m pretty certain you do get the 3 frame buffer on blocked moves. It definitely does not feel like a 1 framer when you set the dummy to guard recovery jab and do a frame trap with 3 frame gap.

Dudes you gota just stop responding to this guy. If you’re trying to out footsie Karin and Chun with Ryu normals, yeah, you’re going to get your ass kicked.

Sure man, too bad that the game is all about footsies. Anyways yes, i meant 3 frames, that was a mistype . Dunno man, when i try to do st.mp into st.mp and y set a 3 frame jab with the dummy i get hit out of the frametrap, which is a bit weirdo