Ryu General Thread: Eternal Wanderer

air put up some matches with commentary
some of the commentary is quite hilarious when Air says " how did he get so many points / wins “
gets beaten by some online tactics XD
” oh that’s how he got those wins / points "


I gotta say playing chun is by far my favourite match.

I know she’s meant to be the best but at least the match is ‘honest’. You dont need to deal with Laura/Mika type bs. Fireball is a fireball in that match. The only thing that messes with the program is her instant air legs.

I mis read what you said the first time, I thought you meant use jab instead of the CC.

Yeah that’s probably a good option in the corner, although you let him out if you go for the side switch. I think perhaps with no teleport escape and good positioning it might be best just to keep him there.

An option for sure though.

I just can’t seem to adapt to the SF5 Ryu. I’m like 50/50 on ranked. Ryu’s normals just lose out to damn near anything. His normals are garbage and have hella recovery time. Maybe he is mid to high tier for professionals but man for me…ugh. Also, I don’t understand why his EX tatsu has like no invunerablity. I feel like anything can knock him out of it. Sorry just ranting I hate losing to gimmicks but I can’t get past bronze! Ever time I reach silver I just dip back down to 1k.

LOL at the silver and gold rage quitters who can’t stand that a bronze scrub like me is winning for once. What’s sad is that the matches aren’t even half bad. I mean some of them are laughable, but there are ones that are close and GGs but they keep bouncing. It’s really disheartening. Especially coming from someone is is not an expert, a newb to SF5 is if you will, I’m man enought to take my licks and my losses, but when I finally learn and adapt people cheat.

Capcom needs to fix this shit asap. Either that or I need to find more friends who are good at SF5 that live near me lol.

Anyone got mixups with ryu that actually look tricky to block? I haven’t had any luck finding mixups with air tatsu, but it looks like the opposite side hitboxes are there so it should be possible…

Also if anyone wants to play send me a PM. CFN is AmigoOne. Looking to level up, actually getting my playstyle dissected and save my sanity from the dice roll that is ranked. Sitting at around 6.5k LP

First tutorial, really basic but still the basics work. These will get a bit more complex depending on how many and my time. It was originally a 10 minute speech driven video with thoughts, but I tend to ramble on a bit. Tell me what you guys think of the style and information, other things you would like to see etc. Next up is Meaty’s then probably something like Mind games and approach, then maybe even character specific stuff. Hopefully it helps some people.


I’ll post a couple that I found from the setup thread.

If you hit an air to air MP and they backroll, doing a LK tatsu just before they land is a nice little left right mixup. You can land on either side depending on your tatsu timing.

If you can land a target combo in the corner and cancel into V-Trigger, you can reset them out of the air with jab and dash forward for a left right mixup. Hold forward to go behind them.

EX tatsumaki is not used to blow up crouch tech in this game and obviously loses to wakeup jab unless it hits meaty because it only has lower body invincibility.
You use it if you get a good read that someone wants to do low hitting shit in the corner so you can close out a match with a follow up EX shoryuken.
If you want to meaty someone, use a decent normal for that like st.HP, st.MP/cr.MP or b.HK which all lead to more damage without losing meter for no reason.
It’s also great for punishing shit that is unsafe on block but you cannot reach due to pushback like Karin’s sweep for example.

I don’t want to miss the move, but I do not use it enough and that’s just a testament how much I have to work on my punish game.

Yes, I think the main role of EX Tatsu is to punish stuff that is ordinarily unpunishable. Besides that, I don’t use it very much. I don’t think much of EX Tatsu into EX DP - normally I think it’s better to save the meter.

BTW, has anyone been using Target combo into meaty LP Hado? I literally just discovered this, but it feels like Day 1 tech. Are you safe if you dash up behind the meaty Hado?

[quote=“Highlandfireball, post:447, topic:175459”]

First tutorial, really basic but still the basics work. These will get a bit more complex depending on how many and my time. It was originally a 10 minute speech driven video with thoughts, but I tend to ramble on a bit. Tell me what you guys think of the style and information, other things you would like to see etc. Next up is Meaty’s then probably something like Mind games and approach, then maybe even character specific stuff. Hopefully it helps some people.


That was amazing. Really liked the fireball analaysis. It’s really taking me a while to learn I shouldn’t fireball. I come from ST so you can’t blame me.

If you guys hvent already I highly highly recommend that you check out daigos stream. There is translation and Daigo says a lot about matches and strats with ryu. It’s very interesting. He’s never really shared before this. Tokido gets Mr miyagi’d. They have been focussing on the Nash match and Daigo says you should never ever ever fireball in that much. Ever.

Hm, I’m using ex tatsu frequently as a specific combo ender.

After forward throw, f+hp, cr.mp xx ex tatsu (254 dmg*).

Most opponents that get hit by this are quick-rising and pressing some crouching normal, meaning non-ex tatsu will whiff. I believe they are pushed too far away to be hit by shoryu after cr.mp, leaving the only other options as fireball (192 dmg), ex fireball (224 damage), or skip the cr.mp and go straight into hp shoryu (216 dmg).

Of course if you have CA this might be a fine opportunity to burn it. Are there any better options in this situation?

*All damages presented without counterhit bonus, which you’ll normally have in this situation

[quote=“Highlandfireball, post:447, topic:175459”]

First tutorial, really basic but still the basics work. These will get a bit more complex depending on how many and my time. It was originally a 10 minute speech driven video with thoughts, but I tend to ramble on a bit. Tell me what you guys think of the style and information, other things you would like to see etc. Next up is Meaty’s then probably something like Mind games and approach, then maybe even character specific stuff. Hopefully it helps some people.


This is a really good guide, well done.

[quote=“Highlandfireball, post:447, topic:175459”]

First tutorial, really basic but still the basics work. These will get a bit more complex depending on how many and my time. It was originally a 10 minute speech driven video with thoughts, but I tend to ramble on a bit. Tell me what you guys think of the style and information, other things you would like to see etc. Next up is Meaty’s then probably something like Mind games and approach, then maybe even character specific stuff. Hopefully it helps some people.


Great video. Image is fuzzy, but the content is top notch. Nice job!

I noticed whenever I forget to use st.lk in a match the opponent will get in my ass lol. A lot of people don’t expect a hadouken after a blocked st. lk and will get hit by it.

Anyone have any timing advice for hadouken after a forward dash? Pressing a light button during the dash helps me time it but it’s not always consistent.

When people do s.HP, s.HK, are they reacting to the s.HP hitting or just guessing?

Reacting. You can press HK later than you think.

Just figured out you can punish Vega f hp on block from sweep distance thanks to the extended hurtboxes.

Either cr.mp hk tatsu or reversal hk or ex tatsu. Sweep or other buttons don’t seem to work at any range you see in a match. I got hp once to work by mistake.

It’s spacing dependant and you have to be looking for it, but it changed the match for me

You can also hit his f.HP with st.LK from any distance.
Doesn’t combo into tatsumaki from far ranges though.

You can OS the st.HK, input it it slowly.