Ryu General Thread: Eternal Wanderer

General matchup thing i just noticed. In the matches where you kinda get wrecked at neutral, jump lk stuffs normal anti airs.

Oh I just learned that too. I really have to use that against Birdie.

I have some questions about parry. Lets say you successfully land the parry. Is there general universal rules for what can punish each strength normal for the roster.

Like if you parry a medium attack what can you punish with? A hard attack? Can you punish light attacks if you parry them? Ugh, I know this is wishful thinking but it’s probably character specific for what you can punish on parry.

Not really its move dependant. Right now people are opting for the DP but I personally think st.mp is the better option, 1 frame slower than mp DP but nets you a full combo and doesn’t leave you open to a punish if you miss.

I don’t find this to be the case. Birdie’s cr.MP still utterly dominates j.LK, unless they time it horribly. Similarly, even Karin has options against j.LK, namely st.HP and cr.HP.

It’s true that in general, characters with strong neutral (like Karin, Birdie, and Vega) tend to have weak anti-air. That’s just a general game concept though.

Any meaty setups of Fwd and Back throw as well as CC sweep and reg sweep? Preferably that beat 3 framers

Yes, they’re spread over these boards but you can find some stuff in the oki thread.

  • off forward throw: immediate Solar Plexus is meaty. No other options are legit if they quick rise/back rise.
  • off back throw: nothing found yet.
  • off CC sweep, V-cancel: st.MP, st.MP, then EX Hado will always hit/guard break.

For forward throw, a pretty easy meaty to time is st.MP with a little practice. It’s not as telegraphed as Solar Plexus which is DP on reaction city for some players. I’ve been practicing c.MP as a meaty and since it links into itself on counter hit, I generally get c.MP -> c.MPxxFireball for a decent clip of life (although it puts you back at neutral when I would prefer the knockdown)

Another very low risk/low reward option is a far c.MKxxHadokuen since it should be safe on block. If spaced properly, it will give you about 100 damage but reset it at neutral. Can be a good way to discourage people from pressing buttons so you can move in the next time.

You could always go for an ambiguous j.lk also from a forward throw.

Something I don’t think I’ve ( or anyone) has explored is v-trigger fireball KD meatys but I think they get up too fast. I’ve experimented with some juggles but nothing else.

Also a question about video tutorials. Do people prefer speech driven longer videos or snappy to the point on screen wordings?

I’m always torn on this when making them. I have a couple lined up to help beginner/ intermediate level.

Whenever I made videos that were meant to educate, I disregarded what I thought people preferred and instead went to what would cater to the largest possible crowd, which would be text on screen. Good for the deaf/hard-of-hearing and also easy to translate for non-English speakers.

I perfect speech, along with the video’s if it isn’t just dry direct right to the point speech.

I prefer text. Even if it moves fast, you can always pause and read, whereas if you miss aduio, you have to play it back again and again.

Personally I thought about this matter and would prefer a mix of speech, text and some kind of homework.

Throw, whiff st lp, throw, is some nasty shit lol. After you land 2/3 throws, do whiff st lp, st mp and 9/10 it’s gonna ch people who are mashing tech. Even better against chars with shitty wakeup. Stun city

st lp AA is also godly for the ranges where dp doesn’t work, or if you just were too slow on the draw for a dp. It’s been doing work for me lately. You get a nasty mixup after with a dash under. I’ve lost count the amount of times I’ve dashed under after a st.lp AA and landed st mp, cr hp vt etc etc into big combo. Feels good and really mindfucks people. It seems to rarely trade, I’m guessing st lp has a godly hitbox…

Birdie trades with it a lot. Especially if he isn’t into the later active frames of cr.mp. Haven’t seen any normal Karin does beat it. The one’s I’ve fought start air to air or have to ex dp.

Anyway my point wasn’t to spam jump ins. It was more that Ryu has a stronger jump in than most characters in those matches. It’s better than anything I can think of that isn’t an air special.

It does. It also loses to jump lk tho. Whenever I fight a ryu that doesn’t dp I get 2 or 3 clean jumps vs that.

Made a small video of that Nash teleport punish I mentioned before - It will Auto correct if he switches sides, just keep one eye out for the flash and hit neutral HK.


Good stuff. Can also reset the CC with a st. jb into a cross under mixup.

Possibly although risky and I’d probably rather the KD or CC follow up ,Nash is one slippery character, I want my Damage!

I’ll check that out though. I might make another with the counters against Nash.