Ryu General Thread: Eternal Wanderer

Same here, I’ve been ignoring that move too much. I just started using it more recently. But it’s a bit situational if you get what I mean. At certain ranges and situations people are just crouching almost all the time. So I’m trying to figure out those ranges and situations where I can fish for it and catch people standing or CH their standing attacks.

Would it be a good idea to start using it when they’re moving forward/ want to press their advance? they’ll have to be standing so it might work.

Yeah, that’s one of those situations I’m looking for. When your opponent is advancing towards you, you might catch them off guard with it. I had been trying to use F+HP in this exact situation but it’s a little too slow to hit most of the time. Another situation is when you’re throwing fireballs up close. Many people will throw out one of their heavy attacks to try and crush counter you because they think you’ll throw another fireball. And it has worked many times on me. But we can reverse the situation and CC them if we guess right with our own st. HK.

St.Rh hand is very useful for a couple of things - mid range neutral jumps, lots of players have picked up the habit of just neutral jumping constantly so you can begin to read that. The other is in the corner, most people will either jump back or jump out, they don’t want to be in there so they try to get out as soon as possible. If I get a KD in the corner from a forward throw . there’s no time for a meaty so it’s good just to stand in the spot you threw them from and press St.HK just a touch after the stand up. It’ll catch them trying to get out.

It’s also deceptively good at far AA - the range will hit them from a place you thought it would whiff.

I’ve found that s.HK trades with every god damn attack. Is it a range thing? Been trying to incorporate it into my game since people are starting to figure out that range where empty jump is safe from DP but s.HK will catch them.

Anybody found a use for HP SRK outside of combos? Tried to punish neutral jumping with it but the lack of invincibility frames makes it so lacklustre. MP DP tends to whiff at a further range in comparison.

Prob just mis timing, usually I’ve found it wins.

Not much use for HP DP for me unless you want a simple punish with good range it’s sometimes easier if the punish is tight , especially online when you know the guy is churning reversal on his end.

HP Shoryuken does have invulnerability on it–the frames just change during startup. The invulnerability is not as blanketed as MP and EX Shoryuken.

The invincibility that lasts into the active frames is lower body invincibility, so it’s not going to work as an anti-air. It’s only theoretically good as a reversal against grounded attacks, and even then, why would you use it instead of MP DP? Might as well take the invincibility. At least LP DP is fast enough with a different punish timing that people will fumble crush counter punishes sometimes.

have in mind that the people is not used to that move yet, because its that kind of dumb move that people doesnt uses too often because its risky. Tokido spammed s.HK and c.HK during the whole weekends. The c.HK got punished most of the times, the s.HK havent been punished simply due people not being used to deal with it. Soon, people are going to punish the whiff for good and its gonna hurt. I dont think its a good idea to start spamming it now based on the success Tokido doing so.

I sometimes anti-air with HP DP, the timing is very tight but it works.

I wouldn’t spam anything. Lol.

But the risk reward is too good not to use as a poke or whatever. Sure you’re going to get swept or thrown or whatever sometimes, but if it hits it combos at almost max range without a crush counter and it’s only -1.

Tokido probably sees it as a lesser version of Akuma far rh in those matches where the second hit missed.

Im loving all the day one Alex points coming my way.

God I’m a fraud.

Anyone mess around with s.mk xx vt combos or situations? I started to get curious as I am seing characters getting good damage off of normals that cancel into vt after the first hit.

Yes St.MK xVx Critical is pretty much my main use for that. Catches a lot of people.

I finally hit GOLD. With that said I will list off a few thing that I notice and like to do.

I want to first say that Ryu is really solid in this game. He deals great damage with an invincible reversal. I like his balance.

  • Learn how to block. A matter of fact when in a block string mix up blocking low and how to discourage your opponent from using overheads. Ialso pushes you back a little farther. Watch out though. not paying attention will get you swept.
  • DP anything that is airborne. You have to master the AA or else people will gain confidence on you making any matchup more difficult. One thing I do is buffer fireball motion in footsies to either prepare to thro a firball or DP at any notice.
  • Footsies, not the best in the game but pretty damn good. Mix up your strings. jump in and use mp, do another jump in then 2x mp, or jump in TC. I dont use c.mk xx fb so much because he has better normals for that now. meaty c.mk xx fb works well especially when dashing on. Throw your opponent off with hi lows using s.mp and x.mk. the idea is to get them on your their heels.
  • Parry: I dont really use this much at all. I do feel it is balanced though. Do make note that when you land a successfull parry it pushes Ryu forward. Prepare to delever big damage since you are closer.
  • zoning: Ryu is a good zoner. You have to dash though. Dash forward fb dash back fb can trip your opponent up. Once you get them thinking to much you can literally throgh a slow fb dash in and DP them. If they dont jump forward then at worst you gain screen advantage by using good zoning. Use slow fb to get in closer. I will end combos with ex tatsu knowing that I will get in some damagetrying to move back in on them or keeping them at bay.
  • Combos: Might as well do max damage. Enemy wiff dp then do CC hk, hk, lk xx dp. It deals good damage and good stun.
  • WHen its time put the pressure on. See your enemy backing away apply stead pressure. THat doesnt mean jump as soon as possible but start using your fb to place your enemy in the corner as he is backing up. Prepare to dp if he decids to jump. Use lk to counter poke.
  • Corner: when you have with in the corner use keep up the pressure. walk in and out of there poke range and tag them back with s.lk or use s.mp If you use s.mp you can double up on it or got into TC or throw a fireball. If you land s. fp then connect to hk and VT xx in f.dp or denjin.
  • Mix up your MEaties and know there advantages. c/mk is good because it hits low but space it right or you will get punshed if they block. In that same distance you can also s.mp into whatever you want. At around that same distance you have s.hp. Against mix up your meaties as much as possible to find a combination that works for who you are going against. Do no always use B.hk

Well I hope this helps someone.

Basically all of that above. Especially this:

I still use cr.MK. Just not like I did in IV. It catches people standing in longer block strings, dash up cr.MK still catches people trying to walk backwards. I barely cancel it into fireball because if you hit someone with it, you’re still at a good range for pressure.

If you’re AA is on point, then fireball is almost broken. Once you establish you can anti air, opponents will wiggle around trying to figure out an approach. Fireball (or the threat of fireball) won’t give them any time to think. Before they decide an approach they’re already in the corner with 3/4 of stun.

Have yet to been able to really put a ton of time into the game but I have noticed how different Ryu’s super is than it was in 4 at least properties wise. I just want to know for sure because it does not seem like I am able to land it but does j tatsu in corner not work to super same with j mp? I have only been trying to super on hit tried a few different things but as I said not 100% sure on how it juggles. Does anyone mind breaking it down for me or if I should just be looking it hit confirm into super in V?

It works more less the same. I would ot bother trying to land his super the way you mentioned because there is so many easier ways to land it in this game. lk tatsu anywhere on screen can go into super, dpxx super, fb xx super

I agree with a slight caveat. You need to be able to abuse people who twitch react jump. Many people will jump simply because of an attack animation that they assume is fireball. It’s important to throw out a s.MP on occasion and see if your opponent is jumping to it. If they are, then tone down your fireballs and go for AA’s or ground pressure.