Ryu General Thread: Eternal Wanderer

[quote=“LiangHuBBB, post:360, topic:175459”]


Is he option selecting that stand short or is he just constantly trying to stuff her pokes. Fireball doesn’t work there does it? … I guess it is good chip? Am I missing something?

[quote=“LiangHuBBB, post:360, topic:175459”]


Tokido’s performance was legendary.

Think perhaps the Japanese players were sandbagging with their choice of main announced. How can he be that good with Ryu!? He steamrolled those guys.

I love the offensive play with the standing MP. Need to play more like that. Respect the MP!

No, because throws don’t trade, a throw always beats a strike. It does mean the timing is incredibly thin and difficult to hit without a set-up.

Loved Tokido fishing for CC s.HK against LI Joe’s Nash and eventually landing it. Goes to show that every button has a chance to shine.

lol @ Lee. “That was only 1 Moonsault!”

You guys seeing Tokido today? O my days, he just wrecked Valle’s Ryu.

So…it’s been about a month guys. My opinion of ROO has changed. I think he is still good guys lol, and it’s not just cuz saw tokido play!

kinda weird seeing tokido playing ryu


Tokido shall now be henceforth known as "TokiGOAT "

inb4 Ryu gets more nerfs now…

This actually caught my attention too, since he he didn’t seem to do that against the other characters I saw. Considering Nashs usual poke is cr.mk , I’m not sure if he picked up on Joes tells or if there’s a legit weakness there with Nash.

Might have to hit training and have a look.

He might have been trying to crush counter a whiff punish button that Joe may have been looking to punish, Ryu’s st MP maybe? I saw infiltration whiff punish with Nash’s st MP xx Scythe xx Super in grand finals so he could have been baiting Joe into thinking he’s going to push a different button and crush countering it.

Another possibility would be that he was at a range where Joe might have thought to use F+HP since Ryu was too far away to punish and he was trying to crush counter that on startup?

He could also be trying to catch the start up of Nashs projectile, but yeah, the Nash players I play general crouch a lot.

Does anyone have any info on why Tokido was using j.LK quite so much? MK has been my go-to cross up but there have to be reasons that he was preferring LK. Is the hitbox weird, or something? He was having a ton of success with it, although of course you can only get lights after.

j.MK used to be the standard jump-in or ambiguous cross-up, but SFV is really challenging that idea in this game.

j.LK is great because of how consistent it is. It hits very low. Ryu’s hurtbox doesn’t expand much. It can still cross up and in some cases can be more ambiguous than j.MK.

j.MK’s big weakness in this game is its inconsistency. You can low profile it. Ryu’s hurtbox inflates significantly when you press the button and it’s not an outstanding aerial move outside of it being a crossup kick with very average blockstun/hitstun.
It’s not necessarily that j.LK is strictly better than j.MK (although it might be, depending on who you ask), but that j.LK has distinct advantages in this game that it hasn’t had before which makes it an attractive option for tournament play.

In previous games it’s kinda hard to hit confirm from a jump in light but that links seems ok here, the way I see it, it crosses up and seems win out in trades (like lights usually do), It’s pretty ambiguous like yannick mentioned and going into stand jab after leaves a tiny gap so it’s not going to get blown up often like if you went for a slower st.mp.

Also seems to shorten his jump arc a lot if you do it early. It’s good for baiting DPs.

just look at the hitboxes, you can see how j.lk has a huge in advantage in getting around anti airs. with j.mk ryu has a hurtbox around his entire body

j.LK is a superior cross-up and close jump-in button in almost every way compared to j.MK except for damage. Obviously, you can get much more damage if you successfully land j.MK than if you land j.LK. If you’re not too worried about the damage and you just want the jump-in to improve your position and threaten a throw, then j.LK is the way to go. I’ve even see it get around Birdie’s cr.MP anti-air.

By the way, just figured out a way to make the oki situation after HK Tatsu easier:

After HK Tatsu, immediate Axe Kick hits meaty against wakeup jab/tech on both quick recover and back recover.

However, if the opponent stays down, as has often happened in my experience, your Axe Kick whiffs and you need to re-time your meaty.

BUT, if you do immediate Axe Kick after HK Tatsu, then immediate whiff st.MK, then immediate Axe Kick again, you will catch the wakeup jab/tech on normal wakeup as well.

It’s very telegraphed, but after any HK Tatsu finisher, you can always do this sequence and it will simply prevent them from doing anything but blocking or invincible reversaling regardless of their options.

So we have some fireball juggles. I must have missed this if it was already posted somewhere.

V trigger LP fireball from 3/4 screen juggles into critical art if they are cornered ( think Sagat ultra juggle). Probably only good for catching a jump or a mistake. Can’t see this becoming viable, more like a highlight reel job.

V-trigger EX fireball juggles into another EX fireball in the corner, I can see this being good though if you blow through a single fireball. You can do this just inside a half screen.

2 consecutive s.mk as fast as possible pushes Ryu Forward compared to doing it slowly which leaves Ryu in the same place for each one done with time in between.

He was trying to counter Nash’s step kick (f+mk?). Earlier in the set he traded with it.