Ryu General Thread: Eternal Wanderer

IMO Solar Plexus immediately after throw isn’t even that difficult, but it leaves you very open to getting blown up, as your opponent has a good amount of time to see it coming and DP on their wakeup. For me it’s only really worked on people with 2000LP below (as a general indication).

You’re not consistently reacting to a 17 frame move unless you’re really looking for it, and at that point you’re opening yourself up to be baited hard.

I agree, but I’ve found that people really are looking for it…it’s a known meaty setup that gets discussed frequently on stream tournament commentary. The most common scenario though is that they just block, in which case you’re safe but minus.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll use the setup, it works and it deals massive damage on hit, but only about 10 percent of the time after forward throw.

My general rule is that if you need to dash up to go for a meaty, you probably want to stick to a long range cr.MK xx Hado since it will be safe and still generate decent damage or a close s.MP -> s.MP XX Tatsu for knockdown. You really want a faster move with decent active frames.

Axe kick is the best meaty Ryu has IMO because it’s super easy to time, safe, and super easy to confirm s.lk xx tatsu. However, it can be tough if your opponent is constantly recovering backwards. Usually I find that if they back recover a lot, your better off spacing a s.MP to beat a cr.LP instead of trying to do it based off frame advantage. You’ll get a counter hit usually, and can pressure from there relatively safely. If they block, you’ll usually be at a range where 3f c.LP will whiff and you can get a counter hit with your second s.MP. Shame 3f c.LP beats Linked s.MP, s.MP :frowning:

Also, neutral jump will cause a lot of reversal options (including wake-up super) to whiff and is pretty hard to react to if you opponent pushes buttons. Not a bad option IMO.

I dropped solar plexus as a meaty today. Its way too telegraphed, against non-scrubs it has like a 5% hit rate.

Axe kick maybe 25%.

Against good players, meaty attacks will generally be blocked since they tend to play more conservative IMO. That being said, the risk/reward for the move is so much in Ryu’s favor, it’s hard to not use it as a consistent option. If it catches people 25% of the time, that’s pretty good IMO.

With a true meaty setup, you should be aiming to hit an approximately 45% or better success rate, as ideally it’s a straight guess as to whether you are going to Axe Kick or throw on their wakeup. About 10% of the time they will DP through the mixup, and you want to take that into account too. Axe Kick is completely unreactable with an 8f startup, so that’s not really a factor.

Solar Plexus is 17f startup, which is slower than most dashes, and about the speed of a fast SF4 overhead. It is very much within the realms of reactability, although it’s tough.

It’s also worth remembering that off forward throw, the meaty Solar Plexus must be done immediately - the fact that you’re not moving forward at all will immediately be a tell for your opponent as to what you’re up to, and they’re less likely to mash buttons as a result, I’ve found.

Still, this is all theoryfighting. If you’re having a high success rate with it and people aren’t DPing you, then more power to you, you must be doing something right!

Well it’s not a guess, since the throw window doesn’t = the same frame timings as the meaty window. It’s better to think of it like a way of making the opponent do something rather than a % based chance.

That’s why smaller subtle movements and delay throw/traps work at the higher levels, because good players can defend meaty set ups and throws. Watch closer next time you see someone get thrown in a high level match on wake up, it usually isn’t a meaty throw, there’s a tiny pause to bait a button.

The buzz word at the minute is the “shimmy” but that technique has been around forever.

Saying all that if you can successfully true meaty and mix in throws with some basic AA and space control, you’re already better than 80% of the player base so it’s a good place to start.

Higher level though you need subtle stuff and baits. It doesn’t really matter if you cant employ these techniques just yet, but you do need to understand them to level up.

Any advice or short vids on how to do auto correct dps?

Input DP the way you are facing, press punch when the opponent is past your head. Has to be done late, use Mp DP.

Hmm what do you mean by this? My understanding is that if you time a normal to hit meaty or close to it, i.e. so that the active frames of the normal occur within 0-2 frames of the opponent’s hit box appearing after knockdown, they won’t be able to beat it out with any non-invincible move.

I was of the opinion that this concept also applies to throws, as in if you throw so that the fifth frame of the throw’s startup (when it becomes active) coincides with the first 0-2 frames of the opponent getting up, then it will also beat out all non-invincible moves.

Because if you tech later it’ll beat both the meaty ( pressed early) and the throw (pressed as they stand up) , the throw tech window is slightly larger remember (up to 7 frames if I recall).

That’s why you need the shimmy or the delay throw, so you can then counter the later tech/buttons.

( then you already have tech like Neville has shown where you can negative edge a throw and a V-Revesal, but that’s getting off track)

You can also input f,d and then adjust the df input to the crossup side to get a reliable autocorrect.
I feel like waiting often results in a whiffed dp.

Hmm I get that the tech window is larger but that just helps you tech later after getting up… how does that beat a meaty St.MP whose active frames coincide with the first frame where your hurtbox is active after getting up? Are you saying that teching in that situation somehow beats the meaty?

When waking up or leaving blockstun, defenders are invulnerable to throws for 2 frames.

This is the crosscut, but one thing to note-

You do this DP from crouching, which means if you mis-time it you will eat the cross up, if you are standing you will block the cross up in some cases where you hit late punch standing in the same direction because the final input is forward, it also means blocking if it crosses over.

I’m a big fan of the dash under also, I’ve got a decent eye as to when I can dash under in time to avoid everything, even on wake up.

This I did not know! So does this mean that a reversal-timed wake-up 3f jab will always beat a meaty throw?

Anyone having problems getting c.HP xx DP xx super out consistently?

So D+HP, f, qcf, hp gives c.HP super because D, f, D, f, p gives super in this game.

My instinct is to do D+HP, f, D, df, HP, qcf, HP. That works… Some of the time. It seriously is inconsistent and I’m not even sure why. I’m guessing the first forward is getting lost in the buffer window but I’m doing them at different speeds and they work at all speeds sometimes.

The most consistent way I can get it out is to do the full super motion but lol you can cancel into super so late it whiffs which is ridic. I almost wonder if that’s in to throw off vtrigger timing. That’s another thread tho…

Start the combo at df, press HP for Cr. HP. Then do d, df and press HP again for DP then do d, df, f and press HP for CA.
