Ryu General Thread: Eternal Wanderer

sorry if this question has already been asked:
rashid’s eagle kick. What is the best option to punish if blocked?

It depends what version of Eagle Spike you mean, if your talking airborne… then the move can hit you at the very bottom of your feet and not go into the re-bound animation leaving Rashid +3 on block.

But if you want a general rule of thumb for misspaced Spikes then anything that moves you forward will connect with Rashid. f.HP & Heavy Tatsu prob being the main go to’s

As far as i remember the last hit of AxeKick has 4 active frames (i dont have my sheet infront of me so this is just off memory) and considering the move leaves you 0 on block a perfect meaty would leave you +3 on block, is the asumption im making (if my numbers are correct).
On why Daigo does anything… ¯_(ツ)_/¯ alot of his choices in the replays i’ve seen dosnt make a whole lot of sense to me, he might not know the frame data on it? maybe he wanted c.MK xx Hado (assuming this was done in the corner) as he really likes that part of the 3s shimmy game with Ryu… bottom line, its Umehara… man has allways had a random edge to him.

meant the standing hard eagle. I’ll try the hard tatsu.

I havnt tested this at all as i dont really play ranked (i play offline vs a friend and a co-worker, none of who plays rashid) but if f.HP reaches rashid after Heavy grounded Eagle Spike.
Then this should be optimal:

No Meter:
H.Tatsu (120 dmg, 200 stun)
f.HP, c.HP xx H.SRK (283 dmg, 395 stun)
f.HP, c.HP xx H.Tatsu (267 dmg, 395 stun) *less damage but very good corner carry

1 Meter:
f.HP, c.HP xx EX.SRK (299 dmg, 395 stun) *at only 16dmg increase, not worth your meter

2 Meter (corner only)
f.HP, c.HP xx EX.Tatsu, EX.SRK (393 dmg, 535 stun)

(got to lazy here to look up damage, so yeah)

3 Meter
f.HP, c.HP xx H.SRK xx Super [close range]
f.HP xx H.SRK xx Super [long range]

f.HP, c.HP xx V-Trigger, st.HK, st.LK xx H.SRK
f.HP, c.HP xx V-Trigger, st.HK, st.LK xx H.SRK xx Super

(come to think of it, st.HK might just push you out of range, im getting to tired to remember at this point, in any case, if they do then just st.LK xx H.SRK after V-Trigger)

Thats basicly everything i can think off.

haha two hints since he’s obviously not trying to be upfront about it… for now

  1. look at who he gets matched up in ranked. that will narrow down the physical location.
  2. who else can win with super basic street fighter, doing sub-optimal combos?

or it could be a bot like you guys say, but i’ve seen the replays and really only one person pops up in my head in who it could be :smiley:


I think it’s always 0 on block even if done meaty, as it’s a two hit move. I have had some success just doing St.LP after as I find that people seem to think axe kick is unsafe or at least minus, so they try for a medium normal.

Early days but anyone running secondaries yet? Nash irritates me.

I shy away from it because it’s usually outranged by almost everything and when I’m in that range I’m running my mixups at that point

I’ll fuck around with it some more though

I don’t use Cr. MK until I need to close the round out. People get comfortable walking back and forth if they never get hit with any lows, and that’s when I dash up low forward xx Hado confirm into CA.

As @Dybbelyb noted above, this move is +3 with a perfect meaty. If you’re trying to meaty a multihit move, you just need to time the meaty to hit on the last hitting portions of the move. In the case of b.HK, Ryu would be performing the move earlier, making the opponent block the second downward strike of the move as opposed to the first upward one.

I’m waiting till I reach 2000 LP before switching characters. I just wanna reach 2K so I can feel competent enough about my skills as a player to take a break from ranked and work on learning other characters. I need to solidify that I’m making progress though and playing ranked is a decent enough indication that I have the ability to consistently earn wins.

I’m sitting at 1207 LP right now. Dropped from 1400 last night. Using only Ryu. I was thinking of learning Bison or Necalli. Although Vega is starting to look very strong to me. Plus I don’t really run into a lot of Vega players online so I think it’ll be advantageous to pick up a character hardly anyone uses.

Waiting for trials, doing okay running Ryu atm, got about 3400 so close to Ultra Silver, still lose dumb games, still can’t beat any Nash with over 1000lp :expressionless:

Fair enough!

Don’t know if I would use that, personally, as I’d like the damage from the full hitting Axe Kick if the meaty does catch a button. I like that timing it as you say puts you at +3 on block, but not sure the extra frames are worth the potential damage.

This is something that seems worthy to be tested out (anyone with a programmable joystick?) Questions like options available to you after the meaty (corner and midscreen)… what happens if they dont tech at all? do i have the time to react and setup another frame trap? what happens if they tech roll? until stuff like this has been covered making a judgement call should be waited on.

Have to bear in mind that they’re more likely to press a button if they don’t realize it’s a meaty set up you’re going for. By that i mean you can meaty the axe kick from a longer range than just looming over them after you score a knockdown and often the opposition thinks you’ve whiffed/mistimed the setup. I hit with the end of the second hit of the axe kick quite a lot because the oppo thinks: [list]
[] I’m out of range for a full axe kick combo thus they can press buttons on their wakeup
] They think their backroll negates the set up (it won’t if you do it properly)
[*] It actually looks like it’s going to whiff sometimes (i get hits i’m not expecting!)

I love full axe kick combos but you don’t often score them unless your oppo just refuses to block on wakeup, if oppo is a persistent blocker then you should think about switching to the meaty set up to increase your frame advantage in the ensuing footsie game. +3 on block gives you a great chance to do the ol’ dash in throw (everybody’s favourite trick)

That said i do more often than not go for a full axe kick on their wakeup for optimal damage. B)

Nash online is complete bs. I got 1500 on day 1 and never did ranked again. It’s Bullshit and the players are fraudulent. I’ve used a bit of Bison and Chun, dunno if they’d actually help.

I just have a quick question help me gain understanding. Can an opponent can block a meaty attack or no? Is the purpose to be advantaged on block?

I looked up the fighting game definition of “meaty” but am not sure if the attack is supposed to hit or not.

Yes you can block meaties. All “meaty” means is that the attack connects immediately as your opponents gets up. This means you are able to hit the opponent during the later active frames which you normally aren’t able to do, which in turn translates to better frame advantage.

Also TriggerSFV is clearly a bot. No human would ever sit in Dhalsim’s V-trigger and not even attempt to get out, or take 20 standing mks and build up 200 damage of white life. That’s just not a good gameplan UNLESS you have the reactions of a computer so you can defend against any attack.