Ryu General Thread: Eternal Wanderer


Some things vs Sim.

Good to know. I think it’s actually very powerful that Sim can’t v-trigger at point blank range at all against Ryu!

Has anyone tested what your options are post V-Trigger against sim mid screen? does it just reset it to neutral or does it afford Ryu any pressure options? (im away from my PS4 for a few days, so i cannot test it my self)
Because i allmost never get into a this V-Trigger sitiuation with a big life lead so it seems like it would cost your own V-Trigger cancel in a even’ish game.

I second that. He wins with the basics and almost. Never. Misses. Anything.

I tried fucking around with CC s.HP to catch buttons during block strings close range. I don’t think it’s worth it. How do y’all feel about it?

Just checked this out in the lab, I really think EX Hado is legit now, which is great because I was kinda struggling to find good uses for Ryu’s EX moves up til now!

the common confirm of st.MP, cr.MP xx Hado is substantially improved by going into EX Hado instead because Ryu can now effectively cover all three of the opponent’s recovery options. The st.MP on counter hit can actually confirm into sweep if they back recover - it’s not that hard. If they quick recover you can continue st.MP, cr.MP xx Hado (or EX Hado to repeat the setup).

Fantastic find! Between this and the HK Tatsu also allowing you to cover all three of the opponent’s recovery options with a single meaty, it’s looking like Ryu’s oki game is very real and very legit in this game!

That’s what I’m saying, he doesn’t do much and he just doesn’t lose. After watching him play, coming in here and reading about all these options/setups/frame data/whatever, I just have to laugh.

Hit box is a bit too high and the start up is too long IMO. I always get poked out of it.

But it could have some match up specific applications for defensive use later on.

Any frame traps of note?

Need to further develop the ground game. I find myself either full zoning or full rushdown. Need some in between.

Trying to employ more stand mk to cover that dead zone between half screenish poke fireball and crmk/crmp

Feels pretty good as a space eater. Like in situations where someone jumps a fireball and lands further than cr.mk. Don’t really like it for engaged footsies because of the recovery and low damage. Unless i have v trigger. Then it opens up some good whiff punishes.

So raw pokes are fireball, and mk. Occasional use of f+hp. Mk replaces Sf4 cr.mk, but with more risk less reward.

Counterpokes are cr.mp, st.mp, cr.mk, st.hp. these eat different buttons depending on matchup

Whiff punisher is sweep and mk with v trigger

Ground strategy has to be different because you don’t have a bully button. In order to really bully you have to walk forward further and use cr.mp or cr.mk.

Im also playing with the idea of forward dashing when i see a big button whiff or blocking a big button from characters you just get completely outranged by and can’t punish on block. Nash f+hp, chun anything, etc.


Depends on what you’re trapping against. What are you trying to beat out?

use s.lk. its fast on start up and recovery and it has good range. I use it to get out of the corner traps and it also stops a lot of lunging moves that characters seem to have in this game. Also use it as a mix up in safe and unsafe block strings and apply pressure.

I am not good at using super and combos but I will try to out poke and pressure you into the corner. s.lk helps out with that. I forgott o mention since its so fast you can walk in and out of range of oppoenets pokes without commiting to much to a move with large block stun. Use it as a feeler. Like when you see a real kickboxing fight and the guys are just throwing low kicks. They are seeing what the other guy will do before they make there big splash.

Hope it helps.

I was playing against a Chun in a long set earlier, and noticed how difficult it is to answer her cr.mk in the neutral. I couldn’t whiff punish it with anything, counter poking felt almost impossible too. Her cr.mk is so good, it bodies me in footsies as anybody.

Some quick tech i just came up with to make an OS. But first some info.

Sfv input priority-v trigger >throw>vskill>specials>normals

Using this i made an anti cross up DP~Parry OS.

For those who don’t know, you can get a cross cut DP by holding forward towards your opponents original position(the direction you would block a cross up), then down, and ending in down forward +p after your opponent switches sides. Numerical notation would be 6,2,1+p.

Important to note the 6 has to be input before a side switch occurs, and 1 has to be after a side switch.

It’s fairly consistent provided you recognize the cross up and input the forward motion before a side switch. The down side is you occasionally get a crouch mp and eat the jump in if you’re late on the forward motion.

However if you plink mp~mk instead of just mp, you get a dp~parry.

Now if you fail the dp input, you parry the jump instead of a crouch mp. This is favorable over crouch mp because the window to get hit is reduced by one frame, and the jump in can’t beat or trade with the parry like it would with cr.mp

To extend the OS further you could input the 621 mp~mk, and then input whatever you want in the case of a successful parry

Or you could use 631mp~mk as your standard dp motion.

Obviously the OSed parry will lose to empty jump, but the mind game to expose it would be really advanced considering you need to fail a dp for the parry to even execute.

No edits. Im first. 3/4/2016 2:49pm est

Make videos if you want, but i want my credit.

I feel the same way though and I think it largely has to do with the slow walk speeds. As Rockman said above st.lk is pretty darn good, I believe it has the same range as cr.mk. I personally find it very difficult to move in and out of poke ranges, especially if the opponent is dashing in then uses sweep or cr.mk. I now find myself mostly dashing in and poking more, rather than slowly inching myself forward like in SF4. I also find myself exclusively saving V Trigger for throwing out a random sweep cancel into V.Trigger mix up. I seen the Japanese use it this way and it’s probably the most effective due to Ryu’s sweep being a crush counter and having fast start up and range.

The ground game in this game using Ryu is a lot different than compared to SF4. In SF4 I felt like Ryu could keep people out pretty effectively with his pokes and fbs, but in this game it feels pretty hard. I feel like I have to be way more preemptive in this game and take risks by dashing in.

Watched some of his matches too. Inputs look insanely perfect. Some streamers are saying it’s a bot or someone using macros, but I’m not qualified to make that asessement. Holy crap does it look like fighting The Terminator though.

I mean, he manages to tech almost every throw and neutral jump every one of birdies chain grabs.

Chun has two weak aspects to her game, her flooty jump and her wakeup game that can be neutral jumped, thats what i’ve found to be what i need to exploit to win vs a good chun.
You really cannot contest her normals with normals of your own (her balrogesq jab pressure on a knockdown is stupidly good if the chun has good reactions) you need to establish the hado game just outside the mk range for both characters to open up for your own dash up pressure or just anti airs for jumpins. (i mean daigo level courage with fireballs, dont spend to much time whiffing normals to bait jumps, i’ve found good chuns take that hint to quickly close the gap)
And another advice is to never end your combo’s with DP, you need the screen space, so when you get the oportunity, HK.Tatsu her to the other side of the screen.

*oh and before someone replys about Chun Super going through fireballs, i dont think you can respect the super at all, if you shut down your fireball game out of fear of the super iøve found my self getting cornered very fast and proceed to loose from there. Best option i’ve found is to consentrate hardcore about spacing (and realise you need to be ready to move forward) and not give her the chance to back to far out from just outside the MK range making reacting easy.

When i play sets vs my friend’s chun the difference between wins and losses mostly comes down to me loosing screen positioning early so i cannot stay mobile, thus rendering fireballs very risky but i am a defensive player from habit, so i dont know for certain that my approch is optimal, it does work though.

Oh snap forgot something else, reading charge rythem in the fireball game is very key for the ryu player, as jump ins on a chun wanting to answer your fireball with fireball, is a very important oportunity for jump ins and your biggest source of knockdowns

I began thinking he’s some sort of a bot when I saw he fighting a Dhalsim that he was parrying and punishing EVERY NORMAL to the end.

Yeah it can’t be a human right? But someone programming a bot to be that efficient or playing perfect footsies using macros is only a little less impressive.

One more note for sim. If you jab - dash him out of the teleport, you end up on the opposite side of him similar to a reset. So basically - see teleport - Jab - dash - st.mp will cross over - finish combo.