Ryu General Thread: Eternal Wanderer

I mean i recognize this some bitch ass salt on my part, but why Ken get the godlike KoF crouch fierce and we get a gimped version of ryus 3s crouch fierce? I get thematically having Ryu be a couple of inches too short to ride the 3rd Strike rollercoaster but its starting to feel personal the way they took a bat to all the solid ass shit he has in 3s. Now ryu flushing down mudbutt when he finished in the toilet.

I know ill change my tune when i hit the lab to learn SFV Ryu specifically.

I feel like people are missing the mental damage a parry does to your opponent. Parry 2 moves and your opponent will remove it from their gameplay long enough for you to take advantage of it.

Ive straight up raw critical art Cammys spin knuckle a few times, they make it too easy.

I agree about parry for beginners, even for advanced players. I’m personally going to work out the flow of matches and the likley situations before fully exploring parry. I’m not even getting enough match up experience to twitch reaction reversals or counters let alone parry.

I haven’t played a single Fang lol

I just wish parry had more active frames. For how easily you can get blown up by using it, I just wish it was a little easier to use. I see it’s active for 7f, would 10-12 be too much to ask? Maybe it doesn’t deserve it, it’s just that the window to parry feels very tight. It already has long recovery and CH status when hit during the recovery. I guess we’ll see how the top players use it in the coming year. That will give Capcom a better idea of whether or not they should change it for the better because I don’t see it getting worse.

I think it’s pretty balanced, the only change I would wish for is more V-Gauge build for using it successfully.

So a friend showed me how to option select something to only come out on a Crush Counter, I’ve been messing around with that. You just input the followup with a delay. You can option select the fierce into roundhouse target combo to only come out when fierce crush counters. Cancel the roundhouse into V-Trigger, and you get a free juggle state to combo anything you’re in range for. You can get a tatsu midscreen for corner carry or juggle a denjin hadoken/super, but in the corner you get some really noteworthy options. You can do LP DP into EX DP, Hadoken into EX DP, or possibly the best option is standing jab reset into a really tricky left/right/meaty/throw mixup. I think this crush counter option selecting has huge potential and I would wager will become a big part of high level play. Another use is option selecting V-Trigger activation behind sweep, so that on crush counter sweep you pop V-Trigger and can go for the guard break setup.




They could to remove the parry and give Ryu some range, even if at the cost of increased startups or recoveries.

Made a mistake and punished Vega foward HP on block with stand fierce into super. Lol.

I was mashing super to punish it. Didn’t know the frame data off hand. Fierce came out. Hit. Cancel into super FTW.

I think parry is great. Probe your opponent, find out when they like to challenge your pressure or when they like to press a button, and turn it against them. @Mafamaticks has the right idea, it’s not about getting a punish every time, it’s about forcing your opponent to adjust their game plan on the fly in a way they perhaps weren’t initially anticipating. If they don’t, then you can use the parry to get a good punish.

Parry would be great if it rebuilt v-gauge during v-trigger, otherwise I think it’s fine.

You can OS your punish in the animation of parry, so if it is successful your punish comes out and doesn’t if the parry failed, so there’s no excuses for not punishing after a parry unless you’re parrying a fireball from range.

I’ve found to only parry when I see an obvious pattern. Like crappy Vega’s doing walk back, walk forward, slide. Then I’ll do something like, parry xx cr.hp, trigger, cr.hp/mk, dp, CA. Or whatever is available.

holy crap! Look who is back in SFV!


[quote=“LiangHuBBB, post:214, topic:175459”]

holy crap! Look who is back in SFV!


Nice to see the human randomizer playing ryu again, dude was allways good for a laugh in SF4.
Seeing the clip where he wakes up with focus against a bison then backjumps out of the corner (they switch side mid air) and proceeds to hit him with j.MP juggle into ex hado on the ground allways freaking gets me laughing. Good to see he can find his groove in SFV even with less room for creativity.

*edit… just watched it again, wakeup parry, parry into super… my god what a legend.

Uh, who on EARTH is TriggerSFV? I’ve never in my life seen anyone play like that.

EX hado after two dashes puts you +6 against quickstand, and +11 against backroll, in distance of a throw.
EX tatsu after two dashes puts you +0 against quickstand, and +5 against backroll.

EX hado actually lets you do true late-frame meaties. If you do EX hado dashdash immediate standing medium punch, you can actually combo into sweep without a counterhit. You’re also +2 on block, so you solve the problem that standing medium punch has where it’s only +1 on block and therefore st.mp, st.mp loses to 3 frame jabs. It’s really good IMO.

Thinking about it, you also probably can use crouching medium punch in the same way. That’ll make crouching medium punch +5 on hit and +3 on block, letting you do blockstrings like cr.mp, cr.mp that naturally combo.

Since you posted the Jyobin video Liang, it allmost feels mandatory to post this video… allthough you feel kinda dirty for doing so.
Its not SFV but hey… you cant get anymore random than that.

That puts an interesting spin on Ryu’s meter management. This is probably a must-consider tactic for matchups like Dhalsim. I wonder if we can tweak this in or near the corner using neutral/advancing jumps for safe jump setups since one jump is just a few frames longer than two dashes. Actually, that might not work because there would also be landing frames to consider as well.

Still, good stuff. Thank you.

It’s absolutely necessary against Dhalsim, that’s what I’ve been saying.

Last night I was training myself to punish teleport. EX tatsu will catch PPP teleport but not KKK, so it’s ruled out. You can react to either ( just look for the flash) with quick timing with regular HK tatsu.

After a forward throw ( likley situation against sim) Dash forward jump in will catch any teleport with a full combo. ( these are all against quick stands)

Lk slide is punishable with LP DP. So really we can cover all of Dhalsims wake up with good reads/reactions.

A full critical art will punish any wake up teleport and you can eye ball this.

You can actually parry his fireball mix ups, but it’s staggered timings and I can’t see it becoming viable.