Ryu General Thread: Eternal Wanderer

Things that needs to be fixed ASAP (STUPID CRAPCOM):

Cr. Mk needs to be restored to its former glory. It’s currently gimped ATM. 3S Cr. Mk was the sweet spot. IMO i prefer the 3s animation, people may differ.

Parry is also gimped. The parry window after parrying should be extended. It currently doesnt have the amount of priority it needs to punish. Also the whiffed animation is way too long. It needs to shorten.
Another thing I have been having problem with is, Trying to parry after a block “Red Parry”. It seems like the block stun is too long to allow red parry to work.

Bring back Donkey Kick. Really Crapcom? How could you not bring back his signature move? This is like the greatest move of all time. I think it will fit in well with SFV.

Also this may not be in the right forum, but MAKOTO FOR SFV!

Can you elaborate on your point regarding parry? I’m not sure I understand what your issue there is.

When your parry lands it should give you a window to counter and you should have priority over the opponents. In SFV it feels to me that it’s doesnt give you that priority to counter. Half the time my opponents are beating me after a parry, this shouldnt happen.

Parry needs to be bad “in the context of 3s parry being great” that move in of it self could unbalance the game in a jiffy (just look at how big of an impact it had in the latest co-op cup, footsies at that crazy high level is 90% parry reads at this point… and freaking godlike to watch)
I think Parry is in a good spot, there are some interactions i would like parry to deal with that it dosnt but you cannot have everything with parry, as unleashing a full fledged 3s parry onto the game would devolve it into Ryu/Ryu mirrors at the highest level. Right now it gives Ryu players very good options to dealing with moves most of the cast cannot effectly punish (like R.Mika dropkick, Bison headstomp, Nash moonsault, maybe even some supers… idk, its the one aspect of ryu’s game i havnt developed enough yet)
Takes some time to get used to switching more from defense to offense to keep people honnest in this game to make all his defensive tools work for you but he’s overall very solid.
I’ll stand by my rant about the magical 1 pixel non combo garbage about cr.MK that stuff needs to be adressed but outside of that, Ryu is fine.


You realise you have to cancel the parry into the move though right? You can’t parry then decide a second later. Parry should beat any medium/heavy/Special if you cancel into DP.

Parry is decent, I agree above it’s not too good, it’s not bad, it’s a very good option to have, better than a bunch of the V skills. They obviously know this considering the penalties involved in whiffing parry.

Man that was a fun set. ForuWude uses Ryu’s V-Reversal so well, but I don’t like the animation (a tiny fireball? What precedent even is there for that). On the other hand, I’m super glad they didn’t make it a weak little donkey kick, and makes me think they’re saving DK for a later iteration as a new move to give him, but I also wear tinfoil hats.

I don’t think you can cancel parry into a special. Think it only cancels into another parry. I think the idea is that you don’t have nearly as much recovery on a successful parry, and this gives you an opportunity to punish certain moves.

Cr.MK is fine. It is now one of Ryu’s tools, as opposed to by far his most useful tools in the footsies range.

Parry is fine. It has specific uses and represents a strategic challenge - how do you use Parry effectively against each character in the cast? What moves are profitable to parry, and when should you not bother? This is an interesting and successful mechanic, as opposed to 3S parries, which basically presented a sky-is-the-limit execution/reaction barrier, because if you could pull off the parry, it was almost always the correct decision. This wasn’t nearly as interesting as the parry is now, to be honest.

Donkey Kick would be nice. It was in SFxT and worked well. In this game, though, I can see why they left it out. In SFxT, the light Jodan was true blockstring off a special but was unsafe. The heavy one left a gap, but was plus on block. This basically worked the same way Bison’s Psycho Blast does now. However, Ryu has a much better walkspeed than Bison, and his forward throw is a powerful pressure tool.

Giving Ryu a special that lets him set up frame advantage at the end of a blockstring, especially in a game where blockstrings do hella chip damage, would be extremely powerful.

Only thing that needs to be changed about parry is it’s ability to cancel into defensive stuff (EDIT: after a successful one) like throw tech and blocking IMO.

You still have input the DP straight away, I think the way he’s explaining it he thinks he can parry something then have a think about what he wants to do.

If you could do that it would be broken, you’d just parry everything with zero risk. It’s not supposed to be an amazing win all free button.

I try to not post personal opinions that often, but I think parry’s worth is more appropriately valued when examining what you could have done otherwise in the same situation. Parry really shines, in general, against moves that you can see coming and would leave the opponent safe or at advantage–parry allows you to reject as much of their advantage as possible and, in most cases, will offer an opportunity for a counter strike.

I try to think of parry versus another move like MP Shoryuken and make the comparison between whiff punishing with c.HK and f.HP. One is easier, but carries much more risk if it is blocked or misses. One guarantees a knockdown while the other has potential for knockdown on followups. The biggest difference is the damage potential between the two; one in a single strike while the other can lead into much more damage on average.

In short, I think generally using a s.LP or MP Shoryuken interrupt is the safer and more consistent option in places where you would normally use parry. In situations where you’re confident and the numbers give you an advantageous position, then yeah, go for parry and get paid. If you also want to use parry in an anticipatory fashion, that’s cool too, but it’s so risky so just do you. I think parry offers great opportunities and its nature really highlights the need to use it explicitly in a situation where you normally couldn’t do anything else (except maybe jab/DP) and turn that situation around to your favor.

Things like wanting to cancel into defensive maneuvers is counter to the whole idea of parry as a turnabout and wanting advantage off of every parry is counter to notion of when to use it. If it parry was any more catch-all, as those ideas entail, we’d probably get even less V-Gauge for a successful parry (we already only get ~4%) and would likely suffer some other setback in order to gain some arguably less beneficial uses for an already delicate skill.

Just my opinion.

I just wanna say that as a newbie/beginner, parry feels opaque for reasons you touch on here.

I’m having a really hard time seeing when I would use it vs. blocking or traditional anti-air.

I’m sure there are times where it mechanically makes sense because of the specific frame values, but that feels WAAAAAAY part where I will be for a long, long time.

It is kind of a bummer, because it is so cool. For the moment, about as stylish as I get to get with it is double-parrying some EX fireballs…

I was sort of excited about it too!

For a beginner, I would suggest that you work parry into your game once you feel you are beginning to really get a very good handle on Ryu and on the game. With that time invested, you would have gained the experience to know how you like to react to certain situations and if parry is even something you’d be interested in at that point.

Of course, that’s only a suggestion. You might be a blossoming parrying savant and nobody would know it. Maybe a better suggestion is that you sprinkle parry in at various points in your gameplay whenever you feel like doing it or whenever you think it would be a good idea. When you watch your replays (this step is necessary), take notes of when it worked and when it didn’t. Also note what you got from it when it did work and how badly you got punished when it didn’t work. Over time, examine the common threads in your notes. You should see trends of when parry worked for you and when it didn’t. You should also see trends in terms of what benefits you got on successful parries. Sometimes, you won’t get anything guaranteed at all and sometimes it will afford you nice beefy punishes.

This way, you can have it incorporated into your gameplay and it can grow with you as a technique. The care here, though, is that you have to make sure not to develop habits around parry–these can be explicit habits (trying to parry things that you shouldn’t or can’t) or implicit habits (giving off tells when going for parries). The risk of using it often enough to learn it as you’re growing as a player is that you can often cement these habits into your play unwittingly and then you have even more work to do by getting those things out of your game later on down the line.

Thanks for that, all seems sensible. I think I’m just going to ignore it until I feel like I’m not progressing working on the bog-simple basics I’m doing at the moment.

I get good use out of parry. Cammys and Karins who go autopilot with blockstrings get parried, Bison’s headstomp and devil’s reverse get parried, Mika’s charged HK gets parried, Gief’s charged HP gets parried, Nash’s moonsault gets parried, Cammy’s spin knuckle gets parried, the list goes on.

I find it interesting that Daigo doesn’t really use parry, or at least I’ve never seen him use it. Not sure if he doesn’t feel it’s worth the risk or if he just forgets about it. It will be interesting to see if he adopts it over time.

parry’s too much of a risk - you get crush-countered/CH if you time it slightly off.

daigo-stream was saying that there’s almost always a 100% strictly better option than parrying, which is why they never parry. for example, you can c.fierce cammy’s spin knuckle on reaction instead of risking a parry.

as of now, the only move i parry on reaction is r.mika’s held RH or nash’s kick thingies but i’ve gotten it CH’ed a few times and about to stop that too ahhahha.

I don’t see how Cr. HP is any less risky than a parry in that situation. If anything I would think it’s more risky since there’s twice as much startup? Not trying to argue with the Gods but there must be something I’m not seeing.

What were you guys saying about parry?


DAIGO UMEHARA ladies and gentleman.

Has anyone tried to use parry to blow up frametraps in actual matches? Compared to SRk it will lose to throws, and just baiting will beat both, but a MP srk will net you 120dmg, while a parry can reward you much more. Even a c.HP xx srk will put you well above 200 dmg. If you have VT or super stocked then its even more.

Parry is great for those 3F gaps in blockstrings, but you have to 100% know that the opponent is going to continue the string.

Again, parry is a tool, but it’s just that. Not necessarily a way of life or a subscription to a gameplan. Parry when it’s smart to, DP/interrupt/block otherwise.

Sure, thats why i compared it to his DP. I just haven’t really seen people take advantage of it. He is one of the few chars who can actually deal with frametraps in a huge way.