Ryu combo video premiered at evo2k9

Amazing work Maj. Definitely looking forward to future combo videos.

Great job Maj! The video is nothing short of spectacular. The combos on their own would’ve made a great video, but those transitions made it completely sick!

Uploaded this on youtube for those who want to watch

Maaaaaaj!!! :tup::tup:

That video gave me straight goosebumps.

wow awesome video

i said it to you in person maj, but it has to be re-iterated. amazing video. the editing was a work of art.

man, the video really showed us how new the majority of the crowd in attendance were. i mean, there was ooooohs and ahhhhs, but it wasnt really going crazy till sf4. its a shame the new crowd didnt understand the insanity of the combos that were in there before the sf4 clips. but either way, they gave great respect, which is dope!

the editing is hands down, the best i ever seen. the setups you did to transition to the next game and combo was nothing short of brilliant.

Fucking wicked video, the editing is very well done :slight_smile: Loved the ending aswell.

Fading between games with Ryu in the same attack? That’s a good [media=youtube]-AkGbMLqrV4"[/media]. :wink:

Great vid, Maj. Loved the red fireball.

shit… this video is legit

thanks for postin it up

Yeah man i noticed that too! For example i knew people were gonna cheer as soon as they saw SF1 but it really surprised me that they cheered for the A3 air throw. To be honest that’s kind of a bootleg way to end the combo and it’s only there because i happen to think that move looks awesome. But anyone who’s seen any Alpha 3 combo video must have seen a million of those already.

The overall reaction was overwhelming though. I had no idea what the fuck to do up on that stage.

Anyway hopefully most of those new people will be back next year.

THANKS!!! :party:

Good shit Maj!! The fading of Ryu from one scene to the next was just amazing!

on the front page of eventhubs.com

great combo exhibition! can anyone tell me what’s the first music in the vid? I tried looking up Calcius Repton - Ryu is strong but I didn’t find anything :\

the alpha segments were the shit. haven’t seen editing so on-point since the ‘ode to the 2-hit combo’ video.

great job Maj. Great transitions and fantastic soundtrack for it. You know you’re gonna do another one =D so i can’t wait for it lol

That’s fantastic. Thanks for sharing it.

Makes me want to play more of the games you showed there and I really digg the ending. Very stylish.

People don’t know this, but Maj was actually performing those combos in real-time on stage, jumping from cabinet to cabinet.

Anyone else notice Ryu’s gi burning up after Dhalsim’s ultra? Sexy.

Great video maj. The only thing I wish you would have added is this. :karate: