Ryu Beginners Thread

Can someone please help, Im losing my mind! Im trying to do a simple combo - cr.LP cr.LP cr.MP. I simply cannot get the cr.MP to hit, it either gets blocked by the dummy or doesnt come out, regardless of how many variations in timing i try. This brings me to my main question - I tried plinking to make the cr.MP come out easier, but whenever I plink the cr.MP ryu actually performs a cr.LP. The plinking looks correct on the button press display, with the medium button press first, then on the next row above there is the light punch icon with the medium punch icon to the right of it, but the cr.LP is what ryu is actually performing. What the hell am I doing wrong???

@JTShredder cr.lp to cr.mp wont work. This aint sfiv, bro.

Ahh, ok, thanks that explains a lot! So is there any info on the new combos possible for Ryu? Do you still need to link the final normal of a chain to cancel into a special?

The only thing I can add so far is not to sleep on the power and utility of the V-skill activated shoryuken. It’s tempting to spam charged hadokens on knockdown, but the powered up DP is a valuable tool that can get you out of tough situations. I don’t know the exact buffs it gets, but it seem to me to have greater invincibility (and range?) compared to the normal one.

If it’s a close one and I’m nervous about a jump in, I’ll V-Trigger as soon as I see them jump. Gives you some breathing room to judge distance and input the DP and you get the bonus dmg.

I’m ranked in the top 800 right now using only Ryu. The key for me getting out of Bronze and into Super Silver was doing one thing: thinking in my head “what does my opponent MOST want to do?” I play patiently while I wait for them to tell me. Usually it’s jump over my fireballs, but sometimes it’s something else (like spam Ken’s step kick). If I want them to hurry up and tell me I’ll throw out a fireball and see what they do. I usually backdash first to get the space I need. For some chars this is obvious, like gief basically always wants to jump over fireballs and fang wants to chuck poison.

Once I know that #1 thing, I go to work baiting it and trying to get them to do. But I make sure i can punish the hell out of it first. Or react with a jump in or parry or DP. If I’m having trouble with this I go into training mode against that char and set them to CPU controlled level 8. And then I see what I can do to stuff and punish that move in a live simulation (no training dummy nonsense).

Once you’ve taken away their favorite option, ou’ll see them start to break down, get tentative and stop defending, or go crazy risky in desperation like spam DPs or jump ins. It’s probably happened to you (I might have even done it to you :), it sure as heck happens to me a lot too. When you make your opponent break down as long as you can see that’s what’s happening you just act accordingly and pounce.

I find my worst losses and my biggest losing streaks happen when I have no idea what my opponent is trying to do to me. The real game of street fighter is the race to answer that question first. If you can find the answer before your opp, you should win, and if not, you should lose.

That actually helps a lot. I kind of do it already, bait out things, like Karins leaping attack, or Ken’s DP, but I’m at a lost to do against others like Mika or Birdie. I also kind of progressed a little after I figured out how to somewhat frametrap people with crmp. It got me to Ultra 1500+lp bronze, but only briefly.

St.hk if you think they want to backdash or throw, confirm into VT on CC. The only problem is it doesn’t hit crouchers from range and some people still think wake up sweep is a legitimate wake up option

can I fight you ? my sf name is DuplexHeart

also what do you guys think of cr.mk xx hadoken? of course it is punishable if blocked up close, but I have never been punished when I land the cr.mk meaty (which I always do)

I also noticed cr.mp × hadoken is a decent poke as cr.mp is +2 on block , and has a bit more range than cr.mk (why this is so I will never know )

and what do you guys do after making your opponent block the good ol lp hadoken, hp hadoken sequence from mid range ? I normally buffer dp , and wait and see if they jump . if they don’t jump I’ll walk foward and continue offense . I almost never walk back for another hadoken because I don’t want to give up the space I just gained from the push back ( however minute it is in this game ) and I feel that it’s redundant.

i’ve had my c.forward whiff, and my fireball will still come out while opponent jumped and i just died.

the buffer window in this game seems suuuuper late, so probably worth confirming hit/block before moving on with the fireball

as for some sequencing, that’s too dependent on player/matchup so i’ll leave that to the match videos. hehehe

I feel super dumb. Just played against a Bison and literally all he did was head stomp. Tried DPing, cr.HP and just kept getting stomped on. What is the right thing to do to avoid/counter that?

Something is def wrong with the shortcuts, half the time I throw a DP and a super comes out. OR a DP to Fireball whatever… I have checked in training mode, and it does the same thing occasionally even with the right inputs.

cr.mk is shite in V for Ryu… its annoying. Your foot is literally of the leg of your opponent, and its not a hit.


I’ve never had that happen to me before. :confused: I’ve even tried to do it intentionally in training it doesn’t come out. lol maybe there was a frame drop online , and the rollback caught your fb and made it come out. but just chuck it up to variance man. haha

played against a bison like that last week. head stomp has very little priority you don’t have to respect it at all. cr.hp and dp Def beats it out clean. your timing was just a bit off bro. you have to hit cr.hp before he lands on you or else he’ll stuff the start up. use mp dp more invincibility. also doing dp from crouching stuffs more jump ins in general because of how low it starts.

you have to bait it out by using your fireballs ,because that’s what he’s trying to counter . so throw your fireballs a just a bit early or a bit late from your Normal timing. or better yet don’t throw one at all and most likely they will head stomp out of pure anticipation. (provided you’re moving back n forth , doing the hadoken fake, etc)

during v trigger . your hadokens (especially the hp) move too fast for him to head stomp on reaction .if he head stomps when he sees it come out he will get hit out of it in the start up for a free knock down. he totally has to guess and preemptively do a headstomp to clear the v trigger hadoken. which leads into the plan because you will have plenty of time to anti air with the dp if he guessed wrong. dps during v trigger deal 20 more damage too.

another way to know if it’s coming is do you see him charging? if so then get ready for an attack . most bisons will hold db at full screen waiting on your hadoken or just to have a move ready . while he’s charging . you can inch forward a bit (being careful of knee press , but you can react block to it ) knee press is at best is -2 (hk) which means you have advantage and you can take momentum back with a variety of buttons and the other versions of knee press are punishable…

if bison walks forward he loses charge so you’re free to hadoken as you please. (unless he’s going for a jump in)

but hell the best way to avoid head stomp in general if you don’t have time to read all those tips? just stay in close to mid range when fighting bison . you’re too close for him to try headstomp safely. so it really becomes a non option for him at this range :wink:

also when you get super bisons options become very limited because many of his attacks you can punish on block with super (since it start up 4 frames , the same speed as your mp dp for reference ) ALL of his attacks you can whiff punish with super. yes even his jab it recovers in 6f . and many of his attacks you can react to and punish in their start up frames . including his signature pokes , st. mp. cr.mp and St mk . having your super you will almost garunteed land it , if you use it while playing footsies if you know what moves your 4f start up can whiff punish , beat on start up. and block punish WHICH IS A LOT . I’d say at least 65+% moves in the street fighter, super can beat. so that is a viable strategy against all characters and a nice trick for any ryus toolbag. another plus is once you nail an opponent with a super in this manner they will remember for sure next round , and they may begin to play defensively or try to bait your super. once this happens you can go on the offensive and take more risks because if they try to punish you or counter poke you and you block the punish , or make the poke whiff and cancel in to super they are toast . and offensively you only need to touch them once and it’s a garunteed super . you can do it from

lp lp × super.

cr.lk , lp × super.

if you catch them with a mp you can do mp L cr.hp x H Dp × super for a massive 454 damage.

or you can do mp × hadoken super. cr. mk into super is a good option.

and if you really want to ensure super lands if your reactions aren’t that quick (yet) then you can hit confirm mp into mp x super. those aren’t all the ways into super by far but those are common and practical setups any player can master with a little practice.

hope those tips help . I have a few more dirty tricks I’ll post a bit later haha :wink:

when you get super from dp is because too many movements . most times super comes out when f,d,df,f+p happens as long as I end on df the super never comes out. try practicing it and watch your movements carefully . if there is any f movement beyond the intial f then you are at risk for super. while doing the crouching short cut you should never hit f at all . it should only be df, d, df . it’s possible to get dp If you have an extra f but most of the times it results in super.

as far as cr.mk , first let me say I never understood why Capcom makes hit boxes that don’t cover the entire character . ryus hit box on cr.mk begins at the ball joint of his ankle. not his toes ( why idk why . it’s just really impractical to me , maybe someone can explain ? maybe it’s because true to form hit boxes lead to unblock ables) and to hit the other character (at max range ) their hurt box begins at their ankle ( just a hair past mid foot) aim for that and you will land cr.mk a lot more.

but in general the ranges in this game for Ryu seem much more different than sf4 and definitely take getting used to. like the range of cr mk in this game was close range for Ryu back in sf4 , and his cr mk range in sf4 is long range for him in sf5 . very tricky adjusting too for me , but extremely important because I love playing footsies the most in sf

I forgot to mention, it seems to me that Ryu does not have a go to poke anymore. it seems like to me he has a range of decent pokes but you have to choose the correct one for the right range , and correct situation. the days of just mashing cr.mk x fb are over . and my heart is most broken because of it

I just find it really hard to apply pressure. Quickrise stops me from putting any meaty pressure on them except after HK Tatsu which is hard to confirm into because of his stubby buttons.

well in general ending in lk tatsu is better because of the posistion you land in. the trade off is damage

can’t remember off bat the exact situation and spacing from hk tatsu aside from the fact that it ends in you on the opposite side of them . ( corpse hop) I think you can f+hp and it will hit meaty . the thing about hk Tatsu is that it has so much corner carry with you on the wrong end of the stick. so perhaps you could try a cross up . or dash foward. cr lp cr lp (perfect spacing for cross up ) the cross up mk .

I’m labbing today I’ll see if I can find a set up

Whoa duplex thanks for the tips. I’m gonna start throwing supers out when I block bison from now on :slight_smile: I didn’t realize all the simple setups for super like lp,lp and mp,mp. I can probably confirm off that given my current reaction times and such.

And yeah, like fighting guile. If he’s moving torward you, he’s not charging… was so frustrated by getting stomped on over and over forget the basics :confused: