Ryu Beginners Thread

no problem man . simple setups are the best man . and always keep the basics . you will beat many people with just basics.

about the throwing supers on block disclaimer be sure you know that move is -5 or worse on block. the thing is moves that whiff have longer recovery , than moves that are blocked . ie. bison jab has 6 frames of recovery if whiffed. but if he hits and you block then he gets 3 frames of advantage therefore your super won’t punish. as long as you understand that you then you can abuse the frame data . good luck man!

Well by “throw super” I mean confirm in to it with lp or mp like you said :slight_smile:

Another question. I feel good when I’m zoning properly etc. But I’ll get in these scenarios against nash/ken where they are next to me and we are pressuring back and fore and then they move in and literally jump over my head 3 times in a row or something dumb. I’m sitting there like an idiot trying to block the crossup over and over. If I dp it goes under cause they are too close and usually my cr. HP misses and they hit me on the backside. What button do I hit here?

They jump over for a crossup, do some blockstring then immediately repeat the process.

bk. Hk is great for close jump ins, st. Lp works pretty well to.

You can also dash forward if its a close jump-in

I’ve noticed the same thing. Cr. MK xx Hadoken is no longer safe on block. Not sure how to work my way in or to keep block pressure.

St.lp is so good for that. Alternatively, they’ll usually position themselves in the same place before a jump as to not whiff their cross up and get chucked. So identify what pokes theyre using to get themselves into cross-up range, once theyre in position a jump back attack usually works to knock em out the air.

Why the fuck isn’t the top post on the thread a compilation of all information? I hope thread creator updates because as the game ages, ain’t no one gonna read through all the posts.

The way this game operates, once you end a blockstring with a special, your turn is over (generally). Work your way in with long range pokes like s.MK, whiff punishing with moves like f.HP or c.HK and then really abuse s.MP, s.LK and c.LP/throw up close. The pressure game in SFV is very different from the previous game.

SFV is seems more reliant on hit confirming I’m starting to notice. Not just auto-piloting and cancelling every string with a special.

I’m having some trouble doing st.mp cr.hp into dp from the right side of the screen. Anyone have tips in getting DP out instead of fireball or super? Sometimes I can get into the habit but would be open to new techniques to get it closer to 100%.

Make sure you only press forward once. You get super when you accidentally do forward twice.

I’ve been trying to land c.lk xx c.lp xx hp dp consistantly. Is anyone doing it? It’d be so sick to be able to hit confirm this, but I can’t even get the dp to cancel right half the time.

I played last night and I think I went against Alex Valle “CaliPower”. Needless to say I lost. I can say that he played with good space with a lot of dashing. It was hard to set him up becaue he used ryu dash so well. Which points to my next thing. Ryu can be intimidating with his dash. its fast, travels good distance and really msses with spacing.

Not a good night for me online, I went from 600 something to 384 LP. Oh well, I knew this game was gonna be an uphill battle walking in.

why does shinku hadouken come out so often?

input shortcuts most likely. When I have full CA I tend to use the shortcut input for SRK(down forward, down forward) so that I don’t end up accidentally cancelling into Shinku-Hado because of how easy it seems to do.
You could also always go into training mode, and practice whatever combo it is that you keep accidentally cancelling into Shinku-Hado. Practice the combo ten times in a row, if you mistime the combo or end up cancelling into Shinku-Hado start again at one. Keep doing so until you can do the combo ten times without messing up. You’ll find you will have much more control of your character if you do this little exercise whenever you are learning something new.

Hi I’m new to ryu. Was a Bison player. Any questions on beating Bison, I can answer. I saw someone mentioned stomp trouble. If you walk back and do a last second back dash Bison will land in front of you for a free punish.

My questions.

What kind of meaty pressure do you use. With Bison I’d go for his crush counters and they would work against everything but a invincible reversal, and that’s a combo or frame trap if they block. With ryu you can’t get much from his cc?

I used plexus and get some counter hits to a dp. Anything else?

CR mk or overhead mix up…

What use does St LP have? It’s 3 frames but the range is lameee. Tick throws only perhaps?

Hovering right around ~1000 LP right now. When I drop down a bit I start winning on fundamentals when I get up to 1100-1200 I just get blown up and counterhit while hitting buttons.

What is the general game plan when pressured by frame traps laura/cammy just constantly hitting me. I’m blocking but then what? If I try to hit I get counterhit. Mash DP? V-Reversal? Usually I just freeze up and start hitting buttons :confused:

I’m a beginner, so take with a grain of salt, but my go to’s are st. MP or cr. MP or bk. HK or throw. If the person just always blocks I’ll throw in a fwd. MP from a few steps out. st. MP you can easy confirm in to the TC. cr. MP you can cr. MP fireball after. bk. HK you can confirm in to st. LK and then LK tatsu or DP. Plexus I’ve had mixed results with but also works well.

As for st. LP. I’ve been using it as an AA now that people suggested that. Works surprisingly well :slight_smile: Aside from that, I’ve seen vids of people using it to fish for a counterhit and then go in to a st. MP combo after the CH… but I can’t ever seem to land that so I just don’t use it :confused:

when fighting nash - how should i approach? thats all im fighting at bronze league, and i feel like i do well when i play semi-aggressive and mix it up hard the whole fight… but its taxing on my energy.

edit: also if anyone is in sacramento HMU! looking for a community to play with to hone ma skillz

Axe kick all day. Shocking how many people get caught by it. St.HP a little riskier but when you have VT to cancel it’s a good option, can lead to big damage if you’ve got a CA stocked. Also works as a frame trap if you throw a couple of lights out there first. St.MK when you’ve got VT is also a good option because it has good range, so it’s safer, VTC into st.lk and then whatever you wanna do from there.