Rufus Combo Thread - You can't learn kung fu in a day!

thats what i got

Messiah kick seems hard to land during mid juggle :frowning:

What’s Rufus best combo mid screen with no meter if I land like a crouch jab?

You cancel the f+hp into hk messiah, you don’t juggle it, should work every time

I have no idea if rufus could do this before, never played him in ssf4 however, from a plain crouching lp, or cr. lk, you can link into the target combo, juggle with another target combo then for 238.

Messing around with this further I discovered you can do two as a hit confirm, but then can only land one target combo into sweep. but this does 194 dmg compared to lp,lp,lp chain, doing 151 retrospectively. So three you go, a few more hit confirms for Rufus, granted they do not lead into HP Gt, but do more damage (until you get to the corner) and get you a hard knock down

another corner combo

dive kick > palm x hp snake strike = 268 damage
with EX snake strike = 310 Damage


Hey everyone. Made a quick video with some of my current BnB’s for Rufus/Marduk. I’m no combo video maker, and these probably aren’t optimized as there’s new technology to keep up with, but I figured I’d put em out there to keep the knowledge flowing. Any comments would be appreciated.


10 points for using Spekkios theme.

@ZBD: cool video with some pretty nice setups, music is totally the best part though

Great stuff for the corner, but for midscreen I wonder what “cs.hp” stands for?


close standing hard punch.

ah off course! thanks!

It may be tricky to land, but it deals a solid 291 damage on enemies of all sizes after a launch after a a basic chain. The trick is to connect the cs.hp when the adversary is at the top of the juggle, then cancel with hp ss.

mp ss works as well and deals the same amount of damage.

Let’s add another one:


Dive Kick, HP, Ex Galactic Tornado (Wall Bounce), HK, HK, Snake Strike HP (1 meter, 455 dmg)
Dive Kick, HP, Ex Galactic Tornado (Wall Bounce), HK, HK, d.HK (1 meter, 440 dmg)

I have a question about the corner combo, I do this !!

Dive Kick, HP, Ex Galactic Tornado (Wall Bounce), f.HP, f.HP, f.HP, Messiah Kick (M, follow M)

I see you should be able to land a Hard Messiak Kick with Medium follow up but can’t seem to land it !!

Maybe you’re doing the f.HP too slow, try to speed it up so that the final Messiah hits them high enough for the M followup to land, I can do it just fine.

Having trouble with this combo: st.HP, HP Galactic Tornado, Target Combo, F+HP xx HK Messiah Kick, MK follow up

I can’t get the F+HP to come out or even connect after the target combo. Any tips/suggestions?****

Make sure you’re hitting>hk (tc) and not just lk>hk.After that if should be fairly easy to connect to F+HP xx Messiah Kick.

it works, thanks a lot

New Midscreen Launcher/SwitchCancel BnB

cl.hp, hp gt ~ dash cancel, tc, sweep. 324 (including 100 launcher damage)

cl.hp, hp ss does 318. This combo is more damaging and gives Rufus a hard knockdown. Much more difficult to do though.

Maybe I’m missing something or I am not familiar with the sfxtk system yet, but is it possible to dash cancel Hard Galactic Tornado ?

BTW What is a good combo for Rufus after I TC him in?

It is actually, you just hold HP when you input GT and then dash cancel it.