Sounds for me like: “There will be another croud funding campaign when we finish with this characters”.
And I’m willing to pay once more even if I get characters I want now.
Would you consider another crowdfunding drive for more characters?
Now that we (or more accurately, you) have proven there is interest in the game, we’d like to pursue traditional publishing options moving forward. Going back to the consumers a second time would feel weird. We’re extremely appreciative of the support we’ve received so far, but we do not want to “milk” our fans after asking for their support once.
Man slap some black and white on me and give some udders, you can milk me till I’m dry if it results in not having to worry about publisher troubles. I worry about finding another publisher as cool as Autumn though.
Filia - Random Schoolgirl. Parasite Samson is the only thing that makes her able to fight.
Cerebella - Random Circus Girl. Living Weapon “Vice Versa” is the only thing that makes her able to fight.
Painwheel - Random Schoolgirl. 2 Synth Parasites are the only things that make her able to fight.
Peacock - Random Elementary Schoolgirl. Synth Parasite and Body Enhancements are the only things that make her able to fight.
Parasoul - Random “Queen”. Army and her Living Weapon “Krieg” are the only things that make her able to fight.
MsFortune - Random Catgirl/Thief. Life Gem is the only thing that makes her able to fight.
Valentine might have drugged herself with some shit for all we know
Double is … Double; I guess she passes.
6-7/8 of the original cast are “Nonfighters who can only fight due to X”. Like, you know, Umbrella (Living Weapon). Or Minette (Customers), or Annie (Parasite, … though she is also a 100 year old fighting veteran).
You can make a point for Minette calling some cyclist who accidentally crashes into the enemy looking less badass than Parasoul calling an Egret who rides in on a motorbike and throws the opponent against the wall, but the complaints against Annie / Umbrella are just illogical (unless you also hate all of the current cast).
At the same time, you complain about characters which obviously CAN fight (Aeon/Venus, which are basically goddesses), of which one (Aeon) doesn’t even fit the “Vote for Sexy” complaint, because… I don’t know why, tbh.
What are the “Good Designs” you woulda liked? Leduc, some random bishie who can only fight due to his synth Parasite? Talespin, another bishie who can only fight due to his parasite? Andy, just one of Peacocks tools?
Let’s answer your rhetorical question - On one hand, we have some guy who is a “super soldier”, but weak enough to serve a random woman who has a living weapon and else not too many redeeming qualities. In the other corner, we got a living goddess, host to an otherworldly parasite whose powers are beyond human comprehension. I think I know which of these two is more suited to ass kicking.
… Aside from the fact that Panzerfaust passed the vote, so that complaint doesn’t even make sense in the first place. The “buff” males which we lost are Andy (who is a mere tool of Peacock), Hubrecht (… “Good Design”, haha), Samson (who is already sorta in the game) and Yu-Wan (who is a chef and that’s it, so another “non-fighter”).
The only reason Isaac can fight is that he has that time glove thing, else he is just a random archaeologist. Why do you like him?
Marie is a maid btw. What do you think the Vacuum Cleaner is for
… Now you say that Venus is indeed kickass, but suddenly complain about other points. I’m getting lost in your posts.
I think you should sort your thoughts first, then rant. Else this all doesn’t make too much sense.
LOL. you seriously just wrote all that to argue someone elses opinion? Haha. Well, i feel neither defeated nor particuluarly pressed to jump through your qualificational hoops to further explain my point which is easily understood from my previous posts… At this point i would just be repeating myself.
I did find your qualification of this “random” character and that “random” character entertaining though… And you even answered a rhetorical question with some long drawn out gobbledy gook which after reading 3 times i still dont understand what the point was… But i digress… I dont care what it was:
I was stating an opinion, cause i have them. You have yours. We dont agree. Its fine. If we ever meet up irl and decide to solve this shit royal rumble style ill pick all the people that look like they can fight and you can pick all the people that dont and we can see where it ends up… Anything further than that is just people arguing opinions which is about as fruitless as picking a pine tree.
Arararararararararararagi-kun and Chibi, we appreciate it. IAlso Chibi, ewww.) But we also kinda doubt that the people who gave several thousand dollars (THANK YOU!) would do it again. Or at least I do…
Plus, seriously, if we can’t find a company willing to back us after raising EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS JUST BY ASKING, there is something wrong with the world.
If I had 100$ left for the month on the 12th, I would donate 100$. Every time.
There would probably be less money overall, but if you asked for donations again for more chars after all the DLC is out (assuming you’d still need it), I don’t see how people wouldn’t donate again. The notion that people would see it as greedy is only in your head imo (everybody profits). And on Kotaku maybe.
There are many things wrong with the world, hope one of them doesn’t hit you guys again, once all is said and done. If it does, we’re here. At least me and my 100$ are. We can go to Taco Bell or something.
I fucking love you and your entire team to death and the fandom you’ve amassed just by enjoying what you do is honestly amazing. If you were to ask again after all these characters / stories / stages were done I’m pretty damn sure you would get all that money and then some. Honestly I’d rather pay for all the DLC on top of this too.
Lol… sorry… well, nothing against lolis. I just want the game to have some nice variety in terms of characters. I guess anyone will do. I’m happy enough to have Squigly and Big Band, and the PC version.
For real id have no issue donating to mike z and the skullgirls team again if it ever comes to that, but i hope you guys find a publisher you all deserve it.
Kind of random question Mike but if your here, just to make sure, none of the potential DLC characters have any Guile influences? A little surprisingly considering how iconic he is and how many characters there are.