Round 1 results are in!

But hasn’t Alex said that he can’t do the canon story w/o playable Marie, Umbrella and Black Dahlia though? Sounds like if Autumn loses, we’ll never get the true story and if you DO end up getting funding, they would still be priorities to be made.

Too bad people were upset about Mike pushing for characters, he likes the design he has in mind for Minette and thinks it would awesome but isn’t trying to sway the vote.

I think it was more of a problem that he was criticizing certain characters or perhaps giving other characters more favorable attention. He could potentially praise all the characters or even showcase them in some manner.

@LordTerminal: If that’s the case it really makes me want to vote for those characters (even more).

I think it’s more a case of “Too many good characters, limited amount of space” meaning people are going to have to make some hard decisions and pick the ones with the best gameplay in addition to design. And quite frankly while a dominatrix superhero w/ a snake whip is an interesting idea and character design, competition is going to be stiff and when your competition consists of, for example, a scientist shark man, a woman who can bend space and attack you with her giant Lovecraftian parasite, a wrestler that fights w/ a steel chair, a black Doc Brown who fights with “time paradox fu”, a communications officer in a giant phone mech and a german soldier with a tank for a hand, it’s not going to be a shock if you lose.

Then again, I was expecting Leduc to win at least Round 1 and Molly to have no chance so what do I know?

I think LordTerminal is right, there are a lot of characters I sadly just couldn’t vote for. I mean Alex has done an amazing job with these characters, they are all interesting and creative, and there are only a very small handful that I would be disappointed if they made it as playable characters.