This is very true, and I apologize. I stopped doing it after a bit. But I am a regular human being, and I forget that anyone cares what I think - they shouldn’t, since whoever we make will be awesome.
It sucks that being a developer means you can’t have opinions sometimes.
To me all this shit is meh, but since you ask ill answer:
Since luigi is designed to be a joke character in smash, no i dont like him in smash. Imho it would have been better to reserve that spot for a different character, or you know… Not design him as a fucking joke… (I love luigi btw and take it as an affront that hes designed to be a joke in smash… But its meh)
Umbrellas umbrella is the only thing that makes her playable… And at that point dont you have to ask “why not just use the umbrella”? And once youve asked that question it becomes “do i really want to use an umbrella”?
At which point my thinking goes “not really” umbrellas are about as kickass as a random twig…better than nothing, but not on the level of oh… say… a golf club.
So yeah, if umbrella were given a golfclub and renamed “golf club” i might end up willing to use her… At least her design would be kickass and who hasnt ever had the thought “wow,i wonder what kind of damage a golf club would do in a fight” which is like the last thing ive ever thought about an umbrella… Ive nerver got i toa fight and said… “Just wait till i get my umbrella sucka” though if i had a golf club around… That same threat about a golf club might carry more weight.
Annie is similar in my mind…“if she isnt a girl then why design her as one” and thats as far as im willing to think about that.
Oh and i used to use one of the wackest fighting game character designs ever in my mind, because i liked his design:
Heres a character that looks like a girl, uses a stupid yo yo, doesnt look kick ass in the slightest, and yet i still used him… You know why? Cause i liked his gameplay style "and cause i didnt know he was designed as a boy… Imagine my frustration at the devs when i realize that ive been “trapped” irl by a goddamn game… There arent words enough to describe the sense of outrage… And yet i still used him cause his yo yo mechanics are awesome.
The question being: would i have enjoyed the game more had he been designed as regular woman or been completely revamped as a male looking protagonist with some sort of yo yo thing?
Answer being: hell yes? Of course.
Shit he could have been designed as the worlds best yo yo dude and having spent the last ten yeasr of his life in a monastery learning the ancient secrets of “the killer yo yo”. That would have been much more kickass than the abomination of a character that bridget ended up as.
And still i used him. But i dont want to do that again, hence why im adamant about characters actually LOOKING LIKE THEY CAN FIGHT.
I don’t see the sense in that, you’re using (sort of) real world logic and trying to impress that onto a fantasy themed video game.
Somebody needs to hold the umbrella, and Parasouls little sister is currently holding it. I think some of her moves are like that, where the umbrella kind of drags her around. One nice thing about fighting games, is usually you start the round with all of your tools available, so she probably won’t be caught off-guard and have to quickly locate her 9 iron.
I play Bridget too, and I voted for Minette. As long as they make her mechanics effective and fun to use, ala. Buri, then I don’t see why anything else matters.
For those who don’t realize it, Annie is a subversion of the magical power girl. She’s basically a berserker and vampire who sparkles…
a lot. She’s an ancient badass trapped in a body that can’t age.
Hey Mike, since you’re here I’ve had a question to ask since the voting began…
Weren’t Umbrella and Marie guarateed DLC before, granted you cool kids at L0 got through this on-going legal trouble? (I’m sure you’ve probably been asked this before so I apologize if this is redundant)
Yes, it’s been asked many times, but we didn’t put it in the FAQ yet so whoops. (^.^)
There are no wasted votes.
What we were planning to do before has no relation to what is happening now. As of now, the characters that got funded are the ONLY ones that will be made because they are the ONLY ones we can afford to make.
Now if suddenly Autumn’s lawsuit concludes and we have a billion dollars to swim around in, other characters might get made, but who knows which ones? They may not be guaranteed anymore now that we have data on which characters people like. …and if Autumn loses, which can happen too, then this is all you get. So that’s a pointless question to ask. Ideally everyone on the list would have been in the game before, and more, but that isn’t happening now either.
Wow at Mike returning to the “new” SRK, lol. If your reading this there’s nothing wrong with having an opinion, or even supporting characters you especially like, just don’t forget you are highly respected in the community and certain things you say may influence supporters of the game (probably negative things especially).
On another note, really glad so many people are supporting Minette and Umbrella! Get Hype!
I voted for both Aeon and Minette. Minette has an interesting playstyle idea with her accidentally beating people into submission and Aeon both looks cool and controls time. How is that not awesome? I don’t get how people could be so excited about Issac when all his mechanic seems to do so far is screw him over and not be excited about Aeon when she can summon alternate reality Skullgirls.
I believe most people aren’t excited for Aeon because her mechanics sound like a clusterfuck of whatever they could think of relating to time, and she won’t get all of them because, as Mike has said, it’d be nigh impossible to balance.
And Minette’s playstyle of accidentally hurting people wasn’t cool when Phoenix Wright and Roll did it and I won’t like it now either.
3/4 charater that i voted for passed. Good enogh for me.
Voted again for Beovulf\Isaak\Panzerfaust.
Even if this game called SkullGIRLS it needs at least 2 male characters. I don’t give a damn about Umbrella and Annie because they will be made next (after 1st-2nd fan-choosed characters). And with such strong support from the community they will be made no matter what.