Round 1 results are in!

I can’t even imagine the amount of salt there will be once we get down to the Top 4. LOL

Stanley is still there though so, you’re pretty wrong already.

I’m not “pretty wrong” because Mike doesn’t have 100% influence, he obviously has some. Mike didn’t push for Hubrecht like he did for Issac. He basically only expressed negative thoughts towards Adam before he even had the chance to gain support (unlike Stanely). He also criticized Leduc and Adam more than anyone. He probably shouldn’t have said anything, or at least not have bashed characters.

And yeah lightskintwin, there will be salt, lots of it. lol

Yo, you could at least quote the right mofo… Dime Never said nothing about mike factor… All im seeing in here is loli factor. But meh carry on.

@ honour

Yeah im sorry. I still think it applies though. But it isnt worth arguing over… Its pretty self explanatory as to not liking characters that dont seem to be able to woop ass. And same for not wanting marie and venus.
And in venus’ case especially, we already have val… In venus’ case i just see the t and a lingerie as extremely redundant… I mean who in the fuck wears that shit to a fight and expects to win? Her being a god makes it even worse 'cause god characters are the most braindead there are to design.

Whereas panzer has a tank on his arm… I mean can we not see that one is more suited to ass kicking than another? Those are all rhetorical of course.

But I’m laughing at you, not him.

Except Mike likes Adam.

If you’re going to blame him, at least get it right.

Or it could be… Oh I don’t know… people have different tastes and opinions than you. I admit it’s a far out theory though.

However I fail to see how Venus will be either a redundant or braindead design due to her wearing lingerie or being a god-like character.

So I’m curious, in Smash Bros you’d be against characters like Ice Climbers, Luigi, Peace and Captain Olimar? In GG you’d be against a character like May? who’s to say some old guy who’s an archaeologist named Issac should be able to fight and whoop ass?

If Annie and Umbrella have awesome weapons, why can’t they fight? It’s just like how Filla has Samson, are you anti Filla?

God characters = braindead to design

Dime_X is on a roll for silly shit I’m reading today

He’s dehydrated due to how many tears he shed over the polling results. LOL

Sodium levels will be very high. It will be amusing to see what happens when Juju is made available in round 2 and a guy didn’t win in round 1.

Mike actually sort of flip flopped on Adam, but he clearly said things that were not positive about him.

Kill Scythana in the face and burn her in the seven hellfires for all eternity. Thank you, that will be all for now.

All 4 of my votes made it through this round. Voting Minette again this round because I believe Mike can actually do the “non-fighter” archtype right.

Dime must work in the salt mines

vote Black Dahlia and Stanley.

pleeease dont let the stupid loli characters win…

Dime why you cryin? Also vote for Scythana.

(Reads post, looks at icon)

…so about those “loli” characters…

Im against any character whos design seems weak for the purpose of being weak. So i hate phoenix wright and dan, and roll and servbot. After that you could add in girlie characters that have little to no fighting skill on there own. Filia gets a slight pass cause she at least looks like a woman, not a girl, though yes filia and even bella to an extent are kinda meh cause both have to use familiars to beat ass. But its whatever. I just think that the pet part of sg is very well represented already with both filia and bella using parasites of one form or another to do there fighting for them… So umbrella (as a design) starts to look like a pallette like smoke to scorpion to subzero to etc etc generic ninja character from the mk universe… Its the same way in sg imho. Which is why i didnt want to see taliesin in… Hes already in, in a way. And no i dont think that a convenient storyline loophole of many characters in the sg universe using pets is just a perfect way to get around it.
But like i said its, meh.

As far as all those smash characters are concerned, i have no idea about any of their fighting styles save for luigi… And he helped save princesses and jumped over lakes of fire, held his breath underwater for huge amounts of time, killed with fireballs and jumped higher than any man alive today… I dont think luigi is without his asskicking skills.

Also, im an easy sell on asskicking. Isaac has mechanics and time travel… Fuck it, seems kickass to me. Ever been hit upside the head by a random hand tool? I have and ive also hit someone with one… Not pretty. Very kickass.
And going on im not against all those designs for non asskickery… Venus and marie are very kickass. Its the pnly reason why i wouldnt mind them being in. Its just that aesthetically and storyline wise they are both quite boring imho… But thats just me… I mean marie looks like a fucking cook… Is that an apron on her? Looks stupid unless shes designed to be a chef… But then we have a skullgirl that is a chef…really corny. But like o said its meh.

At that dude that said people have there own opinions: well no shit. The problem is not realizing that sme things are facts and others are opinions.

Fact: little girls can not fight and expect to win against grown men or women.

Non fact: So in order to to have fun using them one has to suspend belief in there inability to kick ass.
Which is fine for some but im not arguing the second point. Its as inarguable as the first point. Im simply pointij g at the first point and saying… “Yeah thats pretty stupid” its meh, just my opinion.

Well, I need to go cry into my pillow because Roxie’s cut. Brb.

It’s fine to have an opinion Dime, yours just seems inconsistent, and maybe a tad sexist.

So an old man named Issac can fight because he has mechanics that allow him to time travel, but Umbrella who has a monster of a umbrella can’t because she’s a little girl? Marie has an apron because she influenced by maid like characters in other fighting games?

Where are you on B.B Hood or Doronjo?

Luigi is a joke character who is known for using a vacuum character and looking silly.

For what it’s worth, Filla looks like she’s underage to me. Are you against Annie? She’s not actually a little girl, she just looks like one.

Top 4 will be Black Dahlia, Issac, Annie (or Umbrella/Minette), and Marie, you heard it here first, lol. I wonder how much salt that will be.