Rose Strategies and Match-ups

oh my bad i meant SFIV rose haha.

I may actually main Rose perhaps.

It really depends on who your playing against to be honest. She’s got enough moves to be offensive and defensive. At the GS tourny casual play station I easily countered every shoto’s move. From reflecting fireballs to stupid ken and ryu’s jumping and thinking they are going to come in on a shoryuken…Hurray anti air throw <3 or the stupid Gouki’s who would Raging demon across the stage with no buffer or kara. It was like oh hey demon slide check this out! SHAM-WOW!!! IT SOAKS UP ALL THAT ULTRA BABY!!! IT EVEN WORKS ON COLA ON THE CARPET!!!WOW

How do you guys handle shoto crossups? I could only block.

EX Spiral or dash if its late. The spiral is kinda unpredictable as it could go in either direction in a crossup situation it seems.

Yep ur right. Akuma’s 3 hit fireball be reflected back at him. let him take chip damage instead:rofl:. The Ex Reflect just comes out faster (probably a waste of super metre) but can reflect EX projectiles.

if they are half screen away, I never soul spark at all, as it is highly likely that you can get punished. if you want to extend the distance, dash back then fireball. It is generally a far more safer option IMO. If they stay grounded after lauching a LP soul spark, i start dashing in, Roses dash is very good in this game so use it often.

I use LP rather then LK then go for C MP or C MK then LP Soul spiral ( which is safer then the MP and HP versions)

You can’t cancel the C LK with any specials, tried that a number of times on my Hori EX stick, which i believe does a good job as the Mad catz one. Also use the S HK often if you have your opponent at around sweep range. The F+HK is also a good attack as well, but i prefer the S HK as it has better range.

I haven’t tested this myself, but I was watching my roommate play Balrog online last night and he got matched up against a Rose. It seemed like every dash punch he had was easily stuffed a by a non-EX Soul Spiral. Can anyone else confirm?

ok i just started to use rose yesterday and i went 22-3 all day! she is just amazing! but i did found i had a lot of trouble against Blanka, Chun-Li and Sagat(obviously), any pointers on facing them, also is there any other way to combo the Soul Drill, cause its a good move but im not using it too offen

Are you sure you know what you’re talking about? I’ve yet to be able to reflect his 3-hit fireball and f+hk has more range than Slower recovery, more range.

c.lp, c.lp, c.lp, soul drill. think of it like two fast c.lps, then a VERY slight delay c.lp xx soul drill, if you can’t get it. when I try three rapid c.lps into soul drill I can’t get the cancel. it’s weird to learn but worth it.

You can reflect Akumas red FB with a regular reflect. You CANNOT absorb it.

Cr. mp can be used as a late, low AA, because of that odd hitbox. Dee Jay’s cr. HK was like that in ST and HDR too. Also, Rose’s slide can hit jumping opponents or characters who whiff an uppercut, then if you’re fast, you should be able to hit her throw right after.

How do you guys set up Soul Throw correctly? I can never hit it, I’ll either A) get it with a j. RH, or B) be one inch too high or one inch to the left or right of my opponent. And what is Rose’s best reversal?

The cr. RH has pretty long reach, longer than most sweeps.

Yeah, Rose’s slide works alot like Dhalsim’s. You can use it as an anti-air and you can get around fireball’s with it (why would you with the reflect though?). It’s also a great meaty. The only downside to it is that it’s highly punishable, even from max-range. Rule of them is to not use it on characters with a quick reversal, like the shoto’s shoryuken, or on someone with their ultra charged.

All of that aside, I’ve found mixing up between sMK and throw after the slide to be useful. If you’re opponent attempts to throw then they eat a sMK followed by a combo, and if they block you can grab them.

Edit: I’ve found that using Soul Throw at the arc of their jump to be the best. I typically use MP Soul Throw.

i see what you did there :lol:

also after slide you can attempt hp reflect for the popup. use it sparingly though.

Uh… sorry, but you totally can absorb it with lp reflect.

Timing can be tricky on this one,

[quote=“Mechanica, post:89, topic:55179”]

Are you sure you know what you’re talking about? I’ve yet to be able to reflect his 3-hit fireball and f+hk has more range than Slower recovery, more range.

I have used her for a while and got my friend to fire off Akuma’s 3 hit fireball and it does work…You just have to know to time your reflecting. you need to use EX reflect vs EX fireballs

you can reflect the HP fireball (3 hit) with any of yours. Just need to make sure not to reflect too early so it wears off too soon.

just put it in training mode, set the dummy to spam HP fireballs and learn it.

Ok my toughest matchups right now are bison and sagat by far.

With bison his headstomps and devils reverse always catch me with the overhead and i get nabbed. I guess this is a general weakness of mine, but I worry when i go in his face because they like to headstomp even from close range. If i stay far away and try to zone with LP sparks the recovery is iffy against a headstomp if the guy is quick with it. I play a lot of jumping around games with him to try to combat this.

Sagat’s Tiger shots just come too fast. I block a few and try to get a rhythm to reflect them but change ups in speed really hurt me. These guys aren’t even that good and don’t capitalize with ultras, but the damage from shots just builds up over time and I and very hesitant moving in on him.

I do decently against zangief if i make sure i’m doing legit combo’s and not messing up the timing on my jump ins. It seems all gief’s are 360’ing the stick and mashing punch if they are getting hit. I also had great luck with forward HK vs green hands. It was trading or beating it cleanly most times. A good gief will still probably beat me down because they can tank so much damage, but oh well.

cr.hp is so godly as AA. Unless I screw up my spacing it stuffs everything 100% clean. Chun’s jumps seem to move slower than others and I always hit the button too early. But i’ve played all of 1 chun, so yea.

LP spark to forward dash to soul throw works well too if they like to jump over it. you gotta be quick about it but sometimes you can get there in time to snatch them out of the sky.

ex soul throw beats anything airbourne.

For Sagat, nothing is wrong with reflecting the first shot he throws, just don’t think you can pop each and every one; he spams them faster than you can. What I’ve been doing for shot-happy Sagats is I’ll throw back the first shot. If he throws a second, it’ll either cancel (same height), or he’ll get hit or have to dodge (different height). Either way, you’ll be allowed a free dash/walk+slide/FADC to get closer to him.

As for 'Gief, like a few other people have said, f HK shuts him down, completely. There’s absolutely no reason you shouldn’t spend most of the match just f HKing him out of anything he attempts to do. Lariat? f HK. Hand? f HK. Just keep him spaced. If he jumps in at you, cr. HP or Soul Throw him. It’s a really one-sided matchup.