Sagat has all kinds of stupid crap that really makes me scratch my head as to why Roses options are so limited. It’s really a shame and makes me think Sagat is broken to some degree…
Saqs- You wouldn’t happen to be goint to MWC would you???
Nah man. I believe my tourney traveling days are long gone.
I’ll be at FR if any of y’all are going.
edit: So, counterhit slide > cr.MP is a combo at max range. Even if you miss the link, it’s usually safe anyway. I always go for it, and you’ll most likely only be using slide at max range anyhow.
I’d heard that the super didn’t prorate after fierce reflect, but a minute in training showed that doing it from soul spiral still did more damage.
Since my execution isn’t as flawless as some, i cannot fully test the damage of these combos. Obviously scaling is a problem with them, so while its probably not worth it to do a long FADC combo string and end in ultra, it might still look really cool
Does ex spark -> FA 2 -> ultra work anywhere on the stage?
meter usage // combo // damage
4 Stocks // cr.MP xx LP spark FADC xx lp spark FADC xx Soul spiral // ?
3 stocks // xx lp spark FADC xx EX spark FA 2 Ultra // ?
Kudos to Saqs and his videos to turning me on to the hotness of the spark -> fadc spiral 4 hitter. I am going to really try to put her FA ultra combo into my game, as I would like a better option to unleash in addition to being a reactionary move.
Pretty positive any reliable EX Spark – FA2 - Ultra combos only (relaibly) work in the corner. There’s other version including not crumpling but they’re just not plausible in a match IMO.
The most damaging (400+ damage) 4 stock combo you’ll ever get will include super canceling.
update the first post already… zzzz
Im pretty sure its been in here
-close FK, c.lp xx drill
-meaty slide, c.lp drill
-meaty or CH close fk, xx drill
-meaty/ch mk c.lp or mp(if ch) xx drill
now some dumb ones
- ch close FK, c.fp xx drill
-meaty and ch slide, xx drill…lol
ok so i just did the fadc combo into ultra off of close shp and for the damage you get from it it is not worth the effort of risking fucking up during a match.
I give up. I love Rose and her various playstyles of keep away/throw the hell out of ya, but her combos are just :bluu:. I’ve been stuck on the 3 c.lp xx spiral xx super combo for forever and a day, only way I get three hits is canceling which of course means no special move, and whenever I hesitate even a frame for a link, Dan is out of range. I even watched a video of it last nyte and tried to steal the timing from that to no luck. whats adder si that I can do the higher combos already, just not THAT one.
This one Rosep layer I fought had a real nice combo, it was like jump-in, mp,, EX spiral, FADC spiral. The dmg wasn’t great, but it looked sah-weet.
- :bluu:
^ It’s just two c.LPs, wait a moment, c.LP > drill.
MAGUS1234, lol wow. I have to try some of those.
Yeah and in that moment, they are outside of hit range, if I speed it up just the slightest it seems like I’m just rapid firing.
I hate linking with a passion right now…especially when Shoto links are so easy in comparison…
- :bluu:
so why is it that everyone I see uses to combo into drill instead of they do the same damage, is safer on block?
i use it just because it has such priority and beats out many normals. Say I screw up and the other person tries to mash out a jab, usually will eat that up and keep moving. I think takes a little longer to come out too, but don’t quote me on that. stuffs alot of jabs, shorts, and is quicker than most other mids. You also dont have to worry about accidently sliding when going for a combo. A minor correctable thing but ive been killed because of it several times.
When my jump-in is ambigious, I often slide instead of C MK, losing me the combo indeed. So I guess i should lose the C MK in BnB and use C MP thanks to negatve edge though, C MK is slightly more trustworthy to go to Drill. When using C MP I tend to get MP Soulspark sometimes instead of Drill. i really try to release fast, but I cant seem to. Hopefully my cheap stick is to blame, not my dexterity:(
well i use cr.strong because its easier to link from cr.jab,cr.short link into and im all about using easier link to make sure i land my comboes, i dont know if it deals more damage or waht
I was never able to do it that way. Eventually I got it last night, but the timing feltl ike I was linking all three jabs…no change in tap speed.
- :bluu:
exactly how much damage does roses super do? i had to ask cuz on my lunch break i decided to go to my local eb games (my sf4 arcade setup :lol:) and decided to test some things with fadc. although i used ex spark for my combo i noticed you can still get four hits with lp soul spark from c.lp xx lp spark. with that being said i also messed up somewhere and noticed you can combo off an fadc from the lp spark (obviously). putting two and two together wouldnt it be a better use of meter do combo into lp spark fadc then combo into hk drill almost like abel fadc’s for his beefy stuff?
like i said when i did my combos i was using ex spark so i cant say it would be the same but speculating it sounds easily plausible. provided it is possible that gives rose a little something extra with a knockdown two meters still and the chance to mix it up with something due to the meters