Rose Combos and Glitches

Whats the timing on this? Cant do the Spiral out of the 3rd LP.

It helped me to do the first two really fast and slow up just a tad on the third lp. But I’ve moced on to linking since it links off both c.lp and and the drill still connects.

Also, I discovered that Blanka’s slide beats out Rose’s reversal ultra!:sad:

Really? I can’t nail it after MP.
I HP reflect and juggle with super a lot, man. You have to be quick on the timing and get the super out right when the animation for HP reflect finishes.

Found something pretty cool

st. hk, cr.lp, qcf+lk combos

I also believe you can jump in a Hp, mk or whatever and combo it. Though it may be easier in the corner.

Timing is tight but st. hk to cr.lp seems to have some good potential.

I thought I established that you can’t soul throw/ultra from the reflects :frowning:

people dont read you know that

How far back does st. hk put you? Can you connect the full c.lp string after?

And yes, you can Super after a HP Reflect., ex hcf+P, fadc, s.hp, qcf+HK

530 stun, 372 damage, works anywhere.

You can get 8 more damage on a wall if you do a second

Considering your standard, lk drill, super only does 420 damage and half the stun I prefer to burn 3 stocks on that combo.

If you’re feeling particularly like being flashy you can burn an entire bar on, ex hcf+P, fadc,,, ex drill. It’s 388 damage, and 510 stun so it’s pretty pointless to use.

c.lp,,, lk drill is 188 damage and 250 stun. It’s pretty solid just due to the poke string and being able to slide in safely

c.lp,,, ex fireball is 300 stun and 210 damage. This can actually be FADC’d into ultra as well. 250 stun 462 damage. I’m not sure why it was less stun.

I think maybe on the wall you can get the whole thing, I have to mess with it more. The timing is tight as hell, but I was able to get the combo I listed about 2 or 3 times earlier today.

I know I started the full thing and got to but I think you might get pushed too far by that point. I will have to play with it more for sure.

LK Soul Spiral from max distance is safe right? Or are all Spirals safe at max distance? Or none at all?

Anyways, after testing, Soul Spiral is hit confirmable into a super. So if you are too far for some links or want to catch your opponent off guard, you can do this too.

Rose’s meaty is close standing MK right? Lycan, the MK can also link to c.jab.

Back to the Soul Glo discussion, last night I did reversal Soul Glo and grabbed Ryu’s deep jump in hk. I have a lot of success with Soul Throw and beating out jump ins. Maybe it’s dependant on how close/far away you are from your opponent. I still need to mess with it more.

I skimmed through and I didnt see anyone mention:

j.HP, c.MP, HP soul reflect, super

It seems like you have to do this in a corner since you have to be in DEEP for c.MP HP soul reflect to combo. Its a nasty 8-hit and does awesome damage.

Sorry if this is old news.:sweat:

Does this do more damage than j.HP, c.MP, Soul Spiral, super?

LOL. I have no idea. How do I check? I was just happy I fucked around and found something not in this thread.

Can someone check the damage for this too:

j.HP, s.MK, MK soul spiral xx super

SF4 might actually be the first 2d game I sit down and LEARN.

Ya Yah… In Training Mode options, you can turn Input Data and Attack Data on.

It’s pretty difficult to Soul Throw on reaction, but I just fought a Cammy that kept jumping… EX Soul Throw twice to kill.

On another note, the trials that require Soul Reflect annoy me so much…

that one trial where you had to do j.hp heavy soul reflect i was on that for a
day till i was like hmm let me try jumping in then bam did it first try
boy i was pissed

its roughly around the same damage

Which one are you using? My shit gets stuffed.

I’m pretty sure I used reversal hp version.