Rose Combos and Glitches

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No not really. I don’t post often though. I’ve been playing Rose since Vanilla but have been mainly figuring things out on my own. I want to step up my game and this is the real source.


Very first combo is what I’m talking about as far as the orbs allowing HP Spark to combo.

This was something I never considered but I agree it is doable/viable.

I tested it as soon as I seen this. It works but it is not viable in the combo I use. But I am very greatful in knowing that this A. exists and B. that I can now use it.

I have come to this site to get better as a player and mainly as a Rose player.

Oh shit Pasqual my bad i never realized that you had the combo in your video i didnt mean to steal your combo like that my b. And i saw this video you made the day you put it up, but never put together that you were using hp.SSpark. Once again sry about tryin to bite your combo it wasnt intentional.

Tested it and it is an awesome combo. I really like Rose’s corner combos. Thanks for the link that video is the best Super Rose combo video I have seen yet.

Does anyone think that cr.HP xx lp.Soul Spark > FADC > U2 > cr.HP xx Soul Spiral is a good combo to use midscreen if you only have two meter and not full super?

I’d say that depends on how much of a damage deficit you need to make up. Like if you’re really down on life, then it’s probably completely worth it.

Ah, no worries. I lay no claim to the combos, just trying to get all the Rose tech out there that I can.

Thanks! I still need to update it with corner EX Spark -> cMP combos and midscreen Spark FADC U2 combos but it’s getting there.

If you’re comfortable with that combo I’d say go for it, yeah. It all depends on your preference in meter management and the situation.

I have few remark/question about combos,…

  1. xx spiral does 160 dmg ( and no hit confirm :slight_smile: )
  2. Cr.lp, Cr.lp,, xx Ex spiral does 168 dmg with the nerf of cr.lp ( was 208 is SF4 ! )
  3.,, xx hp spiral does 178 dmg ( an one Ex barre less)
  4.,,, xx Ex spiral does 186 dmg

with the nerf of cr.lp, I really don’t see the point of the second combo anymore. the third is only a little more difficult and don’t use Ex.
Am I missing something ?

I’ve try the Cr.hp xx hp reflect, FADC, U2, soul throw., it seems to be character dependent I’ve never manage to use it on Rose ( outside of the corner)
It 's really character dependent and if, on which character that doesn’t work ?

thank you for your time

hmm yeah i considered to use the latest one as well… but i guess i have the habit to do the second… lol

I like me some cLP, cLK, cMP xx LK Spiral as it’s good damage, good confirm, and works meterless on several characters. I also like to mix in cLK, cLP xx LK Spiral on hit/MP Reflect on block to throw people off.

If you’re feeling yourself and confident on the links you could always go sMP, cLK, cMP xx LK Spiral for something like 218ish damage and 400 style points.

i guess for mediocre players like me cr lp, cr lp is usefull to avoid mashed reversals mid combo (you know, it can be both a chain or link)… but i also think i should try to learn cr lk, cr lk one instead.

cr. lk seems like the one to go for now. Making the adjustment will be a little hard but it is very worth it.

I’m too used to doing c.lp, c.lp,, xx ex spiral to change it up, not trying to ruin my 95% rate lol. Besides I’d rather spend the time practicing -> c.lp links, much more important imo.

csMK -> cLP is so nice. I find it pretty easy as far as a 1-frame link goes, as well.

As an aside, if you’re playing online and worried about the cLK -> cMP link you can substitute a cLP in against some characters. So cLP, cLK, cLP xx LK Spiral at the cost of 32 damage and 40 stun. It works on wider characters, not so much on shotos or small stance people. It probably won’t be worth learning to be honest but it’s there.

I’m having a bit of trouble plinking but it just seems so necessary to play Rose. I always went with trying to learn the timing as apposed to plinking but I don’t think this will fly anymore. > cr.lp and > are very good BnB’s. Anyone have suggestions for plinking? Video? Anything?

You cant plink a c.lp though. It has the lowest priority out of any move in the game unless its chained

And yeahhh… it is a very necessary technique to learn. I plink a like 30 times per match. You need plinking for Rose’s combos and its good for getting any attacks out on the first possible frame. Eg. After bison’s scissors, after a slide, after a properly spaced HK drill, doing a as soon as you touch the ground after a jump so you’re always grab immune, and just during blockstrings in general.
I mean…you don’t NEED plinking to be able to function, but it tightens up your game so much. Its really the main reason it took me so long to main Rose, because shes heavily dependent on 1 frame links and I was terrible at them for a loooong time and now I can hit them 99% of the time.

what is the standard combo to use off of cr.lp? just cr.lp x2,,

depends on your preference. You can go

cr.lp,,cr.mpxxSSpiral/SSpark - it gives the same damage as the combo you listed and doesnt require ex to be completed. I would say use this combo on things that you punish with jabs if you can execute good.

cr.lp,,cr.lpxxSSwhatever - its an easier version of the above combo for 30 ish less damage and stun. Has a slight range issue but overal is a good combo IMO als can setup at tick is you fadc a SSpark.

cr.lpx2,,cr.mpxxEx.SSpiral - you can use hp.SSpiral if you want to try and finsh it without meter but most of the time it will get blocked you can also get hit out of this so be careful. IF you know your opponent is conditoned to blocking you can use this as a spacer for you slide so that way when it hits you will have adavantage.doing a Mp.SSpark at the end of the combo its gives you the perfect space to combo slide,

thanks i’ll work on those links then