Rose Combos and Glitches

I tried this easy combo

cr.HP Reflector(HP version) Aura Soul Spark!

Let’s see what other combos she has up her Shamwow!!!

I did noticed that someone tried to do a overhead on me and I did her Ultra and it hit :bgrin:

So I take it Soul Throw is pretty much useless unless you know your opponent is going to jump?

If you played A2 Rose, this is literally a cakewalk for you.

She still has c.lp,, , drill combo which can also have her super tagged onto it.

My combo of choice is:

jump in/crossup mk,,, hk drill (super cancel if possible) with the super it does almost half life.

Her ultra is a WONDERFUL anti-air and I’ve beaten a couple crossups with it:rofl:

Her slide goes under fireballs INCLUDING RYUS ULTRA!!!:amazed:

Soul throw is pretty damn good if your opponent is jumping in, ex version can go through dp’s (at least ryu’s anyway:tup:)

Meaty slide is an awesome tick throw mixup and her throws set it up perfectly

EX soul spark is balla!

Drills are pretty good on block from my experiences.

Drills aren’t safe on block. They are super punishable. If you’re going to use them as part of pressure, make sure at least your opponent isn’t capable of countering at the time or you’re at an ‘unpunishable’ range.

Slide goes under fireballs but the timing for it is PROPER. You can’t just mash it out and hope for the best, almost like her reflects really. If it connects meaty then you can link > drill from it.

Watch out if you whiff cr.hp though…it has insanely high recovery so everyone can punish it with a manner of shit, besides maybe, Lv3 FA’s, but I wouldn’t be surprised if those can connect as well, but a Lv2 will connect, so no need to go all the way for the extra damage, just in case Rose can get away.

Rofl, I beat out an el fuerte ultra with Rose’s.

i doubt its unblockable but would be cool if it was BUT you can SADC her lp soul spark and actually pass it with enough time to actually crossup the opponent (on a wakeup attempt of course) the spark hits on one side and you attack from the other. i had different timings on each attempt but one which was the best imo was where the spark hit the same time i went for the crossup dude didnt know how to block but ate the spark,, s.hp, and hp drill.

links in this game are so inconsistant (based on distance) however I found standing MP, crouching MP, drill to be consistant after a jumpin or up close. it’s a toss up after crossup MK. This game just doesn’t like you linking medium attacks or something.

ex soul throw ftw. Rose is really good in this.

Just make sure you get the© > cr.lp > > > EX drill link combo…her© is anti-throw, and is a good wake-up attack so I believe this is an important combo to learn (you may be able to get a normal drill on some characters, but ex drill always works).

Anyone know of any uses for her FA yet? As of now I don’t see her really needing it. She has projectiles and can absorb/reflect them to deal with projectile characters. She has a good AA in soul throw/ultra/super.

Also, meaty lp soul spark into super is the shit! Cuts right through Ryu’s reversal ultra even though it’s BEEN out there:rofl:

Speaking of her super, it’s pretty sick, you get soooo much time to decide what you wanna do next on hit or block. if it gets blocked, you can dash up and mixup between throw,,, hk drill. jumpin/crossup mk into a combo. You you can even just chill and if they jump soul throw:tup:

School needs to hurry the fuck up and be done mannnnn:crybaby:

Her ultra just traded hits with Bison’s EX scissors kick… I’m starting to have doubts ;_;

I’m disappointed in the lack of using cr.hp as AA.

You have to be pretty dang clost if you wanna counter ex/super/ultras with rose. Her ultra isn’t all that invincible, but has good priority it seems. But I don’t know what kind of situation you were in so…:bluu:

Edit- Zakuta, is c.hp really that bad? I hit it almost every time last night. Stopped crossups and all. Granted it’s not as awesome as it was in A2 (same story for, but it still gets the job done for me. If you feel comfortable, soul throw dat ass!

super plus ultra i know from full screen you can follow the super if it connects can you get ultra afterwards also?

What? I don’t know what you’re trying to ask:confused:

No, I’m just pointing out that no-one else points out that cr.hp is a very good AA to use too.

I love cr.hp. Its stuffed all kinds of things cleanly tonight. After reflecting some fireballs the shoto noobs got excited and tried to jump in just to get stuffed 3x in a row by cr.hp before they gave up. I gotta learn my spacing better because I would throw in out when they were landing in front of me and then get punished for it.

How does soul spiral do trade wise on jump in’s if they are going to land shallow?

I haven’t found too much use for the air grab. Rarely do opponents feel the pressure so much that they jump away, and with no hyper armor on the EX grab it just loses cleanly when they press and decent air button. in my experience anyway. EX has good distance, but unless I am mistaken it can’t absorb any hits while flying at the opponent.

I need to stop burning super meter on ex soul sparks and just save it for the drill/super combo. I just do a cr.jab xx drill xx super instead of trying to link 3 jabs. I still don’t have that stupid timing down yet

just like it sounds can you connect the ultra after following the super if it hits or do the hit a dead state?

Xero - No. You can combo it from ex soul spark tho.

Willy - EX Soul Glo (aka Soul Throw) has a very brief perood of invincibility it seems. I’ve gone right through jumpins with it so take what you will from that. Also, regular Soul Glo can grab tatsumaki’s so if you block one…:tup:

If you’re fighting shotos, burn all the damn meter you want on ex sparks, you get it right back anyway since they’re gonna break down and try to use fireballs for spacing. just be sure to mix in ex sparks and horizontal reflects to keep em back.

Also, rose can slide under low tiger shot, but it’s a pretty tall otder, so i’d rather just block it until i master that:bluu:

I finally went an unlocked all the characters, and damn, Rose is righteous.

Here’s one of my favorites:
j.hp, hp, ex soul spark, fadc, hp, drill

Crouching HP is great for jump-ins from what I’ve done; very rarely did I end up trading hits with anything. The only problem is learning when to use it: if my opponent lands even slightly in front of me, I whiff, and the recovery on that thing isn’t exactly forgiving…

Rose is looking very good right now.