I switch it up just to be safe…c.mp spark has a little bit of pushoff incase you have someone that can’t play long distance or you need space yourself…I use drill when someone whiffs a strk or I get a j.hp…
I see I see. I figured it was for the knockdown, but on the other hand, lp soul spark has more combo potential that could lead to a knockdown.
I know the mp and HP soul sparks aren’t safe on block, which is why I said lp. It should have enough pushback and a low enough startup to be safe right? Sort of like shotos C.MK -> hadouken.
I guess distance is another issue I hadn’t considered.
Drill = knockdown and perferc setups for crossups and throw mixups
There’s a moment when you do an ultra while your opponent is jumping over you and she auto tracks with her ultra… when exactly do you do her ultra for this?
I find myself missing an ultra by doing it the wrong way countless times…
This really bothers me.
To be honest I’ve done it once or twice but it’s pure luck…its the crossup thing that makes you do it…i guess if you buffer it and do it just late enough, you cross up and do it to the opposite side…just a timing glitch i assume…
I was actuallty thinking about this today as a counter for crossups that arent very deep: do the motions in the regular directions athen press PPP when they cross. The window for ultra is really large so this must be possible.
Sadly enough, its tricky to grab a crossup with her ultra as her ultra requires people t be above head height.
So has OP given up on this thread, officially? I think it’s about time to start a thread for practical combos and maximing damage output to condense information. I remember there was a thread in General where people were listing the most damage characters could do with all 4 levels of meter and whether Ultra was up or not (so basically, the highest damage combo for any possible meter situation.
I’ve had this issue too… but something tells me that if a player is “crossing you up”, they must do an air attack for the ultra to turn around. because there have been times when say a gief player crosses me up, and I do the ultra towards the direction they’re coming from, and it goes that way even though they’re like 1 frame from landing behind me. I remember not exactly seeing any motion for an attack, so that’s my best guess… often times I’ll just try soul throwing away if I have enough space and am unsure of the ultra hitting.
I was thinking about testing this today… I’ll get back with an answer.
Also on a related note: anybody else have trouble going from crouch position into any soul throw while having full super meter? too often have I just thrown away a super and leaving myself wide open for massive punishment… is there a good technique for getting the soul throw out from crouching? A part of me thinks that opponents are baiting me to use my super by accident, and if so, that’s really lame strategy.
I think different character models are considered to have crossed you up at their own unique points in the actual jumpover. I’ll have to try that in training, attempting to do Rose’s Ultra at arbitrary point in other char’s crossovers. It may also have to do with whether they threw out an attack or not, I don’t know about that one.
Reset to neutral/thumb off the pad in between the crouch and the dp motion. Elsewise, just jump in training and check your input display or try the :df::df: shortcut.
So I take it nobody’s going to flame me if I start a new thread on Rose’s practical combos and damage maximizing? We need a better resource and we can keep this thread for discussion as it is now.
I guess it’s all speculation on if the timing is unique to the character… I’d like to think that it shouldn’t take so much consideration doing a crossup ultra depending on the character you play against.
I’m not sure what jumping in training will teach me for doing soul throws, and I dont know what the :df::df: shortcut is.
And no I won’t flame you for a new yet related topic. it’s a good idea. people need to know that j.HP>HP>MSpiral does more damage than j.HP>c.MP>LSpiral.
Eh, the auto-redirect is a bad thing in my opinion. It helps as a Rose player, yes, but makes crossups less effective in general and is a little too helpful for mashing.
SFIV has shortcuts for some inputs. Dragon punch motion can be done :df::df: (or :df::d::df: I believe if you don’t want to reset to neutral), and 360s can be done with only 225 degrees (:l::db::d::df::r::uf: for example).
As for the jumping, I meant jump into training mode, not jump while in training mode; that wasn’t very well put. In training mode. Practice crouching into Soul Throw and check your input display.
Things like that just need to be discussed and clarified. Having a listing of combos (maybe also seperated by Easy/Medium/Hard or Offline/Online in relation to links and FADCs) that maximize Rose’s damage (one of her bigger weakpoints) could be immensely useful.
And the other aspect is practicality. jHP - sHP xx Spiral is nice but how often are you going to get jHP on a standing opponent? Not to mention jHK is a little easier and does more damage. I’m more interested in things like higher damage followups to crossup jMK instead of cMP xx Spiral and smart ways to follow up Spark FADC.
Ah thanks for the advice.
I think I use jHP more than jHK just because it’s flashier and might make my opponent think I’m doing something fancy. Also I sometimes time my jHP to either trade or ward off DPs if I crossover from close range…
If you want practicality, then its all about focus dashing into combos, but you gotta take risks to get big money. And Rose isn’t exclusively about her combo game. there isn’t too much you can get away with when it comes to gief or balrog.
Have you noticed there’s a small space to stand from in which you do Rose’s sHK and it ends up being the more anti-air version yet it whiffs? that’s one of the biggest problems I’ve had with using sHK to follow jump in attacks.
jHP has its uses, yeah. You can also crossup with it but it’s super tight timing and spacing.
There’s more than a few moves that have that type of whiffbox. It’s just a matter of spacing and not letting yourself be there.
I remember Fei having that issue too with LK when close in ST/HDR. It’s ridiculous imo, the CPU chooses for you that it’s close, yet the close version is too far to hit. I’d call that a bug, rather than a layer of skill
I meant more that you just don’t let yourself fall into a situation for it to occur. Only using whiffbox moves at point blank or substituting other moves in its place like we do with clHP for clHK.
But now I wonder if the distance for determining close/far versions is arbitrary between all characters which would explain it. Something to look into.
I was in training mode earlier against Gouken and noticed he doesn’t have any whiffbox for cl.HK so I guess it depends what character you’re playing against. I imagine the bigger the better. Or also which direction the character goes when you hit them. if they “duck” when getting hit then maybe the cl.HK will whiff because it’s more anti air than all-purpose.
Yes, well… the close attack is spawned when your middle reaches a certain distance of the opponents middle. Its hitboxes that ultimately determine whether it actually hits.
The bug is that sometimes the opponents hitbox is so small horizontally that it whiffs, although the centers are close.
I dont like that idea. I mean, if a fighter would choose to hit close because he thinks his opponent is close, he should be right. You dont have that choice, the CPU chooses for you, so the CPU should be right. It’s just a question of numbers… he knows the widest hitbox so he could adapt for you.
ex combo: j.hk s.hk xx hcf.pp FADC s.hk xx qcf.k
434 DMG, 680 stun
Why, not just list it as: j.hk, s.hk, EX spark, FADC, s.hk, lk drill?
Just like Ken, you can easily link her j. fierce into her Ultra… amirite?