Roll Cancel is Useless?

that what I was trying to explain… that 1 frame is there… and make huge diference!!!

I agre… 2 of us have some vision to rise! the other one… oh well… think he is the best of the world =pp


All discussion about frames started because I said: You need to roll then cancel (it wouldnt be a roll cancel if there was no roll). I know RC is done by taping roll then instantly a button, while doing the movement, there is no time to think. You dont see the rolling animation most of the times, but it is there.

But, you cant roll before Wake up as you do with Shoryuken, instantly, it comes from the ground. You cant Get up rolling. So, in the history in the begining about Kuwabaras Shinkuu-Hadouken and Shins RC Hadouken to evade the Shinkuu-Hadouken was about the best solution, that was not RC Hadouken, because it has a Recovery time, Shin could just roll and do more damage than RC Hadouken.

If Kuwabara landed the Super before, Shin would be dead.

To test and see if Wake up rolling is truly impossible you can try to Evade Shinkuu-Hadouken, Chun-lis Hyakuretsu Super, or a Bisons c.HK.

Thats all.

Oh, i didnt say my Vega is the best, Shin said. I said Im proud of my Vega. Everybody is proud of ones best character.

And what has the Rock s.HK to deal with the issue? If you read some posts before, you will see that I dont attack when the opponent is waiting, when somebody said something like “If he truly jumps a lot, RC Torpedos will crush him”.

Please, read before posting.

Strange… Shin always think he is the best and better than me, even withou brain. Rise your vision, then Ill send you to hell again.

Even more strange than it, is that everytime Kuwabara posts, Shin posts soon, I think they live together as Wife and Husband…

And judging by the time, it is more than midnight in pacific standard time, maybe they like to use the internet before going bed after their wildsex nights.

U had tryed to do thateven once? actually udidnt see the situation, But I am sure(kuwabara too) that if I made da ROll, his Ryu would recover faster then my froll finished, then who would take more damage would be me… and I hadnt any life… neither for take a hadouken… so… can utell me again… why rolling is bether then RC in this exatly situation?

He did that timing…(Why u insist in nothing?) but I could do Roll cancel!.. U even know that if a blanka know u down, he get near of u and RC eletric, u can escape with a RC?

When u learn how to perform RC u try and u will see… simple…

uhn… Im sorry… if u actually didnt… so… can u explain this???

“”"I think Shin was trying to put this link for you, where Justin Wong punishes Manuel, instead of being punished:

So, that is truly my Vega!"""

Maybe i didrun fron school… but that means u r comparing urself to wong right?

again??? when was the first time?

oh no… he discoverd… again trying to beat how my life is… how wonderfull he is… his husbund must be proud!
… .again… lost in words… now saying just ofences cause he cant win in words… just useless…

now you’re bothering me.
Every post around this time (1 am here) is because I’m online. I always post first and then I tell him to read it (by MSN).

just go lick your cat’s ass. I hope your cat mess up your ps2 again :party:

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Impossible! Shoryuken or others without RC yes, but RC moves impossible!

That was later, and was a Joke.

The first time was 10 x 2 for me, with lack of challenge by my opponent. No pleasure, fear or some adrenaline.

U mean… that time when I was just trying to use the first tiem used skills I trained? I didnt feltlike hell at all… really, I felt like a circus… will not explain now… but its fine to me know…

Done! Thts ends the conversation, that only shows ur lack knowledge bout RC… I could show u lots of RC exatly like that… but I just got that videos… to much ones… Kuwabara can show u some… soem easy exemples that even u would understand! Like Wake up RC eletric beating RC eletric… Hubikis RC(run slash) scaping from RC eletric… simples…quite simple…

PLEASE stop.

All of you just shut up. You guys make my head hurt with your stupidity.

I love the broken english.

is this azis guy serious? he sounds like he’s been practicing vs. cpu too much.

I know that kinda Balrog. My Balrog and this other guy in North Carolina have the similar Balrog’s. When he plays his Balrog against other people then the opponents go like. Lamont’s gotta cheat with Balrog again. LOL

K-Groove was first place before in a CVS2 tourney and K-Groove beat roll cancel teams, etc.

:rofl: what the hell was this thread about. I just decided to look through it and i come in to see some crazy shit lol

lol,me too.

first off you guys need to chill and take whoevers advice it was and SHUT THE FUCK UP. truthfully ya boy sounds kinda ignorant,but hes on his exctasy because he beat you two. and hes thinking hes all up there and nothing you say will matter. i know people like that. until i upped my game and raped some fool,he was never cool at all. never even told me how to ROLL. just raped my chars and laughed. of course i fucked him up for it though,but thats not the point. point is: after you start raping this bitch he’ll be ALL OVER YOUR DICK LATER!

everything you say to him will be gold.

btw,this friendship ya have going on is straight fake.

soon you’ll realize it and put the sticks down-and put the fists up

When u just start train to use rc, it seem quite useless.

when u master the rc move, then it is quite fun to use.

when u can rc in ur normal strategy and combo, it is extremely useful.

These just my experience when learning rc.

it hurts my brain reading this thread.