You two piss me off. Shin, pelase be shorter.
What piss me off is that everytime I write I must explain it two or three times because you dont understand.
Shin: If you really performed all that RC you just said, you wouldnt loose.
If it is that me on the video, you shold won. But you were not even a pleasant challenge.
I said Obot64 dont win the EVOs and others (I never heard), but knows a lot about the game, just like you. And it is not all that is needed to win.
You dont play for just 2 or 3 months. But if you want to say that, I consider you like that, practice more then come to me again.
Kuwabara, about the control, I know, I dont like that control too. About moves that cant be punishable without RC, Ive already wrote. The DC/PS2 adaptor was already shipped for me, I hope, you can then play in your favorite pad.
I know diferent characters have diferent Roll lenghts. And what?
Remeber: One frame in a 60 frames per second game is 1,6666… seconds/100 (cs) lenght, two is about 3cs, 4 frames are about 6cs. So, 4 frames (that is not even 1/10 second, it is almost 1/20 of a second) may not save you even with torpedos, so, thats why Im sayig that it is good as defense, you have that invencibility with a security window. If you perform a torped and I do a back jump, Ill hit you. If I were closer, I would just guard. So, how do you use this as a attack unless I use a fireball? There are other ways, I said it is like parry: Most of you RC through fireballs. Most of you (me, I confess) cant parry Chun-lis Super Art 2.
6 frames are 1/10 second-> 1 second = 100centiseconds it means that we have 60 frames in 100centiseconds, so, 6 frames in 10 centiseconds (= 1/10 second)
About the question in the first page: It is needed to have time to roll to perform a roll cancel? I already said that yes, and now Ill explain why much people may think no: It is because of the “RETINAL PERSISTANCE”, a natural phenomena,it is the time between what you see (the light that reach your retina) and what is sent to your brain before being “transformed” into an image. It have a window of 1/10 second and 1/17 second, variations among people. So, you couldnt be capable to see something between less than 3 to 6 frames. I said you COULDNT, it is because you will propably not see less than 6 frames, because the NTSC TVS (not HDTV and LCD screens, and others with 100 frames/second) tranfers the image with a speed of 30 frames per second (29,97 if you want the exact number), it means that the TV will just disapear with some frames, better, half of the frames, making the game runs at 30 frames/second. The 100 HZ TV shows the field twice.
What I said, hear from me, Ill tell it here.
I didnt say that RC is useless unless it is for Defense, I said it is MOST and well used for defense (counter attack is a defense, if it was not, you should be attacking, and if you perform a RC attacking, the opponent will guard, for example: I play Tae-Kwon Do for 6 years and this definition is considered for us a defense, if you are waiting for a kick, you are on defense, depending on the attack you do a counter-attack, when you are hiting two, three or four kicks, you are attacking, there is no way back or counter attack during attacks). I said Torpedos are the most used in attacks (remeber the definitions). Of course power tackle and that rocks movement are torpedos-like.
Kens funky kick, because of his short hitbox, is most used in defense, if Shin had really performed that RC kick, it should be like a anti-air (a defensive movement). I ask what somebody already asked in this topic: Why not a Shoryuken instead of this kick?
Shin and Kuwabara: What I want to say, just let me say, ok? Dont talk for me.
And one more thing: Dont make me bored.