Roll Cancel is Useless?

Can I RC on x-box version, if not can someone please post a vid of what one looks like

Arcade, DC & PS2 versions have RC.
Xbox & GC don’t.

As for videos, go to > tutorial videos > CvS2. Character tutorial videos usually have RC stuff.

rofl azis
ur shit please shut the fuck up
id like to see any toptier player from toronto destroy u and hopefully strip u of ur dignity and possibly ur ego.
and another thing… c groove doesnt have small jump so idunno how u do small jump hks with vega and manage to also air block

as to the topic:
being an agroove user with vega/blanka/sak/bison, i roll cancel with ALL of those characters, and very frequently so.
lemme put it this way:
— >> sakuras hurricane kick is a midtier move. rc it and it becomes oneof the most powerful moves in the game. same as her fireball, which does obscene guardcrush and chip damage.
— >> vega: if used right (aka not abused), a rc vega roll is just about the most annoying and useful moves possible. especially a LP one. an LP vega roll thats rc’ed is basically a 2 hit c.FP thats unretaliable.
— >> blanka: arguably one of the best a groove characters. rc electricity is one of the cheapest most powerful moves in the game. does unholy guard crush+chip damage. and itspretty too. u hop do rc elec, opponent gets up with wakeup uppercut and eats the electricity, then u start CC. blanka ball is useful against projectiles. and one thing thats MOSt underused that i think is the future is abusing RC hop (lp+lk ~ kk). at close to mid range, its simply deadly. goes through normals/fireballs/etc and u can activate or do whatever.
— >> bison: i find that rc crusher is somewhat limited, as it can still be blocked and punished. but have u seen a person using RC DP with bison? its invincible for nearly the entire animation, and also uncounterable (dont quote me on that about FP DP). his charge D, up + punch rc’ed is monstrous too as it allows u to do it in close range of the opponent.

keep in mind that im complete shit at this game.
if noodleman or gejay is reading this, please slap some insight on this bitches ass

it does have disadvantages. number 1 is that u can be thrown out of an rc’ed move.
the craziest thing i did:
ken does fullscreen fireball
my blanka does RC ball thru the fireball
ken is jumping already and grabs my blanka in the middle of the air and does a kick air throw.

all in all, rc is possibly the most useful thing in the game. but as my friend xpac786 says, u gotta remember that its just a glitch, and the game is fine without it.

OH on a side note: u can do wake up rolls…ive seen chunlis roll out of a rc electricity countless times.

Thread over. :pleased:


Greatest discussion ever. :nunchuck:

Eave of Fall
Seeking wisdom
Finding bullshit

why hasn’t this thread been closed again?

in a battle city vs city, the Azis with no Roll cancel didnt made a victory… I with A Scrub… roll cancel and stuff made 10 victories… so… I think I proved to him the power of it… just the thing everyone here knows right?