Rolento's rushdown(pressure) strings

yeah i know, but some moves put you in block stun for a very short time so it can make you whiff the alpha counter and the stupid f+mk would come out.

correct me if i’m wrong but shiro (japanese rolento player) tried to alpha counter and messed up, with the f+mk coming out instead.

Ah, I see what you mean, but if you alpha counter it’s most liekly a second c.lp you were waiting for, or a super to cheese you out (best use for an ac imo … otherwise i like to wait for a-meter… although i’ve been thinking i should use it to stop from being guard broken more.) But yea, having that happen would suck, it mighta even happened to me , i just dont alpha counter enough to remember :bluu:

You can down+KK pogo hop after a jump attack during CC. It seems anytime you are landing in CC mode you can down+KK pogo hop. Even after a knife.

How useful, I don’t know. But might be fun to try if your CC gets blocked.

…trying combofiends custom i can get it sometimes but does anyone know the exact timing to get them in the air then rh knife into minesweeper?

the combo can be seen in the media section combofiend vs valle

You’ll see that lots at MAT. That is if ratio1beatdown sues rolento. I hear that’s the way he does the custom.

I think the timing on the s.roundhouse xx knife part is the same as s.roundhouse xx super… then do the super as you land. I havnet been able to practice it (or even try it more than once) but i’ve been told by my friend who’s done it that that’s the way it is… I just do s.roundhouse xx super.

i c however doesn’t combofiend use the s.fierce into knife?